Noticed that some people looking for partners to play with so I thought of adding a list of al people intersted in joining the online commuity at the beginning of this post. I'll add the OR nickname followed by the skype handle as it's so far the standard communication channel for the community
(Other players showed interest also, but I am listing the guys who posted their skype handle in the OR forum. So please let me know here if you want your name and handle on this list):
Looking for an online opponent?
Click the show button below!
If you wanna be added too, post your Skype id here.[/h1]
Available Players[/h2]
FelixPhantasm - toddarney
Krol - ilia_alex_kur
Haldir_Strikes - john.yance
jpchewy01 - jpchewy01
MuslimRohirrim - muslimrohirrim
Finally the tutorial is ready
you can download it from this link:
http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=4a74 ... b9a8902bda[/h1]You download the "VOTR Basics Demo 1.02" files (2 files), put them in the same dir and open the *.vlog file. walk through the tutorial with the "one step foward" and "redo" buttons. The demo was made using VOTR 4.06 module. Let me know if you have any questions or issue.
Original Post[/h2]
This post is to help people use vassal software and VOTR module to play lotr over the internet. It eleminates the barrier of distance that separates the LOTR population. I'll try to put quick tips for using the module and will also try to answer your questions as much as I can.
Actually using Vassal is as easy as drag and drop. all you need to do is:
- download the software and module
- install the software
- import the module in the software
and you're ready to play.
I'll try to give you some quick hints now and once you download and open the module feel free to ask anything and I'll be happy to answer as much as I can. Also guys involved in the new born online gaming community

are invited to help as they could or correct me if I am wrong or if I missed anything. I'll repeat the posted links to be all in one place for the campaign reference.
Step 1: Downloading links
[spoiler]# VASSAL (free software):
http://vassalengine.org/community/index ... &Itemid=26
# LOTR module: (VOTR4.06.vmod.zip)
http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=4a74 ... b9a8902bda
# Skype: our current communication channel
# A tutorial about how elevation affects the LoS in Vassal: (this is a proposal that may be discussed and improved)
Two files are in the same link as the module above (3rd dimention rules - Demo 1.02.vlog and 3rd dimention rules - Demo 1.02.vsav). save both of them in the same dir.
Now your're set and ready to go.[/spoiler]
Step 2: Openning the Module & Starting a game
[spoiler]# Install the VASSAL software and open it.
# from file menu choose "import module" and open the VOTR4.06.vmod.zip file you downloaded. Now an entry of the module should appear in the software list.
# double click the entry to open the module
# If you're trying to test it by yourself you can go for the offline option, if you wanna play online you choose the online option.
# you'll be prompted to choose a ready made map. Just fot testing you can choose any one. (later you can make your own)
# the board will open. to view the board click the "Board" button in the VOTR controls window. you may want to resize or move the map window to be able to see the controls window again.
# Click "Pieces" to show all available pieces. you have tabs for Good, Evil, Terrain... to open and choose from. A pane will show with all sub categories (evil lists for instance). you may need to resize the list panes to see their contents.
# drag the image (not the name) of any piece you want to the board. you can further move the piece around by drag and drop if you need to adjust its place. After placing the terrain pieces you can highlight to control them again by shift+click (not just normal click for models). right click on any piece to see its control options.[/spoiler]
The games has many shortcuts (e.g. ctrl+L while highlighting a piece will show the radar ruler to show you the movement range). you can still use the right click on the piece to show it, but with time you'll learn them and it'll be very fast to play (even faster than picking and stretching your measuring tape in real time games!

After installing the VASSAL and importing the module, you can open the tutorial files just by double click the *.vlog file in "My Computer" and it'll open in VASSAL automatically. open the board normally and use the "step forward" and "redo" buttons to walk through the tutorial.
There are some more ready made maps you can download from the following link:
One last thing, a great feature that you can record all the game while you're playing along with any chat you made during the game. so basiclly you won't need any further effort making a report than just post/mail the saved file of the game along with its log file.
I'll stop now. Please let me know when you try it and come back with any questions you may have and we can go from there.