whafrog wrote:
Nice work and love the ideas. But you know I'm going to comment

For 100 points, Faramir should at least get 3 attacks. It's all about dice and odds, and it's hard to justify fielding a 100 point model that can only roll 2 dice. Those dice are the only thing between the enemy and his 2 wounds...speaking of which...again, it's a bit low just because it's a lot of points invested. I'd almost prefer to take 2 normal captains: twice the wounds, 1 more might, and greater flexibility. I don't know that he needs Fight 6...
For Beregond, I kind of liked having the option of a low-cost hero to fill things out. Maybe his son can fill that void...
It's always a gamble. Some people would cry out that making Faramir a 3A, 3W "Kombat Monstur!" is way over the top. Maybe I should drop his Fv back to 5 and give him an extra Attack. The Courage is justified, I think, since he risked his life in daring actions many times in the books.
Beregond is a bigger Hero now, yes, but I think the precedent set in WoTR (where he is Fv5) allows for this. I'm not finished yet, so there will definitely be some small Heroes. I've already painted my spare Damrod in an alternate scheme, and I doubt I'll alter his profile. I also like your idea of using Bergil as a young Guardsman character.
As for the Rangers using horses, why wouldn't they? There is precedent for this; the Rangers of the North use them in both the books AND the game. Rangers of Ithilien use them to retreat from Osgiliath in the book and film, so obviously they KNOW how to ride at the very least.