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 Post subject: hard to kill table
PostPosted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 11:26 pm 
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Just trying to work out what it means
is it that when a model loses all its wounds it roll on the table and say if it roll a five loses 2 wounds?
then if a troll with 2 wounds only loses 1 on the table does that mean you have to kill it again and try to force it to get another wound?
that would mean a model with very hard to kill and 3 wounds would take ages to kill!
and if I wound a troll 8 times does that make it 4 rolls on the table or just one?
thanks I'm trying to teach a new guy and that was a problem I didn't understand

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 12:17 am 

Joined: Mon Nov 09, 2009 10:33 am
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Normally a model has Resilience value in its profile. This means the number of successful hits needed in order to kill it. So most infantry has R1, and so need 1 hit to kill a model. Most cavalry has R2, and so needs 2 hits on them to kill one.

A hard to kill model means that when they take hits equal to the Resilience value, instead of dying you roll on the hard to kill table. Each 'wound counter' (don't confuse this with 'wounds' in 40k and fantasy) on the model increase the dice roll score by +1. If a Hard to Kill model takes several rolls on the table, each roll is applied one at a time.

eg. A troll has Hard to Kill! and has Resilience 2. It suffers 3 hits, so it rolls one time on the Hard to Kill table, and the other hit is discarded. Let's say it already has 1 wound counter on it, and you roll on the table. You roll a 3. So 3 + 1 (wound counter) equals 4, so you apply the '4' result on the table.

Let's say a new troll takes 6 hits. This means 3 rolls on the table (6/2=3). Instead of rolling it all together, you roll the first die, then apply the result. Then you roll the second, adding any wound the first roll gave you. Then roll the third, applying any wound counter the first two rolls gave you. If that still doesn't kill the troll, then the wound counters stay with it until the battle is over or it dies.

Resilience works very differently from wounds in 40K and fantasy.
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 3:16 am 
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so then if a troll has 2 wound counters and rolls a 4 that means he is slain
(because 4+2 would mean a slain effect on the table
but if he rolls a 3 it just means he gets 2 wound counters?
that would make sense............... I think! :roll:

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 3:44 am 
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Joined: Mon Apr 13, 2009 8:39 pm
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That's correct. :wink: Well done. 8)

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