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 Post subject: AdeptiCon 2010: LotR Events and More!!
PostPosted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 6:37 pm 
Elven Warrior
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AdeptiCon 2010 Registration Now Open!
It’s time to gather up your wargaming buddies and start making travel plans, because its that time of year again!

Online registration for AdeptiCon 2010 is now open at

AdeptiCon 2010 will take place on March 26-28th, 2010, at the Westin Lombard Yorktown Center in Lombard, IL, just outside of Chicago. In this, our eighth year, we’re run a jam-packed schedule of tournaments, seminars, and free events to make sure that this AdeptiCon is the best ever. Gamers and hobbyists from across the country and the world will converge on Chicago for a weekend of fun, friendship, and miniature wargaming excitement.

Register today at

The More Things Change…
Every year AdeptiCon has grown and added new events, and this year’s no different. This year, AdeptiCon welcomes two new games manufacturers to the AdeptiCon family: Battlefront Games (makers of the award-winning WWII miniature game Flames of War) and Privateer Press (makers of the increasingly popular Warmachine, Hordes, and Monsterpocalypse games).

The AdeptiCon weekend will feature a full slate of events for Flamers of War, Warmachine, Hordes, and Monsterpocalypse, including a tournaments, seminars, and free demonstration games all weekend long.

Stay tuned for more information about our newest additions to the AdeptiCon lineup, or find out more and register at

…The More They Stay The Same
Our lineup of Games Workshop games remains one of our primary focuses, as old favorites such as the 40K National Team Tournament, Fantasy Championships, Lord of the Rings Championships, and our lineup of Specialist Games events return. Our tournaments, open gaming, and seminars will continue to set the bar in terms of fan-run excellence.

Come and become a part of the largest fan-run independent convention in the hobby. For almost a decade, AdeptiCon has been the place where miniature wargaming enthusiasts from across the country and the world can gather and enjoy the fun and excitement of a hobby that we all share. From humble beginnings to today, our motto remains the same: “For Gamers, By Gamers.”

Become a part of the experience! You can view our full lineup of events and register online at

Stay tuned for more news about AdeptiCon 2010! See you in the Windy City!

There and Blog Again ...

Last edited by BrentS on Wed Jan 27, 2010 4:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 3:21 pm 
Elven Warrior
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AdeptiCon 2010 News and Updates
Wargaming hobbyists from across the country are signing up to become a part of AdeptiCon 2010 in numbers larger than we’ve seen in years! With the addition of Battlefront Miniatures and Privateer Press as core events alongside our Games Workshop signature events, AdeptiCon 2010 is on course for our best year ever. Don’t miss out on your chance to experience the fun, excitement, and camaraderie that has made AdeptiCon the largest fan-run convention in the miniature wargaming hobby.

AdeptiCon Poker Tournament and After-Con Mixer
Why let the excitement end on Sunday at 5PM?

Enjoy a fully catered meal and a seat at the first AdeptiCon Poker Tournament/After-Con Mixer! We’ll provide the food and non-alcoholic beverages (with the hotel providing a cash bar). You just have to sit and relax amongst friends, reminiscing of battles won and lost throughout the weekend. You’ll also have a chance to win some great hobby prizes, with the top 20% of players receiving awards and gaming swag.

So bring your hat, glasses and a stone cold face, because the AdeptiCon Poker Tournament is sure to be the grand finale of the weekend. You can register for this event at -

Learn from the Masters - AdeptiCon Hobby Seminars
The AdeptiCon 2010 Hobby Seminar line-up is, without a doubt, the most impressive set of classes and workshops ever offered at AdeptiCon. A fantastic group of award-winning painters and veteran hobbyists are ready to share their knowledge and experience with you!

Whether you’re a seasoned painter or a complete beginner, AdeptiCon offers a Hobby Seminar to suit your skill level. Classes this year range from basing and vehicle seminars to advanced level competitive painting and airbrush workshops. Whether you’re a complete novice or an award winning artist, we encourage you to take advantage of this year’s great collection of painters, gamers and hobbyists.

Click on the link below to see the full roster of AdeptiCon 2010 Hobby Seminars.

Space in all of our AdeptiCon 2010 Hobby Seminars are limited, so register online today at:

Take Your Game to the Next Level - Warhammer 40K Tactics Boot Camp Level I
Coming into town on Thursday night? Want to be a better Warhammer 40K general? Thought you were missing something crucial in your games? Then this might be the seminar for you!

Join Jay Woodcock and Shaun Kemp, members of the multi-award winning DaBoyz, as they cover various techniques that will greatly improve your generalship, such as:
• Ensuring you have a balanced force to meet whatever your opponents throw at you
• Determining you and your opponent’s strengths and weaknesses
• How to review your opponent’s army list quickly and pick out the dangerous units from their list
• Methods to throw your opponent off their game without being a poor sportsman.
• Incorporating effective timing for your game actions
• Team tournament techniques

The instructors have won multiple Games Workshop Grand Tournaments and the AdeptiCon 2008 Warhammer 40K National Team Tournament. The Q & A session will try to address as many questions as possible. Attend on Thursday night and you’ll be able to apply the lessons learned on the battlefield during the many events at AdeptiCon 2010.

You can register for this event at::

Team America Qualifier – Warhammer 40K European Team Championships -
Ever imagined representing America in a world-wide event? If so – it’s time to step up to the plate!

Eight players will travel from the US to represent our great country in the European Team Championships held on August 7-8th, 2010 in Munster Germany.

Six of the eight slots have been filled. The remaining two slots will be filled through a qualification round held at AdeptiCon 2010. Only players who "opt in" during registration will be considered for a place on the American team. Registration for both the AdeptiCon 40K Gladiator and 40K Championships is required for this qualifier.

So if you believe you have what it takes to represent the US - then read all of the information at the following link and register for the appropriate events:

Register Online Today!
Become a part of the experience! You can view our full lineup of events and register online at

Our host is the Westin Lombard Yorktown Center, with great rates for all AdeptiCon attendees. Rooms are available at the special AdeptiCon rate of $114 per night. This special group rate is only available to AdeptiCon attendees, and can be reserved through the link below:

Stay tuned for more news about AdeptiCon 2010! See you in the Windy City!

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 3:23 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Just wanted to remind everyone that in addition to all the great things described above, Adepticon features the largest Lord of the Rings SBG tournaments in the United States. They will feature the the "Singles" LotR Championships on Friday (350pt armies) and the "Doubles" LotR Team Tournament (700pt team armies).

We'll be posting more specific LOTR info in the near future.

I can't emphasize enough how cool of an event Adepticon really is.

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 4:13 pm 
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Thanks for the heads-up, Brent!

Don’t think I’ll be able to make it again this year....But now I live near DC, so I think I’ll make it to Games Day this year.


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PostPosted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 10:11 pm 
Elven Warrior
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AdeptiCon News: Gladiator Prize, BL Competition, and More!

AdeptiCon 2010 – Less than 100 Days to Go!
Happy holidays from the AdeptiCon Council. We’ve got less than 100 days until AdeptiCon 2010 and miniature wargaming enthusiasts across the country and the world are getting ready for the “can’t miss” event of the year. Online registrations are up and this year looks to be our biggest and best year ever.

If you haven’t registered’s time to get moving! Registration for all of our events is on a first-come, first-served basis, so don’t miss out on your chance to participate in the events of your choice. Sign up today at and secure your spot for AdeptiCon 2010.

Warhammer 40K Gladiator News: Gladiator Prize Package Announced
Out of the thousands of people who’ve attended AdeptiCon in the past, only six people can claim the title of AdeptiCon 40K Gladiator Champions. Will this be your year?

This year’s Gladiator Champion will take home a ForgeWorld Thunderhawk and a Battle Foam MaxPack Custom Loadout with the full custom cutout for the Thunderhawk.


Don’t miss out on your chance to claim this gargantuan prize! Sign up today at and register for the Warhammer 40K Gladiator.

Privateer Press Events Listings
Privateer Press may be a new to AdeptiCon in 2010, but they’re coming on strong! Our slate of Privateer Press events includes both tournaments and demonstration games, running all three days of the convention.

The top players in any of the Warmachine/Hordes tournaments running on Friday and Saturday (Midnight Madness, Revenge, Killer Rep, and the 2-player Team Tournament) will qualify for inclusion in Sunday’s Warmachine/Hordes Championships. Similarly, the top players from the two Monsterpocalypse tournaments (Leveling Lombard and Annihilating AdeptiCon) will qualify for inclusion in Sunday’s Monsterpocalypse Championships.

In addition, Warmachine/Hordes will feature Eternal War, running throughout the weekend, and a variety of 30-minute demos to introduce to new players to the Privateer Press lineup of games. Participation in Eternal War and any of our demos are FREE with the purchase of your AdeptiCon weekend badge!

Don’t miss out on your chance to take part in this amazing lineup of events. Sign up today at and become a part of AdeptiCon history!

Black Library Themed Army Competition
In conjunction with AdeptiCon, Black Library is offering a special prize to the best army themed on a Black Library novel. The winner shall receive a special printing of the Black Library's new Print on Demand range. This range features the return of some legendary books - including Space Marine and Insignium Astartes - and are available for order only through the Black Library website.

Armies must be based on novels that Black Library has published, and entrants must provide references from the relevant book on how the army was developed. Black Library Staff will judge the winner. All armies participating in this must register with the AdeptiCon staff when they arrive at the event.

40K INAT FAQ v 3.1 Released
To help make sure that everyone knows what to expect at AdeptiCon, all Warhammer 40K events will use the 40K Independent National Tournament (INAT) FAQ. The latest version of the INAT FAQ (v. 3.1) incorporates the new Space Wolves codex. 40K Players are encouraged to skim through the FAQ, particularly the sections dealing with their own armies.

You can download the INAT FAQ from the link below:

FYI, the INAT will be revised one more time prior to AdeptiCon to account for the new Tyranid codex.

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 11:33 pm 
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The Lord of the Rings Championships from 9:00AM - 5:00PM (Friday), is that for solo players or teams? SBG or WotR?
Thanks Brent! :)

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 2:52 am 
Elven Warrior
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The LOTR Championships are a singles tournament.

The team tournament is, well, a team tournament.

All of yhe tournaments are SBG! We will have a WOTR big game (miniatures provided) as well.

By the way, if anyone is interested in attending but doesn't have a teammate, send me a PM and I'll see if I can help connect you with anyone local.

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 2:13 pm 
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Think I may be there for the LOTR Championships with a Hobbit/Ranger army. :)

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 6:19 pm 
Elven Warrior
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BilboOfTheWhiteTower wrote:
Think I may be there for the LOTR Championships with a Hobbit/Ranger army. :)

I hope you can make it out Dave. I guarantee that you'll not find a more fun weekend of gaming.

Unfortunately, I can't attend this year as I'll be out of town. However, I'm still promoting the event as much as possible and I'm still the lead LOTR terrain cooridinator.

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 3:01 pm 
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Bummer that you won't be there Brent. :(
Still, I am going to try and arrange my work schedule so that I can make it up there for the event! :)

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