Well not bad for start, good pick on the army choice
on a side note though for the future.
-Warriors of Minas Tiruth (WoMTs) are a good core army choice as the have decent defence and have normal fight value, and courage + they have a good wargear choices, their weakness is that they dont have any major advantage over other more specialised unist (like cavalary or monsters) but overall they do tend to play well
-Knights of Minas Tirith (KoMTs) are the core cavalry , basically the same as WoMTs except on horses - a normal cavalary but again not the best cavalary available in the game.
-Citadel Guads and Guards of the Fountain Court, are elite type warriors and as such do cost considerably more than normal warriors. They can hold theyr own against most of the evil "things" that the opponent can throw at you but if fielded alone, can get overnumbered very quickly, thats the part when the cheaper WoMTs come in.
-Gondor has a very wied variaty of heros of diffrent calsses rangein from the regular captain to the Aragorn the King himself, but faramir is a good hero for battles under 500 pts
Not to mention that godor also has the army of the dead to field, lots and lots of allies to help out and siege engines
So again welcome to the game, and hope you´ll enjoy it in the future