Hey all....
I have really enjoyed this competition this month. There are so many diff entries it is very interesting to read other's opinions.
I myself struggle with the more widely accepted colour codes from the movie versions... to be able to tell the difference in technique is more difficult as the colors have less depth IMO... but many entries have done a super job on that technique achieving a great movie version spectre to be proud of. I'm not sure I could pull that off myself just yet. I especially liked UKFreddy's entry... the freehand is just awesome and all in all some really great detail within this more traditional colour scheme.
All that being said, one of the three in the end to consider for me was Buckland's but just with that much more depth in colour and blending and achieving a super glow effect in the lower cloak.
Skeleton Todd's version stands out with a more wretched appearance which really got me... great detail and colour selections... well done base... With all the amazing bases this round we could have given an award just on the basing I think! The last is Bilbo's .... love the stench... I kept trying to scratch and sniff I could almost smell it! ... and that hideous blade... yuck!
The Yuck-Factor got me, and my vote goes to Bilbo's!
Thanks by the way whomever has voted for my little Tom.
Honorable mention to Pinky for pulling off a great conversion, to mada for sheer uniqueness, to Mac for another outstanding job with a super base, Longbottom for a great standing stone base and overall super paint job, to Anduril BoK for a very grand looking display with that great base and cool colour scheme, to USAgiDoug for a fantastic dark spectre scheme, scipio for achieving that great glow on the base, Valpas for a well rounded job as well as DM for a very nice job with much skill represented.

Applause all around...