Everything Mouth-of-Sauron said is good IMO.
I think you would need to take the witch king / ring wraiths mounted, so they can move quickly along the battle line.
My two friends have played 2000-3000 point games a few times and every time Gandalf comes into range of 2-3 ring wraiths, Gandalf's will drops very quickly trying to resist "SAP WILL". (so funny to watch):lol:
spuds4ever wrote:
Actually, they do have trackers which are decent, also if you have haradrim bowmen you'll have to have 1/3 archer limitation for the haradrim as well. (so for 6 bowmen you'd need 12 other non-bow armed models from the armylist which you are taking the haradrim from.)
The fact that you have to take other haradrim with those armed with bows is fine execpt that you would lose your advantages from orc banners. The haradrim spear men are exactly the same except for +1 courage ( and no benefit from orc banners).
Aren't haradrim with bow the same cost as orc trackers but with +1D +1C +6 inch range.
Of course orc banners and drummers won't apply to the haradrim ,but in a large game I don't think this a problem if your careful. (this is the only reason I can see for taking orc trackers over haradrim)
I have been corrected see post(s) below)
"Wait. Am I out numbered by Dwarfs?"
If I had a blister of Khazads each time I heard this.
...then warbands...