Dakkon Blackblade wrote:
Hi all!
i'm new to this forum and this is my first message!
I've enjoyed painting miniatures in past years, but I've never played with them until 2 months ago, when i started playing with a friend. After few matches we decided to try to recreate en epic fight, the battle of the Last Alliance against Sauron. Reading Sauron's parameters we had problems in understanding how the ring works. If Sauron suffers the last wound and you roll 1, can you use 1 of his 3 points of power (i don't know if this is the right english name, i'm italian and here it's called possanza) to raise the result to 2 and save him? I think that evil guy is pesky enough even without this option...
Thanks to all!!!
Ps: since i'm totally new to forums, can someone tell me how to load avatars in my profile? i tried to copy the URL from images found on the net but pictures didn't appear
I guess the second question is answered already.
Those points are called might points in english and yes, Sauron can use them to boost it.

is nasty