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 Post subject: Re: Beating Hero Lists??
PostPosted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 7:36 am 
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List 1:
No armoured horses in this one seems to be a major thing you could exploit. You could take a siege engine or horde archers.
Magic would also work great, although I'd expect that any mounted hero worth his salt could ride down a shaman, much less three powerful ones. If you use magic, I'd say go with a Nazgul army; beat him at his own game. If you take them bare-bones at their base value, I believe you could get six, including the Witch King w/ morgul blade (not sure; you may want to check on this). One turn of casting would likely enough to deplete all of the army's will. Make sure those spells are something like Transfix or Black Dart. Compel also could be deadly, as getting away just one of those models takes an entire third of his force away from your Nazgul, allowing you to focus on the other two.

List 2:
This list seems much more varied. It's tough for me to say what exactly its weaknesses are. Probably combat, as Gimli is the only really strong fighter here and the only one with defense over five, as well as the only one who can potentially get three attacks. But a plethora of bows could fairly easily take out Gandalf and Legolas because of their defense.
All nine Ringwraiths might also work here then again. Gandalf can match a couple by himself, but six plus the WK would kill him with ease. I'd still go with regular troops though.

List 3:
Exploit their lack of will points and/or their low courage. Get a powerful good spellcaster and they're toast. Another idea is to get a group of elves with Lineage of the Firstborn.
A fun idea: Get Wood Elf Sentinels, separate them into three groups and use hit-and-run tactics with magic, and watch the trolls scramble into different corners of the field trying to reach you, as you slowly fry them with maneuverability in woodland terrain/manipulate them using magic/high number of attacks. Isolating the trolls this way would be a sure victory.

Come to think of it, I imagine that a good number of Wood Elf Sentinels would be fairly effective for any of the lists you've mentioned.
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 8:45 am 
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Get a dragon with fireball and wyrm. You can transfix him and then charge into him and butcher him, use fireball where nescesarry. You could also just get hordes or orcs and a nazgul, make sure a good few of them have 2H weapons.

"War does not determine who is right, only who is left."
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 9:31 pm 

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if u dont want to drasticly change your army with most people suggestin u take heroes yourself try a few swarms of bats and mayb a barrow wight if u can spare the piont then alot of cheap troops and gang up on the heros bats swarms halves the heros fight value (rounding down) so bring the odds of beating them even with something like goblins more probable and the wight paralyze ability is very useful but a bat swarm 2 goblins with spears and 2 goblins with sword and shield should create problems with very few points (goblin being fight... ?3? then the hero would have to be fight 6/7 to be on even terms with it in theory)
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 9:05 am 
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all of this advice is great, but we really need to know what you have to use. saying "use a ringwraith" is usless if you dont have one.....
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 5:11 pm 
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and buying a Dragon is an expensive option too if you don't want it otherwise.

If you have a balanced army (especially with a neutralizer like a Nazgul) and you play it well and separate out his Heroes one at a time then you can probably start turning your games into wins. But it sounds like he picked the point level because he's setting his own sweet spot for the army lists. Much higher ( like 500 ) and you'd out number a force loaded with three major Heroes and have a much easier job on him.

If you play with LoME rules and scenarios then he's going to change pretty quick. He won't find it very easy to win most scenarios with those, except perhaps Contest of Champions or To the Death. Just random roll the scenario and you'll find he's going to be pretty disappointed when Take and Hold or High Ground comes up. :lol:

Personally though, I'd just "beat" him by saying "no thanks. Your armies are pretty boring. I'll play someone else".

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 5:40 pm 
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Beowulf03809 wrote:
Personally though, I'd just "beat" him by saying "no thanks. Your armies are pretty boring. I'll play someone else".

It's much more fun showing that he's wrong the other way. :twisted: Another idea is just to take swarms of orcs, Gorbag. Gorbag and 50 orcs is all that you can take in 350 points which it looks like you're playing a lot.

"War does not determine who is right, only who is left."
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