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PostPosted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 11:24 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior

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I reserve George Bush :-D

Hmm... what would a chair look like if your knees bent the other way?
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 6:12 am 
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Ranger of Gondor wrote:
I reserve George Bush :-D

@#*%&^ you cheater! You can't just reserve someone like that!! AWW @!$#%!!!!!!

:sad: :sad: :sad: *starts to cry* :sad: :sad: :sad:

GLaDOS (Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System)

0 0 * 0 4 10 3/10/0

Special Rules

Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System. At the start of the game choose a spot in your starting position for GLaDOS to be, she cannot move from that spot for the rest of the game. Also, GLaDOS cannot be wounded in any way except as described below.

The Cake is a lie. Choose a spot where a cake will be. The cake cannot move further that turn. At the beginning of the move phase all enemies must take a courage test at -5. If they fail they must make a full move towards the cake. If they pass the test they don't need to take it anymore. The bodyguard rule, horns, fury, or any other special rules that affect courage do not affect this roll. Once a model is within 6"/14cm of the "cake" they realise that there is no cake, but it is too late. Remove them as a casualty, they have jumped into a pit of fire.

Deploying surprise in 5, 4...time out for a second, that wasn't supposed to happen. When an enemy model comes within 6"/14cm of GLaDOS, she will drop the "surprise". This counts as a light object. You must throw it into a fire pit to destroy it, making GLaDOS lose a wound. If you throw enough "surprises" into a pit of fire. she will eventually lose all wounds and die.

It was a morality core they installed after I flooded the enrichment center with a deadly neurotoxin, to make me stop flooding the enrichment center with a deadly neurotoxin, so get comfortable while I warm up the neurotoxin emitters. Once GLaDOS has suffered one wound she will start flooding the whole board with a deadly neurotoxin. If she doesn't die in 5 turns everyone except her will die.

Rocket. More "surprises" will fall off GLaDOS once she is hit by her own rocket. Every shoot phase once there is no rocket on the table GLaDOS will shoot another rocket at Chell. If Chell is not on the table, then at the nearest target. The rocket moves 20cm every shooting phase until it hits something. After it has been shot it will move straight and cannot turn. If it goes into a portal it will come out of the other one at the same angle as it went in.

Will make rules for Chell later. Feel free to add stuff into that if you have more ideas.

(insert awesome signature here)

Last edited by Maermaethor on Sun Aug 15, 2010 2:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 11:16 am 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior

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Maermaethor wrote:
Will make rules for Chell later. Feel free to add stuff into that if you have more ideas.

Don't you mean Shell?

and what about BP? :twisted:

FTR, this summer we used the codeword "cake" to make aware the presence of nudists in the vicinity... so you can picture how strange the "Cake is a lie" rule is :rofl:

Some solid stats, Maermaethor 8)

Hmm... what would a chair look like if your knees bent the other way?
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 2:23 pm 
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Ranger of Gondor wrote:
Maermaethor wrote:
Will make rules for Chell later. Feel free to add stuff into that if you have more ideas.

Don't you mean Shell?

and what about BP? :twisted:

No, I mean Chell.

What is BP?

Chell (Woman) Points:

1/2+ 2 4 1 1 5 1/1/1

Special Rules.

Portal Gun. During the shoot phase Chell can choose to shoot either a blue or an orange portal. It has unlimited range and can be shot even if Chell moves full distance. Portals can only be shot onto smooth surfaces, agree with your opponent before the game what counts as a smooth surface. Once shot place a marker on the spot that it was shot at. This can be on walls, the ground, or even the ceiling if there is any on the map. Once there is both a blue and an orange portal, models may walk into one and are instantly moved to the other one where they can complete their move. Objects like rockets can also travel through the portals.

Advanced knee replacement. Chell doesn't take any damage from falling.

Remember when the platform was sliding into the fire pit, and I said "Goodbye!" and you were like "NO WAY!" and then I was all, we pretended we were going to murder you. If Chell comes within 6"/14cm of the "cake", she will not die, instead she will take a normal courage test with no -5 and if passed can move freely.

Also updated the rocket rules for GLaDOS in my previous post. Can anyone think of points values for these?

I might also do stats for turrets, and maybe the Companion Cube!

(insert awesome signature here)
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 3:10 pm 
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Tony Hayward (BP Chief Exec)

Blah blah blah boring numbers the statline isn't funny.


Tony's Gaffe-staff: Acts as a two handed weapon, but enrages American models with total lack of tact and badly advised press releases. American models get a free attack on his character in the next round of combat.

Special rules:

"The oil slick is small compared to the size of the ocean" - When Tony is deployed against a Good army containing any Knights of Dol Amroth, a D6 is rolled at the start of each of the good players turns. On a 2+ the knights are removed from play as they have to dash back to help clean up the Bay of Belfalas.

You shall not pass....into another executive position: If an American model successfully attacks Tony's character he is removed from play and is banished from the board (of directors) to the misty mountains to live as a Goblin for the rest of his days.

Cheers Tony, you've made all us Brits look totally awful, you d**k. Someone needs to box your ears by crikey. I hope the Siberians eat you.
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 3:51 pm 

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LOLOLOLOLOLOL :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

we must make a new sourcebook!!

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 4:37 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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Yeah we have to make a new scourcebook :lol:

"I will take it. I will take the Ring to Mordor...though I do not know the way."
—Frodo, at the Council of Elrond
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 6:17 pm 
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Queen Berúthiel wrote:
Yeah we have to make a new scourcebook :lol:

Excellent idea! :-D

"War does not determine who is right, only who is left."
- Bertrand Russel
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 11:23 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Location: Before the gates of another fortress, telling those maggots that they have to form ranks!
Yourself pts= none (would be silly if you have to pay for yourself)

F: Depends on what kind of person you are, feel free to fill this in yourself
S: **
D: 10
A: **
W: ***
C: ***
M/W/F: 0/***/***
Depends on what you bring with you (axes and guns are highly recommended, they add more variation to the game).

Special Rules:
You're not a mini...:
Every combat fase, you may wave you're arm and hit as many enemy models as possible. Every model that is thrown onto the ground count as casualties. Models that are moved away from their place stay where they are.
You may use any tools you hav with you for this action.
Scenery may be moved or blowed up.

Money=Power: You may bribe any enemy models by paying you're opennent O?5 £/$/€, from then you may use them as you're own. Heroes cost double

... You're real!: If you're not agree with you're oppenent, you may charge youre oppenent. The fight is then won when one of you begs the other for mercy

We must forgive our enemies...
But not before they are hanged
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 10:15 am 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior

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Location: Stealing something from your fridge
Never thought of that one before! :lol:

Good one!

Hmm... what would a chair look like if your knees bent the other way?
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 7:52 pm 

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I've got one!

Bear Grylls

F * see below
S 10
D 10
A 10
W ** see below
C 10

Is armed with fists, large knife and film crew.

"Eat 'em up!": At the beginning of each turn, roll a D6. On a 1 or more Bear eats any model he comes within 3 inches of.

*"Just leave them be": Bear is not looking for a fight, but if for some reason a enemy charges him, Bear goes all "British Special Forces" on said enemy. That enemy is now deader than dead and cannot be used in any game ever again.

** Bear Always Survives: Bear does not use Wounds. He ALWAYS survives any attack made against him. If you find this boring, use this alternate rule...

Bear Almost Always Survives: At the begining of each turn roll 20 D6's, the sum of these added together are Bears Wounds for that turn.

"Climbed Mount Everest":Bear is exempt from all Climbing tests
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 12:34 am 

Joined: Sun Mar 07, 2010 3:27 pm
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@helm hammerhand LOL :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: couldn't stop laughing at that!!

i figured that no warriors were posted yet, so:

SAS troopers

F: 7/2+
S: 4
D: 7
A: 1
C: 6

points value: 200 for squad. must be taken in squads of 5, including a squad commander who has 1 higher in every stat except shooting.

wargear: kevlar body armour, mysterious balaclava, stealthiness (counts as elven cloak) MP5 submachine gun, frag and stun grenades, combat knife(hand weapon)

special rules:
rapid fire: the MP5 fires 4 shots a turn with a strength of 8 and 60"range
'nades: frag grenade counts as throwing weapon, and inflicts 3 strength 5 hits on any model within a 3"radius. stun grenades do not cause damage, but models count as 'transfixed'.
Iranian Embassy siege: if the scenario takes place in the Iranian Embassy in London, common occurance though it is, SAS troopers may choose to switch profiles with that of Bear Grylls or Chuck Norris (see above). note- wargear does not change.


F: 1
S: 3
A: 1
W: 1
C: 1
points: 3
wargear: knife, drugs, hoodie (does not count as an elven cloak), low down trousers (movement reduced to 4"), and mobile phone.

yo bruv: the chav unleashes a terrifying onslaught of street talk which even the wisest struggle to understand. range 12". the model affected takes a courage test at a -3 modifier. if failed, they spend the turn as if transfixed while he/she/it tries to work out what the chav means. if passed, they think of a suitably clever comeback and the chav counts as transfixed instead.
phonecall: after priority, before a chav attemots to move, roll a D6. on the roll of a 1, they have recieved a txt msge or have been phoned by their m8 so cannot move or act further that turn.


Last edited by agincourt777 on Tue Aug 17, 2010 12:54 am, edited 2 times in total.
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 12:42 am 
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Location: On some battle field with 6,000 riders behind me yelling....DEATH!!!
Helm Hammerhand, thats pure geniusness.

No one sculpts Chuck Norris - Chuck Norris miniatures are created by acts of God.
~ Dagorlad
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 1:58 am 
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Since we have chav, why not a 'ned'.


F: 2(1)/-
S: 3
D: 3
A: 1
W: 1
C: 2(7)*

Wargear: Shiv/Knife/Broken Glass/Brick (hand weapon), bottle of bucky, trackies and trainers

Special Rules

*Buckfast Bottle: at the beginning of the Ned's turn the Ned may take a large swig from his bucky, the Ned has his movement reduced to 3" and his fight falue reduced to 1. However, the alcohol makes the Ned 'braver' so his courage is increased to 7.

Trackies and Trainers: Tracksuits make Neds more aerodynamic than their southern cousins (the chav) and their 'mad expensive well cool' trainers allow them to run at greater speeds. A Ned normaly moves 7" (unless under the effects of alcohol).

"Bolt it": A Ned can opt to "bolt it" in he movement phase (as long as they didn'y take a swig of bucky) if they ar less than 12"/28cm from an enemy model. A "Bolt it" move is made away from the enemy for a distance of 10".

When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all.

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 2:09 pm 
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Helm Hammerhand wrote:
I've got one!

Bear Grylls

F * see below
S 10
D 10
A 10
W ** see below
C 10

Is armed with fists, large knife and film crew.

"Eat 'em up!": At the beginning of each turn, roll a D6. On a 1 or more Bear eats any model he comes within 3 inches of.

*"Just leave them be": Bear is not looking for a fight, but if for some reason a enemy charges him, Bear goes all "British Special Forces" on said enemy. That enemy is now deader than dead and cannot be used in any game ever again.

** Bear Always Survives: Bear does not use Wounds. He ALWAYS survives any attack made against him. If you find this boring, use this alternate rule...

Bear Almost Always Survives: At the begining of each turn roll 20 D6's, the sum of these added together are Bears Wounds for that turn.

"Climbed Mount Everest":Bear is exempt from all Climbing tests

There should be another rule:

Risk taker - commonly called, ****ing stupid - Whenever there is a piece of terrain on the battlefield that can potentially cause harm to a model (by falling off it, jumping over it, etc), Bear must move as quickly as possible towards said piece of terrain, and perform the most swashbuckling and dangerous action that may cause harm to himself on the terrain piece. If there is more than one such terrain piece, Bear must always move towards the closest one until he has performed daring actions on them all.

Also, rules for his camera man are neccesary. Such as, the special rule 'Emergency Rations' - whenever the cameraman is within 3" of Bear, Bear's abilities are doubled.

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 5:33 pm 
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The angry Mum: points' cost 80

F:1 S:3 D:3 A:1 W:1 C:8

Special Rules:

Child: At the beggining of the game (after deployment but before priority), the controlling player may choose one enemy model to be the angry mum's "child" (this will be important later on) no model may have more than 1 angry mum assigning them as their "child".

Mother: If the angry mum's child is charged, the angry mum will move directly towards the charger as described below and will continue to move towards it until she reaches her target and then will count as having a strength of 9 a fight value of 10 and 4 attacks, note that an angry mum may not use the "dinner time" magical power at this point. Models may not target an angry mum with any missile weapons or magical powers, nor charge her if they are a good model or strike blows on her if they win combat (even if they are evil). A mother may never charge model unless it is because of the reason above.

Magical Powers:

Dinner Time!: The controlling player may choose the angry mum's child as long as it is within 18" to be effected by this rule. That model may not use stand-fast!, move, shoot, and in combat will count as transfixed as the target model pleads in various ways to stay out-side (this effect lasts for the remainder of the turn). This rule can only be used once per game and may not be used before turn 3.

Dinner Time, Now!!!: This can only be used once "Dinner Time!" has been used the previous turn. The angry mum moves directly 6" towards its "child" any models in the way will be knocked over, the other player may choose to move the "child" 3" directly away from the angry mum. This will continue throughout the turns until the "child" is caught upon which it will recieve a Strength 9 hit. The Angry mum will then drag the "child" to the nearest board edge and the child will receive a Strength 4 hit every turn as it is dragged by its ear however, neither of these will kill the model and it will be left with one wound left, the child may attempt to escape every move-phase by rolling a D6, if a 6 is rolled, it has escaped and the mother will run away to have a nervous break-down (counts as a casualty). When the angry mum reaches the board edge, both models are removed from the game.

Neither of these magical powers require will and are cast automatically and cannot be resisted.

"War does not determine who is right, only who is left."
- Bertrand Russel
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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 9:15 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior

Joined: Wed Mar 11, 2009 11:38 pm
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Genius! :-D

...what about your alcoholic dad? :o

Hmm... what would a chair look like if your knees bent the other way?
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 11:21 am 
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Ranger of Gondor wrote:
Genius! :-D

...what about your alcoholic dad? :o

There already is one. The berserker.

"War does not determine who is right, only who is left."
- Bertrand Russel
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 3:15 pm 

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There should be another rule:

Risk taker - commonly called, ****ing stupid - Whenever there is a piece of terrain on the battlefield that can potentially cause harm to a model (by falling off it, jumping over it, etc), Bear must move as quickly as possible towards said piece of terrain, and perform the most swashbuckling and dangerous action that may cause harm to himself on the terrain piece. If there is more than one such terrain piece, Bear must always move towards the closest one until he has performed daring actions on them all.

Also, rules for his camera man are neccesary. Such as, the special rule 'Emergency Rations' - whenever the cameraman is within 3" of Bear, Bear's abilities are doubled.
:lol: :lol:
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 3:49 pm 
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Location: On some battle field with 6,000 riders behind me yelling....DEATH!!!
I've got one!

Sherlock Holmes

F 5/3+
C 100
M **

Holmes is armed with sword cane, witty humour and deerstalker cap.
May be given Watson for +50 points, in which case the only thing that changes is Sherlock now counts as being armed with a revolver.

Lestrade! : When Sherlock makes a attack he may declare "Lestrade!" in which case 40 armed police men deploy within 6" of Holmes.

** Sherlock has Unlimited Might

*Ego the size of England: Any physical attacks made against Sherlock will fail. Instead, the enemy may strike his Ego.Sherlocks ego has a Defence of 10. If the enemy manages to hit, Holmes is unable to move,shoot,charge or otherwise make himself useful. for the rest of that turn. We can assume he is pouting and licking his wounds.

Supreme Deduction: At the beginning of each turn roll a D6, on a 4 or more, Holmes takes control of ALL enemy models for the rest of the turn. this represents his ability to always predict what is going to happen. Sherlock may use his Unlimited Might to alter this dice roll.

No one sculpts Chuck Norris - Chuck Norris miniatures are created by acts of God.
~ Dagorlad
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