hey everybody. i loved the eragon books and therefore decided to make stats for some of the characters. i don't no points cost and would appreicate help bettering my ideas. i also havn't figured out magic yet.
eragon(this is before the battle of farthen dur)
f s d a w c m/w/f
6/4+ 4 4 3 3 5 3 6 3
wargear: zaroc, bow
he may be eqiuped with following for the following points cost:
heavy armour 10
shield 5
zaroc: gives eragon +1 to wound
dragon rider: eragon gets one free will per turn
horse:10 points
magic brisinger, 6+ all of eragons shooting attacks are stranght 8 and do 4cm area damage, all close combat attacks are strenght 8.
thrysta, 3+ see twins entry 28cm
transfix 4+ 28cm
f s d a w c m/w/f
7/4+ 7 7 4 8 6 3 3 3
dragon armour: 10 points(counts as heavy armour)
f s d a w c m/w/f
7/3+ 4 4 3 3 6 3 6 3
wargear: sword, elven bow
armour: 5 points
horse:10 points
special rules:
elven prowess: all elves recieve a bonus die to win the fight.
elven spellcaster: arya recieves one free will per turn
magicthrysta, 3+ see twins entry 28cm
transfix 4+ 28cm
Murtagh son of morzan
f s d a w c m/w/f
6/4+ 4 5 3 3 5 3 3 1
wargear: hand and a half sword, armour, bow
heavy armour: 5
horse:10 points
special rules:
hand and a half sword, can be used either 2-h or as a hand weapon
f s d a w c m/w/f
5/4+ 4 4 3 3 6 3 6 1
wargear: sword and staff(2-h weapon)
horse:10 points
magic transfix 5+
brisinger 6+
more to come