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 Post subject: doubles tournament
PostPosted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 8:02 am 
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at my schools club were having a fun sbg tournament (did i say fun sorry serious)350 pts per person (700 a team) im playing with hobbits and my partner is playing with my dwarfs. iwas wondering if anyone could help us about how to play against the opposition as ive never played against many of the opositions armys as their nearly all forces built over the summer and iwould like some advice. were all being a bit secretive so all i know is :one force is gonder and easterlings(dont have to be able to ally) the gondor has a bolt thrower boromir of gondor on horse and is mostly cavalry. the easterlings are all infantry but im not sure wat their having except a captain.
the other is a urak hai scout and easterling army which dousnt have any artillary or archers. ours has shire aragorn and a total of 38 people 12 archers. my friend has a dwarf ballista and balin and 8 of each type of dwarf warriors (shield, 2 handed weapon, bows) wat tactics should we use and wat will they use and who do u think will win. :pippin:
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 Post subject: Re: doubles tournament
PostPosted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 1:45 pm 
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well your army will need to get max numbers, max archers, and gandalf if you can (his blinding light will neutralise the bolt thrower, and he can stop big stuff like trolls and boromir (so balin can chop them up))
your armies have terrible mobility, to you will need to use your archers to scare him away from places (if you have lots of archers guarding a flank, then chances are the enemy wont risk going there)
thats all i have time for, ill try and get back to this later
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 Post subject: Re: doubles tournament
PostPosted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 2:04 pm 

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Use the Hobbits to max out on numbers and bows, and use the Dwarves to get elite close combat units (I'm thinking Iron Guard and Khazad Guard). You can use both lists to get powerful Heroes. What's the model limit for the tournament?

"There are few left in Middle Earth like Aragorn, son of Arathorn." - Gandalf, Many Meetings
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 Post subject: Re: doubles tournament
PostPosted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 2:12 pm 
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dont have money or time 2 get gandalf. might be easier if i publish our army lists
pippin guard of the citadel
16 militia
8 shirrifs
12 archers
38 hobbits(strider) 4 might(plus striders extra 1 per turn)

8 dwarf warriors with shields
8 dwarf warriors with 2 handed weaps
8 dwarf warriors with dwarf bows
dwarf ballista
plan: archers anchor the flanks, ballista in middle takes out avenger when against gondor seeing as it has the longer range against others try to take down as many as pos and heros, aragorn takes the militia pips with the shirrifs as the second wave when the militia runs low, dwarfs will charge in with militia
my opposition say they have an amazing tactic so i would like tactics for their armies (wat u think their going to use) aswell as wat u think i should do
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 Post subject: Re: doubles tournament
PostPosted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 2:12 pm 
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mosel lim is 45 but 8 max
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 Post subject: Re: doubles tournament
PostPosted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 2:16 pm 

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hobbitsrule22 wrote:
mosel lim is 45 but 8 max

I don't understand.

"There are few left in Middle Earth like Aragorn, son of Arathorn." - Gandalf, Many Meetings
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 Post subject: Re: doubles tournament
PostPosted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 2:38 am 
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try this:
aragon w/ armor
fredegar bolger (he's great for a stand fast at 5pts)
lobelia sackville baggins

cavalry do really well against dwarves, AND hobbits because you both dont have spears and are very slow, so their cavalry will go around the flanks (gondor and easterlings have heavy armor, so they'll feel confidant they can wether a round or two of shooting). even though you will have much greater numbers, you dont have spears, so you wont be able to bring you numbers to bear against him.
if the senario is simply to kill the other person, then play defensivly, let him come to you, volley at heroes (if you dismount boromir then you have a MUCH greater chance of winning), and dont let him get to your flanks (if he does get close to doing this, then curve you flanks around so you make a concave, then it will be much harder to flank you (in military terms this is called a refused flank))
if you manage to break his force then lobelia becomes invaluable (but keep her away from yourself if they break you)
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 Post subject: Re: doubles tournament
PostPosted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 11:05 am 

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You might need to check with the organisers as hobbits cannot ally with anybody and so may be prevented in your contest if they are using GW's doubles rulespack as a guideline.
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 Post subject: Re: doubles tournament
PostPosted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 6:19 pm 
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tournament is on thursday nick (today is monday and he is against me)

and it is sieze the prize and me and ben have worked out this amazing tactic lol !
u r so gunna get owned lol cos ur hobbits r so slow, your only hope is 2 shot
me and ben down with gibbys ballista and send aragorn into us lol, good luck though


spare some man flesh
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 Post subject: Re: doubles tournament
PostPosted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 3:37 pm 
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ok i lost the dice role were playin seize the prize against uraks and easterlings. im not aloud to change my list for hobbits (because basically the guy whos running its doing uraks and dousnt want me to win) im pretty sure i said they dont have to ally so that shud be fine. im aloud up to 45 models but got to have more than 8(dont ask why seeing as it is 350 it shud b more like 5-40 but im not running it). ive learnt my lesson about speed so im going to buy some rangers of the north at 25 points 4 stand fast a might and strength 4 in a shire army their invaluable. ill update what happened tomorow after the match (being held tomorrow). i did manage to get the dwarf list changed(after some persuasion to do with the fact that i had to change the shire army).
6 dwarf warriors with shields
3 dwarfs with 2 handed axes
3 khazad guard
2 iron guard
8 dwarf warrior archers
1 ballista
im not sure which do you think is the better? i just dont think there are the numbers
might do
8 dwarf warriors with shields
5 dwarf warriors with 2 handed weaps
because i get an ex8 dwarf warriors with bows
2 iron guards
1 ballista
i prefere second because i get an extra attack and strength. i could do with comments before tomos seeing as i play then
thx :pippin:
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 Post subject: Re: doubles tournament
PostPosted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 6:22 pm 
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I think having the ballista would be an utter waste of points in 350 points especially as a fairly expensive hero has already been purchased. Drop the ballista and you could get 3 Khazad guard and 3 dwarfs with shields which would significantly boost your army.

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 Post subject: Re: doubles tournament
PostPosted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 12:22 pm 
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you already picked the scenario?? thats kinda cheap. that scenario requires speed, so you've lost already
and you really should be allowed to change your army, thats really power gaming
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