ok i lost the dice role were playin seize the prize against uraks and easterlings. im not aloud to change my list for hobbits (because basically the guy whos running its doing uraks and dousnt want me to win) im pretty sure i said they dont have to ally so that shud be fine. im aloud up to 45 models but got to have more than 8(dont ask why seeing as it is 350 it shud b more like 5-40 but im not running it). ive learnt my lesson about speed so im going to buy some rangers of the north at 25 points 4 stand fast a might and strength 4 in a shire army their invaluable. ill update what happened tomorow after the match (being held tomorrow). i did manage to get the dwarf list changed(after some persuasion to do with the fact that i had to change the shire army).
6 dwarf warriors with shields
3 dwarfs with 2 handed axes
3 khazad guard
2 iron guard
8 dwarf warrior archers
1 ballista
im not sure which do you think is the better? i just dont think there are the numbers
might do
8 dwarf warriors with shields
5 dwarf warriors with 2 handed weaps
because i get an ex8 dwarf warriors with bows
2 iron guards
1 ballista
i prefere second because i get an extra attack and strength. i could do with comments before tomos seeing as i play then