I was going to start another thread, but saw this and decided to add to it.
I'm also starting on a Moria Goblin army, only 500pts. I realize the shortcoming of it but at the moment my friend only has 500pts of a "good" army. When he comes around to getting more I will use the rest of my secreted horde.
My list is as follows::
Cpt w/shld (40pts)
Shaman (45pts)
Troll w/chain (85)
20 shields (100)
9 spears (45)
10 bows (50)
8 Prowlers (4 w/shlds & 4 w/2hd) (56)
50 models.
Total: 421pts. Way off from 500pts, but I can't see adding more...besides adding Durburz(60) which only adds 25pts to the 421 making it 446. Which is still a huge 54pt deficit. Any suggestions??
oh, and the Drake in SBG is pretty awesome. Get it stuck in where you need to shore up a hole in the line or break a hammer formation and get it "trapped." Even use your own troops to do so, and watch the reaction of your friend when the Drake starts to thrash around. I also find doing the draconian charge and getting in the face of a captain very thrilling...course I'm so hoping that I win the fight, they fail their fate roll and my Baby swallows em whole
have yet to use her in a WoTR game though.