Xelee wrote:
They look really good, perfect for LOTR in fact. I just wish there was more flexibility for that left arm. I am all for simple rather than complex to assemble models, but the option to do something else with that arm without major chopping would have made these a 'must buy' for me - Though well done on at least providing options for the shields.
If anyone has these yet, I'd be interested to know if those arms with shields attached are even somewhat salvageable without the use of spares from other similar figures?
Sorry Xelee, but the short answer is no, I've tried but just to much effort.
I can see why Mike has gone this way, remember they are Historical figures and the shield are held with straps (Enarme), rather than say Viking Boss. Believe me some of the Historical players from other forums can be very critical, not helped by the belief that plastic

is the work of Satan. The separate shield and left arm look wrong unless you hide the back close to the body or use a bit of green stuff. These are the first set of plastics from Mike and he has said in hindsight he would have done thing a little different. To me the biggest error is the dead rider, that space could have been used for more shields/weapons (Gripping Beast Hirdmen) 12 riders only 11 round shields

Now I know like me you use the Hirdmen, the left hands from the command sprue sharp knife and spare round shield job done.
These little things aside overall they are great figures. In my Gondor army they are being used as Pelargir Knights with Rohan Royal Knights stats my Dunland army warg rider stats and 3 spare unarmored bodies will after some work be joining my rag tag of Dunlending Horsemen.
Hopefully when Mike starts doing metal figures, he can do some small upgrades for these plastics. say shields, weapons and helmets.
Hope this helps Paul