Yes the AUCB course is the one I did. I did my International Baccaleureate (equivalent to A-levels) at Atlantic College, I then did a Foundation in Art and Design at Hereford - I didn't know about the modelmaking course when I started that but knew I wanted to do a design course having flunked mathy stuff at AC. Then I went to AUCB after that. If you're serious about applying to Atlantic I can help you with your application to give you the best chance of a place - there are some things they like other than good grades (I got a place even with straight C's in my mocks - did better in the reals though.) Send me a PM about it if you like, I'd be happy to help - best two years of my teens by far.
AUCB usually don't take people if they haven't done a foundation. But if you do your foubndation at AUCB too you're pretty much guarenteed a place on the BA course - lots of people do that. However, if you go to AC you will most likely come out a very different person and you might have a totally different career plan, you'll have a world of possibilities open to you after two years there! But don't even try to do higher maths and physics - standard maybe - but they teach at Asian/American levels and us Brit's just aren't up to that level at age 16!
But you're already off to an awesome start

By the way, my girlfriend did the AUCB course and she now work's in a prop house near Pinewood studios. The course is much more diverse than that, but props is what most people want to do when they start the course. Few make it, and those who do swiftly discover that it isn't as glamourous as it sounds, still fun though. When I was there they couldn't teach resin casting for toffee, if you want to learn about that do a weeks work experience at a miniatures company hehe. They're good with fibreglass and prosthetics though, and the workshop is epic.
Here is their actual website - omg they still have my satellite ship, dinosour and AH-64 on display in the digital section! Chuffed!