VonKrieg wrote:
I know that Warhammer and 40K are more popular than LOTR, but something to entice us LOTR people would be nice. Anything up there would be a nice gesture. It is kind of sad how long "advance orders" has been empty, and the "new releases" section hasn't changed for ages.
Ok, that my little rant. Feeling little better. But still wish they would put something up in the advance order area for us to drool over.
Easy there, big guy. The Hobbit's just around the corner, GW has the rights, and they're not just gonna sit on them. In fact, it's likely that, unless the models weren't planned BEFORE they got the rights, that we'll get a range designed specifically with Finecast and the like in mind. Bear in mind what LotR did for GW last time. Yeah, kind of a double-edged sword 'cos they spent a lot of money they didn't have when the literally unbelievable boost to the hobby's popularity (and sales) from the LotR 'bubble' tapered off. BUT, that shouldn't happen now, they'll want to make the most of a big, tasty opportunity. What'll we get? A new game? That'd be nice (Though I still cannot get enough of WotR, I think it's more fun than, oh anything. Well...not quite, but still) New models? That's gotta be assured (Plastic Dunlendings puh-lease!) And FAQ that re-adjusts the points value of crossbows, Ringwraiths and Gothmog for WotR? Uh...who knows

But we're going to have a bundle of stuff in the pipe-line. I'm looking forward to what's round the corner. I hope it's not trolls with sacks...