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 Post subject: Re: Citadel finecast
PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2011 9:18 pm 

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VonKrieg wrote:

I know that Warhammer and 40K are more popular than LOTR, but something to entice us LOTR people would be nice. Anything up there would be a nice gesture. It is kind of sad how long "advance orders" has been empty, and the "new releases" section hasn't changed for ages.

Ok, that my little rant. Feeling little better. But still wish they would put something up in the advance order area for us to drool over.

Easy there, big guy. The Hobbit's just around the corner, GW has the rights, and they're not just gonna sit on them. In fact, it's likely that, unless the models weren't planned BEFORE they got the rights, that we'll get a range designed specifically with Finecast and the like in mind. Bear in mind what LotR did for GW last time. Yeah, kind of a double-edged sword 'cos they spent a lot of money they didn't have when the literally unbelievable boost to the hobby's popularity (and sales) from the LotR 'bubble' tapered off. BUT, that shouldn't happen now, they'll want to make the most of a big, tasty opportunity. What'll we get? A new game? That'd be nice (Though I still cannot get enough of WotR, I think it's more fun than, oh anything. Well...not quite, but still) New models? That's gotta be assured (Plastic Dunlendings puh-lease!) And FAQ that re-adjusts the points value of crossbows, Ringwraiths and Gothmog for WotR? Uh...who knows :) But we're going to have a bundle of stuff in the pipe-line. I'm looking forward to what's round the corner. I hope it's not trolls with sacks...
 Post subject: Re: Citadel finecast
PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2011 9:22 pm 
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I would ask what your intent was then in calling me a child and in a word lazy, when you referred to "without jobs or so called undergraduate economist" i thought you were challenging my education and work ethnic, and thus my class status (we do not dwell on class status in the UK either) so I'll apologise for the "class" comment, i was not trying to play class warfare, was a (bad) way of expressing my point.

However I’ll admit I now understand the point you were making (I’ve never heard the term "By mark one eye ball "), but my incomprehension and lack of understanding of Military lingo did not give due to referring myself as a child or lazy or what ever your intend was.

Dave / Aurielia (game name)
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 Post subject: Re: Citadel finecast
PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2011 10:37 pm 
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Moving forward, I do agree with Old Chestnut's worry that if one can scrape the flash off "with [their] fingernail" then what's to prevent them from removing raised details similarly easily? Something there doesn't jive; it can't be delightfully soft and ruggedly sturdy at the same time...

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 Post subject: Re: Citadel finecast
PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2011 10:43 pm 
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the flash is really really thin. like, transparent.

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 Post subject: Re: Citadel finecast
PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2011 10:49 pm 
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VonKrieg wrote:
I know that Warhammer and 40K are more popular than LOTR, but something to entice us LOTR people would be nice. Anything up there would be a nice gesture. It is kind of sad how long "advance orders" has been empty, and the "new releases" section hasn't changed for ages.

There's a SBG scenario/battle report in the new WD if it makes you feel any better!

LotR minis are actually one of the selling points for the finecast articles in it, there's a page showing off the fellowship and they used the terror of arnor to demonstrate not having to pin large minis, and gandalf is one of the most prominent things in the article about painting finecast stuff.

Actually, the finecast minis I got to look at were uruk-hai berserkers. They probably just haven't gotten around to putting LotR stuff up for preorder yet, because while WHFB and 40k blisters will stay the same, LotR blisters are going up in price and will now contain 4 models for ease of WotR company-building.

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 Post subject: Re: Citadel finecast
PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2011 11:02 pm 
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I would ask what your intent was then in calling me a child and in a word lazy, when you referred to "without jobs or so called undergraduate economist" i thought you were challenging my education and work ethnic, and thus my class status (we do not dwell on class status in the UK either) so I'll apologise for the "class" comment, i was not trying to play class warfare, was a (bad) way of expressing my point.

However I’ll admit I now understand the point you were making (I’ve never heard the term "By mark one eye ball "), but my incomprehension and lack of understanding of Military lingo did not give due to referring myself as a child or lazy or what ever your intend was.

Dave I was not referring to you at all but to an earlier post. Again different regional idiom for with out experience rather than lazy. I was going to use" Burger King school of management" but that is far to regional.I will try to be more careful.
If I wanted insult you I would say Dave your are a............ fill in blank. I was posting about children not Dave as I recall.
I thought I was being general enough. Let's agree to disagree.

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 Post subject: Re: Citadel finecast
PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2011 11:42 pm 
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it can't be delightfully soft and ruggedly sturdy at the same time...
:rofl: I like the way you put that.

It is softer than tin. By mark one eye ball I do not think 10 and 12 year old's will be able to achieve a good result.How many have razor saws? Do you allow your children to use razor saws and razor blades? Do you really expect children to have clippers and files? How hard is the mold release is to remove? How toxic is this material? How long does it take to oxidize? What kind of solvent will weld it?

If you scrape it with a finger nail, I do not believe you will get a good result. A lot of you don't realize that pure lead is soft enough to remove flash with your fingernails. I am old enough to have more than a little experience with it. We can deal with soft. I am not sure that unsupervised children can.

How toxic is this material? How long does it take to oxidize? What kind of solvent will weld it? I am not going to let the grandchildren near it until I find out what it is made from.

But none were more dangerous than the Great Willow: his heart was rotten, but his strength was green; and he was cunning,
 Post subject: Re: Citadel finecast
PostPosted: Fri May 27, 2011 1:50 am 
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The detail looks great on that, and the flash dosn't really bother me, it dosn't really bother me that its harder for children as well. The only thing that does bother me is that GW hasn't done anything for LOTR's advanced orders, if they dont' do it today then I will be very dissapointed.
 Post subject: Re: Citadel finecast
PostPosted: Fri May 27, 2011 8:27 am 

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Why is everyone saying it's harder for kids? Who's seen it or used it? I thought the idea was that this stuff goes together a lot EASIER than metal, why is it suddenly being said it's going to be more difficult? What's that comng from? Is this baseless guesswork again, or does someone KNOW something? I'd be very interested to hear from the many people who've apparently used this already. Very interested too in what the material is, it would be nice to know more about the safety-of-use details.
 Post subject: Re: Citadel finecast
PostPosted: Fri May 27, 2011 1:09 pm 
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Why is everyone saying it's harder for kids?

The same thing happened when the switch was made from lead to tin. The tin is safer than lead. Tin is much harder to work with because you need real tools. It is much harder to glue and often requires pining.Lead is soft like this new polymer. In fact it is fingernail soft. However lead is malleable resins are brittle so at some point it will break leaving an uneven edge that will require a spot filler like auto body work. Then we have the air bubbles. I don't think resins are more dangerous than lead but they are not safer than lead. People do not have respect for how dangerous they could be and won't take precautions. I have not used the GW resins yet but other manufactures have already begun to produce resin models.I think Privater Press is using this process already. People seem happy with it.

Expert kits Vs Snap tight

We have all see vacuform and wooden kits intended for advanced modelers and snap tight kits for beginners.I don't think the new GW kits can be grouped with beginner kits or toys.
it dosn't really bother me that its harder for children as well.

The point is that GW thinks 12 year old's are their primary market. Have they changed their minds or are they delusional?

But none were more dangerous than the Great Willow: his heart was rotten, but his strength was green; and he was cunning,
 Post subject: Re: Citadel finecast
PostPosted: Fri May 27, 2011 1:32 pm 
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Hydraface wrote:
Why is everyone saying it's harder for kids? Who's seen it or used it? I thought the idea was that this stuff goes together a lot EASIER than metal, why is it suddenly being said it's going to be more difficult? What's that comng from? Is this baseless guesswork again, or does someone KNOW something? I'd be very interested to hear from the many people who've apparently used this already. Very interested too in what the material is, it would be nice to know more about the safety-of-use details.

While it IS guesswork, once again I feel that GW haven't let their customers know what they should. "Oh, it's amazingly sexy and soooooooooooooooo easy to work with!!!!!!" doesn't give us any details as far as filing and gluing requirements.

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 Post subject: Re: Citadel finecast
PostPosted: Fri May 27, 2011 4:37 pm 
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I looked at the GW website, they had a new article in ''whats new today'' for Friday the 27th, but they still did not put anything in the advance orders section :( Too bad :'(

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 Post subject: Re: Citadel finecast
PostPosted: Fri May 27, 2011 9:04 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Got to see the stuff tonight as we were stocking the shelves. It's damn sweet.. the details on the models are incredible, hair comes out the best, and chainmail. Theoden looks WONDERFUL.

Can't wait for everything to get swapped over!

The full list of stuff is:

Mordor troll chieftain
fellowship (it's different to the metal fellowship.. different combination of models...)
thedoen (horse and foot)
king aragorn(horse and foot)
Gandalf the white(horse and foot)
dark marshall (horse and foot)
boromir of white tower (horse and foot)
saruman and grima
gothmog (warg and foot)

And I feel like I'm forgetting something..

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 Post subject: Re: Citadel finecast
PostPosted: Fri May 27, 2011 10:01 pm 
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Dezartfox wrote:
Got to see the stuff tonight as we were stocking the shelves. It's damn sweet.. the details on the models are incredible, hair comes out the best, and chainmail. Theoden looks WONDERFUL.

Please don't say such things; I'd rather not be tempted to buy the same models again! And by that I mean which Theoden is it?

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 Post subject: Re: Citadel finecast
PostPosted: Fri May 27, 2011 10:37 pm 

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New Fellowsip models? interesting. New Gothmog> Pretty hapy with that, my metal one is...well, I dunno, maybe doing a deformed face is just really difficult or something. I think this model will be a really, really example of how this new resin could do something metal can't. Dark MArshall? I can has Mordor Knights as a common choice? Nice. So, where's Khamul? Saruman always was, IMHO,a top-notch model so this'll have to be seen (Grima's face always looked a little puffy somehow though).
TBH, it would likely cost A LOT, but I like The Ringwaith models. Yeah, they're just guys in cloaks, but I do kinda like the style and character they've been given, and I'd likely get the whole freaking set (as in, foot and mounted) if they did one. Yeah, I know, it'd be tons o'cash, but still...

Dude, did you forget the 4-pack Berzerkers and Crossbow Uruks? How could you! How much are they?

Thanks for the info, Old Chestnut, that was helpful stuff. But I don't quite see why people say 12 year olds are GW's target. Why isn't there ready painted models and scenery? And Space-marine pyjamas and lunchboxes? The packaging on Black reach etc. (And now finecast boxes) recommends 12+...would they really just appeal to that one age, or small spectrum of ages, at the lower end of the scale, especially since people that age can be quite fickle, and, to be blunt, don't earn money? Though I guess parents always, ALWAYS find money for their kids, or at least seem to. In my experience, for myself and through what I know of others, it's the moderately well-off middle-aged crowd to whom GW really appeals, those who have tha' cash and spend it. Just my experience.
 Post subject: Re: Citadel finecast
PostPosted: Sat May 28, 2011 12:11 am 
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Dezartfox wrote:
Got to see the stuff tonight as we were stocking the shelves.

So you are a GW employee, interesting... not that there's anything wrong with that.
Hydraface wrote:
Thanks for the info, Old Chestnut, that was helpful stuff. But I don't quite see why people say 12 year olds are GW's target. Why isn't there ready painted models and scenery? And Space-marine pyjamas and lunchboxes? The packaging on Black reach etc. (And now finecast boxes) recommends 12+...would they really just appeal to that one age, or small spectrum of ages, at the lower end of the scale, especially since people that age can be quite fickle, and, to be blunt, don't earn money? Though I guess parents always, ALWAYS find money for their kids, or at least seem to. In my experience, for myself and through what I know of others, it's the moderately well-off middle-aged crowd to whom GW really appeals, those who have tha' cash and spend it. Just my experience.

The age group I used to see the most in GW stores were little kids. Even others on here say with confidence that kids are replacing the vets as clients. It might be hearsay but there seems to be a wind of truth behind it, especially when several people across the world are saying the same thing.

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 Post subject: Re: Citadel finecast
PostPosted: Sat May 28, 2011 6:44 am 
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Dezartfox wrote:
Got to see the stuff tonight as we were stocking the shelves. It's damn sweet.. the details on the models are incredible, hair comes out the best, and chainmail. Theoden looks WONDERFUL.

Can't wait for everything to get swapped over!

The full list of stuff is:

Mordor troll chieftain
fellowship (it's different to the metal fellowship.. different combination of models...)
thedoen (horse and foot)
king aragorn(horse and foot)
Gandalf the white(horse and foot)
dark marshall (horse and foot)
boromir of white tower (horse and foot)
saruman and grima
gothmog (warg and foot)

And I feel like I'm forgetting something..

There are the two Isengard troops, Berserkers and Crossbows. Also, Gulavhar, Suladan and Dain & Balin.

Also, what "different combination" could the Fellowship have? It was Gandalf, Aragorn, Boromir, Legolas, Gimli, Frodo, Samwise, Pippin and Merry. End of discussion.

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 Post subject: Re: Citadel finecast
PostPosted: Sat May 28, 2011 7:05 am 
Elven Warrior
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Its the same fellowship, but not the models from the fellowship: ... eMode=true

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 Post subject: Re: Citadel finecast
PostPosted: Sat May 28, 2011 7:36 am 

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Well we got to be the first customers in the world to see the Finecast models in New Zealand. It was also the Wellington Games Workshops' 14th birthday today so I took the kids in for a game and look. All metals are gone, boxed up and sent back for Internet sales only. The Finecast models do look good and the price increase is not a big as I had feared ($120 vs $105 NZD for a box and $42, $48 or $64 for a blister depending what is in it). The hero blisters still only have two figures in them (etiher on foot and mounted or two on foot depending on the blister). However, the non-hero blisters now have four figures in them (I wish I had known that a couple of weeks ago when I bought the kids a pack of Uruk-Hai Berserkers!).

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 Post subject: Re: Citadel finecast
PostPosted: Sat May 28, 2011 9:14 am 
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How in the name of God did we get from £2.75ish for a metal rank and file figure to £3.50 for one in resin?

I thought it was metal that was in short supply and driving prices up. I don't pay much attention to the news, but has there been a great shortage of resin globally?


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