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 Post subject: Re: Citadel finecast
PostPosted: Sun May 29, 2011 10:07 am 
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Let's keep the discussion civil people.

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 Post subject: Re: Citadel finecast
PostPosted: Sun May 29, 2011 10:30 am 
Elven Warrior
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You know, I remember when WOTR was coming out, everyone was like "Oh no its going to be like 40k Apocalypse" then a lot of people liked it. There were people that didn't like it too, and I understand that. But this release has more going for it in terms of Hobby. Sure, they cost a fair bit more than the metals, wotr was like that too. But you're getting models that have superior detail and less breakages or hassle with assembly. They look so much fun to paint!! And surely gamesworkshop is going to release more miniatures in the future in Finecast (I'm hoping for the elf twins of course) I don't mean to sound like a typical GW employee but i think we have a lot to gain here. This has been an expensive hobby for a while, but then so are many others out there. :)

^ Oldman willow, about the glue issue, on the GW site they say to use Citadel superglue. There you go...

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 Post subject: Re: Citadel finecast
PostPosted: Sun May 29, 2011 11:24 am 
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The amount of models and books I buy from GW is propoortional to the prices. The more prices increase, the less I buy. Period.

I'm already at the point where I just want to finish the armies that I already have (Gondor, Arnor, Mordor, Angmar, and Raven Guard Space Marines) so I can move on to other games & manufacturers like Wargames Factory or Gripping Beast.

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 Post subject: Re: Citadel finecast
PostPosted: Sun May 29, 2011 8:34 pm 

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King Ondoher wrote:
The amount of models and books I buy from GW is propoortional to the prices. The more prices increase, the less I buy. Period.

See that's the point, you will buy less miniatures and books but you probably won't spend any less money on your hobby.

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 Post subject: Re: Citadel finecast
PostPosted: Sun May 29, 2011 9:31 pm 
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HeavySoul wrote:
King Ondoher wrote:
The amount of models and books I buy from GW is propoortional to the prices. The more prices increase, the less I buy. Period.

See that's the point, you will buy less miniatures and books but you probably won't spend any less money on your hobby.

Actually, I will. I have 5 more or less complete armies.

Gondor - around 800pts.
Arnor - around 600pts
Mordor - around 800pts
Angmar - around 1000pts
Raven Guard Space Marines (40K) - around 2500pts.

In Lord of the Rings I only play SBG, and rarely play more than 500pt games. The only things I'm likely to get from now until the Hobbit releases, are the odd hero or two. I want Duinhir to use as a Dunadan. I've just made an ebay account, so I'll be getting things off there soon enough. In 40K I have a reasonably large collection that gives me flexibility in the lists I can make (all mainly infantry based though as fits a Raven Guard player). Two Landspeeders and my 40K collection will be finished.

I've gone from a point where I was literally making an impulse purchase every month to where I buy like one box set and two or three blisters in a year. The year on year price rises over the last 8 years that I've been playing, plus my increasing interest in Historical gaming (Wargames Factory and Gripping Beast Saxons) has brought me to the point where I just want to finish what I've got and move on from GW.

Of course, when the Hobbit films are released and GW updates its LotR range I'll consider the new models that they bring out, but as of right now I'm not interested in getting anything else.

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 Post subject: Re: Citadel finecast
PostPosted: Sun May 29, 2011 11:53 pm 
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I'm in the same boat as you Ondoher. I'm topping off my collection and will wait for the Hobbit line.

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 Post subject: Re: Citadel finecast
PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2011 12:09 am 
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Sacrilege83 wrote:
I'm in the same boat as you Ondoher. I'm topping off my collection and will wait for the Hobbit line.

What I'm most excited about is the Men of Dale & Bard the bowman/eventual King. And the forces of Dol Guldur - the Necromancer, Orcs, Ringwraiths, Castellans etc.

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 Post subject: Re: Citadel finecast
PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2011 6:51 am 

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Well, I'll jump in with my 2 cents. I am not buying any of these "finecast" models. It's just an excuse to raise prices under the guise of an "improved" product. Does this mean that all my previous metal models are "junkcast"? And what of the plastic injection figures? Does resin fill a mold better that injected plastic?
GW can blather all they want. They are not getting a dime from me. I like my metal models and will happily buy up all I can get on Ebay or elsewhere, for half the price. If people wish to "improve" their collections with resin figures, go ahead. Sell me your old, worthless, junkcast metal. I'm buying.
 Post subject: Re: Citadel finecast
PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2011 9:01 am 
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Nevinsrip wrote:
Well, I'll jump in with my 2 cents. I am not buying any of these "finecast" models. It's just an excuse to raise prices under the guise of an "improved" product. Does this mean that all my previous metal models are "junkcast"? And what of the plastic injection figures? Does resin fill a mold better that injected plastic?
GW can blather all they want. They are not getting a dime from me. I like my metal models and will happily buy up all I can get on Ebay or elsewhere, for half the price. If people wish to "improve" their collections with resin figures, go ahead. Sell me your old, worthless, junkcast metal. I'm buying.

It's probably no consolation that the price rise has nothing to do with the release of finecast. Prices were going to increase irrespective hence the costlier books and plastics also and yes this does mean gw would be quite happy to charge the finecast prices for the same old metal figures. But external factors have forced gw to change their product in order to maintain their competitive edge and profit margins.It's an advertising strategy that is used over and over in all other industries; each product is the best ever at whatever function it performs until a newer improved version is released.

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 Post subject: Re: Citadel finecast
PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2011 11:51 am 
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Alzenrider wrote:
Did anyone notice the message at the end of the description that says that you can only buy 3 online?

that'll be temporary. once the production lines settle in and they get over the initial deluge of demand, the restrictions will vanish

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 Post subject: Re: Citadel finecast
PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2011 11:52 am 
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Nevinsrip wrote:
Well, I'll jump in with my 2 cents. I am not buying any of these "finecast" models. It's just an excuse to raise prices under the guise of an "improved" product. Does this mean that all my previous metal models are "junkcast"? And what of the plastic injection figures? Does resin fill a mold better that injected plastic?
GW can blather all they want. They are not getting a dime from me. I like my metal models and will happily buy up all I can get on Ebay or elsewhere, for half the price. If people wish to "improve" their collections with resin figures, go ahead. Sell me your old, worthless, junkcast metal. I'm buying.


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 Post subject: Re: Citadel finecast
PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2011 9:59 pm 

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I went over to my local GW store to check the LOTR versions out. I was not impressed with what I saw.

I am concerned about the "survivability" of this resin on the tabletop; Can they survive a drop to the floor and can they bend?

Looking in a pack of Uruk-hai beserkers and Gandalf, I noticed that a sword had already snapped off, while the horse's tail for Gandalf's figure was chipped on the end.

Some of the customers bought some of the Space Marines and Warhammer fantasy figures and had assembled them. I could see some good detail in those, which I was not able to see as extensively with the LOTR figs.

I also took some of the left over tree which had some connectors on it, and began flicking them back and forth. After the third time they snapped. This was what I feared most, as many of the weapons on the LOTR figures, being that they have less "heft" to them than the other two lines, are not so durable when they are touched. I fear there will be many broken lances and swords if they are used instead of metal.

Good God, and the price went up to $23.00 USD for 4 foot and $33.00 USD for a cavalry and foot fig!

Glad that I have plenty of metal troops and that I got them before the price increase!

 Post subject: Re: Citadel finecast
PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2011 10:32 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Killerkatanas wrote:
I went over to my local GW store to check the LOTR versions out. I was not impressed with what I saw.

I am concerned about the "survivability" of this resin on the tabletop; Can they survive a drop to the floor and can they bend?

Looking in a pack of Uruk-hai beserkers and Gandalf, I noticed that a sword had already snapped off, while the horse's tail for Gandalf's figure was chipped on the end.

Some of the customers bought some of the Space Marines and Warhammer fantasy figures and had assembled them. I could see some good detail in those, which I was not able to see as extensively with the LOTR figs.

I also took some of the left over tree which had some connectors on it, and began flicking them back and forth. After the third time they snapped. This was what I feared most, as many of the weapons on the LOTR figures, being that they have less "heft" to them than the other two lines, are not so durable when they are touched. I fear there will be many broken lances and swords if they are used instead of metal.

Good God, and the price went up to $23.00 USD for 4 foot and $33.00 USD for a cavalry and foot fig!

Glad that I have plenty of metal troops and that I got them before the price increase!


They can survive drops easily, and it definitely bends:

read this article: ... =16800012a

The prices would have gone up regardless of the change in material.
The detail is a lot better, all that sucks is the quality control, some bad casts are getting through and that is what you're seeing on the internet.
I have a troll chieftain, he is perfect. I will post some pictures tomorrow.

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 Post subject: Re: Citadel finecast
PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2011 10:48 pm 
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Dezartfox, I don't envy you one bit. Public opinion on the Finecast stuff seems overwhelmingly negative and you're caught in the middle defending your employer. Whether it's out of blind loyalty or true belief in this new product I'm not sure (but I'm leaning towards the latter) but I must salute you for bringing us essentially the only non-propaganda information we've seen.

I'm sad to say that I no longer feel any loyalty towards GW as I once did. Having said that, the Finecast stuff isn't the source of my displeasure. The near-constant price hikes for seemingly no reason and this latest utter lack of communication to the consumer have both fueled my new lackadaisical outlook towards them as a company. Saddest part is, I don't even think they'd give a [word deleted] if they knew I was disappointed or angry. Hell, they probably don't give a rat's furry little ass if they have a THOUSAND PO'ed customers.

Now, does the Finecast stuff come in blisters like before? If I go into a GW store, will I be able to look at the mini before I buy it and check myself for flaws? Likewise, if I get some from the online store what would their reaction be to my reporting any broken or missing parts? Would they just laugh it off and say "LOL, sorry bro. Better luck next time!"?

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 Post subject: Re: Citadel finecast
PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2011 11:52 pm 

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Lord Hurin wrote:
Now, does the Finecast stuff come in blisters like before? If I go into a GW store, will I be able to look at the mini before I buy it and check myself for flaws? Likewise, if I get some from the online store what would their reaction be to my reporting any broken or missing parts? Would they just laugh it off and say "LOL, sorry bro. Better luck next time!"?

It comes in new "clam packs". You have a full colour picture of the model on the front and you can see through a clear plastic box on the back. Easy to check out a model.
GW are good with customer service- if you have an issue with a model they'll replace it.
 Post subject: Re: Citadel finecast
PostPosted: Tue May 31, 2011 12:12 am 
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Lorizael wrote:
It comes in new "clam packs". You have a full colour picture of the model on the front and you can see through a clear plastic box on the back. Easy to check out a model.
GW are good with customer service- if you have an issue with a model they'll replace it.

Good to hear, on both counts. I know you used to get a replacement with no hassles, but wasn't sure if that was still the case...

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 Post subject: Re: Citadel finecast
PostPosted: Tue May 31, 2011 2:28 am 
Elven Warrior
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Just curious, but what has been the reaction of the wider GW customer base> I am talking about the WFB & 40K players. I dont play these games, so don't follow their boards/forums, but was just wondering if there is a similar outcry there aswell?


 Post subject: Re: Citadel finecast
PostPosted: Tue May 31, 2011 7:49 am 

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Good question...

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 Post subject: Re: Citadel finecast
PostPosted: Tue May 31, 2011 8:23 am 
Elven Warrior
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Yeah it's grim.

The problem is, is that all the people who are posting pictures are the ones that got bad casts, and I bet they're a minority compared to those who got good casts.

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 Post subject: Re: Citadel finecast
PostPosted: Tue May 31, 2011 8:48 am 
Elven Warrior
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Yeh I go on 40k boards a lot and it's as Dezartfox said, people seem willing to put it down. However I have seen some logs that are quite impressed with them.
However I must say, finecast isn't the phenomenon that GW said it would be IMHO.

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