Highlordell wrote:
The problem with all-hero armies is that heroes aren't cost effective compared to troops, and therefore aren't meant to be used with other heroes. They really just exist to help your main army and compensate for it's weaknesses.
Having won the 2009 doubles GT with an all-hero force, then having been 2nd at the 2010 doubles behind an all-hero force, and having won a 2011 singles GT, where the 3rd place was given to an all-hero force... I have to strongly disagree with this. Heroes ARE LotR. Heroes are what makes this game what it is and heroes are the most important and most essential part of competitive play. In majority of the cases it's troops that support the heroes, not the other way round. In a properly built force both troops and heroes become cost effective.
SuicidalMarsbar wrote:
Really? Im worried that their low defence score will have gandalf healing them every bleedin' turn but 3 fight 6 attacks should keep them safe. Well i haven't bought the Twins or Murin and Drar yet, im guessing it will be one or the other....
Yup Twins are the best combat heroes in the game. Why worry about their defence? If you worried about models defence you'd say that Spider Queen is bad too and that's not true. Defence makes no difference when you don't lose combats. Twins very rarely lose combats because charging when mounted they have 4 attacks to win with F6, which beats everything that the evil side has other than Trolls (which nobody uses anyway).
SuicidalMarsbar wrote:
This is what i have in mind:
Radagast 150pts
Boromir 105pts
Murin and Drar 150pts
Legolas with armour 95 p
500pts, 5 models, 18 might, 5 shots
This army has no right to be successful. Legolas, Murin and Drar have only 2 attacks each and aren't mounted - they're useless for combat. Radagast has no offensive spells and gives no protection from enemy bowfire. Boromir is too easy to take out with a Ringwraith.
In 500pts in terms of all-hero force I would probably get Twins, Glorfindel Lord and Gandalf all mounted. Twins and Glorf are 4 attacks on charge, Gandalf gives Blasts and Blinding Light.
I'm sure in 700pts the best all-hero force you can make is Aragorn/Twins/Glorfindel/Gandalf (although whether you take Glorfindel or Boromir CotWT is a subject to discussion - extra might and lance or F7 and Magic resistance, I would choose Glorfindel), all of them mounted.
But coming back on topic of the original lists (that's what I came here for in the first place I think):
Good looks pretty good, maybe swap dwarf bowmen for rangers so you get volley fire. Numbers are very good there.
Evil is a bit 'meh', nothing special in it really. Again SQ > Chieftain, but if you prefer the dog then it's your choice
I don't mind Undying, although he's a bit of an overkill in 500pts, I would rather have him in 700 with another wraith on board.