Sacrilege83 wrote:
Are you sure Beowulf that you want your entire army to look fantastic like the models being done in the challenges? There's a reason why you save you best for the Captains and heroes and just do a mediocre job on the grunts and peons. When I do my Uruk-Army, the grunts will just be painted flat Scorched Brown and dry brushed Dark Fleshed to get them over with.
Sacrilege83 wrote:
It's all a question of time. I spent hours upon hours on my Lurtz. I'd hate to paint 24+ more of them in that manner, especially with the huge backlog I have I'll never finish it off. This is coming from a single man with not that many responsibilities.
No intention of spending that much time on my mass forces. But trying to get the colors from the masses to match the detailed elites and heroes as close as possible is critical for a good looking army.

The one on the far right is one of my earliest Wood Elves. Almost now washing, just highlight painting and drybrushing. I did him shortly after getting back into the hobby in 2008. The three to his left are more recent and are done with washes. MUCH faster to produce than the older style and I think they look better in the end. I'm very comfortable with the colors and washes I need to use on my WEs now and can add a box in pretty quick if I need to. I've worked out similar themes for my Mordor Orcs and am finalizing them for my Rohan army. So when I revisit Isengard I want to be able to do the same.
Sacrilege83 wrote:
This is coming from a single man with not that many responsibilities. If I had a career and a family, forget about it.
Lately I do about 80% or more of my painting sitting in my car on lunch break. I have a few dozen paints in a travel case and a tackle box tray (compartments) padded with tissue to hold that week's models. I go sit out side for 30-45 minutes and listen to some music or audio book and get thru a color or two. I have a (amazingly supportive

) wife, three kids and a 50+ hour per week (nights + weekends too) senior IT job that all make finding time for a hobby a balancing act. I long sometimes for the days of yore when I had time to spare.