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 Post subject: Re: September Painting Challenge: Monsters
PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 2:05 am 
Elven Warrior
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@Sacrilege - I had the same issue with mine - and still don't have it resolved. If you have a look at my work in progress thread - Balin's tomb + Balrog (its on the 2nd page now - then go to page 3 of the thread and scroll down) you will see I tried drybrushing some red on the inside of the arm to try to simulate fire reflecting. It didn't really work out so I stopped there. At least you can see what it might look like if you give it a go. The grey on the horns seems to work out nicely, but I felt like you that grey highlights on the skin would be boring. Once I get back to this I think I will just go with the grey. I am not skilled enough to do a good job with fire reflection. Also have a look at the Balrogs on Coolminiornot - there is a nice one there with fire reflecting on the terrain around the balrog.

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 Post subject: Re: September Painting Challenge: Monsters
PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 4:26 am 
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Thanks Edge, I took a look and noticed dry brushing on the wing arm. I think you were on to something but I do get it that it does make the model kind of odd. It's weird because the dilemma is that he's suppose to be black and shadowy, yet he should be reflecting light just like stills from the movie where it shows his horns as yellow & orange and not just black.

Btw nice custom made whip you had, better than GW's supplied. Also your wings are great and you did the opposite from what I did when dry brushing. You dry brushed with dark red painting the raised parts, whereas I painted the wings solid Dark Flesh and dry brushed black so that the relief (word check) is red and the raised is black. I wonder if I made the right decision when I look at yours now. Doh well it's all good.

Anyway I could play this safe with the gray highlighting. After all I just want this model finally done painted after a year of idleness on my shelf. But if I want votes in this competition, and considering the quality I'm up against, maybe I should take risks and go for broke even though fire reflection would be new territory for me.

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 Post subject: Re: September Painting Challenge: Monsters
PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 6:34 am 
Elven Warrior
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Sacrilege83 wrote:
whereas I painted the wings solid Dark Flesh and dry brushed black so that the relief (word check) is red and the raised is black. I wonder if I made the right decision when I look at yours now

I think you have probably made the right decision. I was just being lazy since the whole model was undercoated black so drybrushing the raised bits was easy. It's the tears in the wings that should be red so your interpretation, in my mind, is right and you have done the hard work. I'm looking forward to seeing how the skin turns out for yours. Mine is still sitting on the shelf waiting to be finished.

I'm struggling with my cave drake too. Just spent ages with multiple layers of drybrushing and washing the scales to get a blue/green effect but I'm not sure I like the result. Might have to start again!

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 Post subject: Re: September Painting Challenge: Monsters
PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 12:54 pm 
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"Might have to start again!"

That seems interesting though if you can pull it off. The blue/green effect. I'm guessing you're really trying to blend those colours in and make the transitioning look seemless. You have a progress picture in your w.i.p? When I plan on doing my cave drake I want it black with bits of solid red and have red/purple hues to it.

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 Post subject: Re: September Painting Challenge: Monsters
PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 2:52 pm 
Elven Warrior
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I'm experiencing similar "issues" with my Dragon. I've done two washes, finally happy with the resulting color and the first basecoat of all the scales. I have a vision for it, but am having problem with the execution--I have probably already spent 10 hours on it . . . if this continues I'm looking at a 60+ hour endeavor.
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 Post subject: Re: September Painting Challenge: Monsters
PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 4:56 pm 
Elven Elder
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Here's my proof pic (I'm not expecting a vote from Hilbert because it is converted) It will be reconverted, rebased and repainted for this competition By the way, this is the first time I have ever entered it:


"I am the Flying Spagetti Monster. Thou shall have no other monsters before me"
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 Post subject: Re: September Painting Challenge: Monsters
PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 6:16 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Two photos of work in progress, just over 7 hours of painting so far . . . done a couple sample scales--haven't found the right mix yet for the color I am going for. Very happy with the two base coat washings to give a darkened red affect fo the deep body of the dragon.


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 Post subject: Re: September Painting Challenge: Monsters
PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 6:24 pm 
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Lookin good mate lookin good!!! Going to be a really nice piece! Lovin the dark colours, makes mine look like something out of a cartoon lol

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 Post subject: Re: September Painting Challenge: Monsters
PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 6:47 pm 
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He looking fantastic :yay:

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 Post subject: Re: September Painting Challenge: Monsters
PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 8:53 pm 
Elven Warrior
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IS - your dragon is looking awesome so far.

Here's some progress picks of the cave drake. I left the scales as a black undercoat and then did multiple drybrushed coats of a green/blue mix (50:50 goblin green and turquoise - which ended up just looking a lighter green) then turquoise with green and blue washes inbetween. I wanted to get a green/blue 'hue' to the scales but I am thinking I should have just basecoated with a dark green first rather than leave them black. Finally I drybrushed with a 50:50 mix of ice blue and mithril silver. I wanted to get a metallic sheen to the scales - especially in the raised areas.

The bottom half of the legs are not finished yet. They need more drybrushing and washes and highlighting.

I am not convinced by the end product. But I am going to work on the rest of the model first and see what the whole thing looks like before I decide if I will start the scales again.



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 Post subject: Re: September Painting Challenge: Monsters
PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 8:54 pm 
Elven Elder
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Nice colours on your drake. Looks better than mine.

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 Post subject: Re: September Painting Challenge: Monsters
PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 9:17 pm 

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So I see my idea worked out edge67... Good luck on the challenge... 8)
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 Post subject: Re: September Painting Challenge: Monsters
PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 10:01 pm 
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The scales on that drake look superb! Don't re-do them. The gree/blue colour looks awesome and you have just enough silver to make it shiny, yet keep it looking realistic. :yay:
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 Post subject: Re: September Painting Challenge: Monsters
PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 10:30 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Speaking of scales I think I'm starting to narrow down the look--


For this one the camera has exaggerated the look of the highlights . . . but its interesting to see the perspective

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 Post subject: Re: September Painting Challenge: Monsters
PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 10:32 pm 
Elven Elder
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Why are yours and Edge67's awesome?

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 Post subject: Re: September Painting Challenge: Monsters
PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 10:44 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Thanks for the feedback guys. I feel better now.
@Hilbert - yes, you were spot on with the suggested colour scheme - thanks. I just thought my application of it was lacking.
@IS - the highlights on your large scales look superb. It is going to be an awesome dragon!

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 Post subject: Re: September Painting Challenge: Monsters
PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 11:05 pm 
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Nice job on these guys! :)

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 Post subject: Re: September Painting Challenge: Monsters
PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 11:21 pm 
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Great work Isle & Edge, keep it up. The scale work looks great on both of them. So far Edge from what your picture is showing, it looks really good and agree with you that you should wait to see the overall look of it when completed before deciding on redoing the scales. As it stands it looks great, just wondering how you might find having a dark green background on the scales instead of black would be better.

IsleStaggerholm those are good highlight effects, can't wait to see the finished product.

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 Post subject: Re: September Painting Challenge: Monsters
PostPosted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 8:22 am 
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Hey :)
The two lizards are coming along nicely guys, I have to say edge67 your drake being a little more painted looks fantastic, I looked at the GW one for comparison, seems they used a dark green base coat on theirs like you wanted to try. personally I think yours has the more uniformed and greater contrast, and may turn out looking better, its deadly so far.
All these monsters are going to be so cool when their done so I'd like to join the challenge with a Huron if I may, I made him a while ago out of stuff for sealing up gaps. I'm going to add some small details about him before a proof photo, this one I took after I worked on him last...

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 Post subject: Re: September Painting Challenge: Monsters
PostPosted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 8:31 am 
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WOW!! That is SO cool! Amazing! I saw it and it took me a little while to realize what it was and then... Wow. I love it! I won't join this painting challenge 'cause I don't have any monsters to paint... :(
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