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 Post subject: Help Vs. Dwarves needed (SBG)
PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 8:53 am 
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Hey guys, been playing for a while but still inexperienced. My wife's started using a dwarf army against my Harad army. My problem is that she uses a box formation around her heroes and dwarf rangers, when i charge, with her warriors high defense, its like hitting a brick wall armed with axes lol.

So i guess my question is, is there anything i can ally in that can break through a wall of armored dwarves more effectively?

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 Post subject: Re: Help Vs. Dwarves needed (SBG)
PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 9:27 am 
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Ally in some Easterling Pikes for 3 attacks against I (if they are pure dwarf, not supported by spears): you should win the fights most of the time, and be able to approach with a D6 shield wall. Harad affords cheap cavalry with lances...but I shudder to think of charging those S3 bows (not that Rangers with Longbows at S2 would be much fun either). You have the movement advantage against those stubby legged guys...that could help you in choosing the place of the clash, a place that uses terrian for max protection for your cavalry against arrows, so they can come around from behind for the classic Hammer & Anvil. It will annoy her to no end if your Harad bows stand just out of range of her Dwarf short bows...

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 Post subject: Re: Help Vs. Dwarves needed (SBG)
PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 12:22 pm 
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Some Mahud camels could help: S4 with a war spear is pretty sweet, not to mention 3 attacks on a charge. Corsairs can be anti-dwarf: you move 6", she moves 5", so you can always throw and they can't reach you. Lastly, try some different scenarios. If she's always using the same formation, maybe it's because she has no real objective other than survival.
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 Post subject: Re: Help Vs. Dwarves needed (SBG)
PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 12:48 pm 
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Thanks For that guys. yeah we are still playing survival mainly until the rules come naturally. Im defo going to get some easterlings as they were my next army to buy so i'll hurry that purchase up.
Thanks for a quick response!!
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 Post subject: Re: Help Vs. Dwarves needed (SBG)
PostPosted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 5:19 pm 

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Check out this blog
Recently, he's been doing 40k stuff, but if go back to last year, you can find some pretty cool battles of Dwarves vs Haradrim, as well as paint and conversion guides.
Generally, his brother has had success using the Betrayer, Saludan, Hasharin, and Watchers to combat the dwarves' high defense, along with the Mumak occasionally.

God bless you!

Forth Eorlingas!
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 Post subject: Re: Help Vs. Dwarves needed (SBG)
PostPosted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 9:15 am 
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I would heavily suggest easterlings. From my experience, I do not find Corsairs effectiveness. The only advantage a corsair has in their high fight value. Their throwing weapons barley penetrate the armour of dwarves and their low defense means they get killed EASILY. I would suggest an easterling phalanx and a MUST have is a banner. Throw in 2 if you want to. Have some elites cover your flanks (if you get flanked by dwarves your in trouble) but dont sacrifice them too easily, use them when you need to. I would throw archers completely out the window unless she uses alot of dwarf rangers in which easterling archers are great against. Dwarf heroes are impossible to kill unless you have numbers so you must isolate/distract the hero until the rest of the army is destroyed. I wouldn't use cavalry. They are expensive and you need to have numbers against her. Dwarves are a touch bunch, I wish you luck in your battles.
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 Post subject: Re: Help Vs. Dwarves needed (SBG)
PostPosted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 6:44 pm 
Elven Elder
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Dwarves suffer (and I mean suffer HORRIBLY!) against a good spell caster. I use Saruman and his Immobilise can really turn Durin into nothing more than a 160 pt piece of scenery. Even if he resists it, he can only resist it a max of 3 turns. Sorcerous Blast can (and will) destroy the toughest dwarf shield wall. If you do go with some Easterlings, Amdur and a Dragon Knight are a must. Both are great fighters, but Amdur also counts as a 6 in banner to Easterlings and also regains might if he kills a hero. Well worth 100 pts.

:saruman "Leave Sauron to me."
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 Post subject: Re: Help Vs. Dwarves needed (SBG)
PostPosted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 7:08 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Use your archery to target enemy archers, staying about 21 inches away, that way the Dwarves can't move forwards and shoot directly, giving you a few extra turns to shoot them down.

Something you should definitely consider are Haradrim Raiders. I've used them successfully against Dwarves before. A Haradrim King with War Spear and 5 Haradrim Raiders will help break apart any formation.
A tactic that I've used with Dwarves before is to shield with a banner, while my Khazad Guard go round the back and my Vault Wardens hold the centre of the line, so to stop this happening try and shoot down the banner bearer.
Dwarf Heroes are a tough nut to crack, so I've found a few possible solutions, which I've used and had used against me, and can also be used on banner bearers, elites and basic Warriors.

Hit and Run with cavalry works well. Send a Haradrim Hero (preferably a King with Lance) and 6-8 Haradrim Raiders/Serpent Riders (Serpent Riders are better), charging the Dwarves when they have Priority (to stop them charging you), if you do this with two groups at the same time, then the Dwarves will struggle to recover. An alternative, which has been mentioned, is to use Corsairs, by placing them between 5 and 6 inches away. This allows them to throw their daggers, and forces the Dwarves to either chase you, in which case you move away, or move away themselves, in which case you follow them and shoot them anyway.
The Hammer and Anvil has also been mentioned, although timing this may be difficult, as Haradrim aren't the toughest of models. What would also work with this is creating a line of Corsairs with Shields, shielding with them and then wrapping around the Dwarves trapping them. Abrakhan Guard could work well for this, but Haradrim will be required to keep numbers up, here's a diagram

C = Shield armed corsair, O = Other Evil model, D = Dwarf



A lance armed cavalry charge will also work well against Dwarves. I once had my line of Dwarves decimated by a charge of Knights of Minas Tirith, who were led by both Boromir (weak version) and Faramir (normal). The amount of might produced by these two quickly sealed the fate of my poor Dwarves, and I ended up trapped between two buildings so was unable to surround them.
A distraction will also work well. I've used 4 Haradrim Raiders to charge off towards some Elf Archers (similar concept), while my spearwall advanced. This forced the Elves to shoot my Raiders or lose their shooting completely. Needless to say the Raiders were dismounted or killed, but saved me from at least 4 turns of shooting

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 Post subject: Re: Help Vs. Dwarves needed (SBG)
PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 3:39 pm 

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I find playing differrent scenarios from the Legions book help balance the innate strengths of a Dwarf force.
With High defence and strength in a straight up battle there battlelines are rock solid.
My regular opponent uses Khazad Guard, backing heroes, with either iron guard or bowmen in support, i know your pain.
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 Post subject: Re: Help Vs. Dwarves needed (SBG)
PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 4:25 pm 
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Anybody considered Corsair Arbalesters? I don't know their stats or the price of the models but I would have assumed a firebase (or two) of Str 4, 24" crossbow wielding corsairs would be able to penetrate the heavy armour. Rangers vs Arbalesters, I'd assume Arbalesters would win? Just a thought.

- My miniature gaming blog, sorry for lack of LOTR content right now.
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 Post subject: Re: Help Vs. Dwarves needed (SBG)
PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 5:22 pm 
Elven Elder
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Arbalesters have D6 in the shoot phase and have crossbows. They're the same price as the Dwarf Rangers with bows. They would wound on a 5+ while the rangers would need a 6. I might just get some Arbelesters now!

:saruman "Leave Sauron to me."
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 Post subject: Re: Help Vs. Dwarves needed (SBG)
PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 6:16 pm 
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Stop buying into your enemies tactics! If they've laid a heavy wall of armour, don't try to fight it head on. Either target their weaker forces or divide your attack, attempting to flank them, attacking at the front and rear.

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 Post subject: Re: Help Vs. Dwarves needed (SBG)
PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 9:27 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior

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abrakhan's guard are can openers.
S4 vs D7 is 6, 2 handed weapons means 5s.
Serpent riders, S3 vs D7 is 6s, lance means 5s reroll 1's.
Corsairs. Throwin weapon retreat. You can move back out of range every turn and shoot throwing weapons at her.

Try to make her dwarves engage you in a space where you can outflank or invite her to spread out.

Finally. Last time I fought dwarves back in LOME I used a tripple wraith combo to remove dwarf heroes. 1 sap will, then check the success and go for black dart or sap will removing dain can win you the game

The banner is not a big deal.
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 Post subject: Re: Help Vs. Dwarves needed (SBG)
PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 9:31 pm 
Elven Elder
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Age of post not looked at, help may no longer be needed.

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