Draugluin wrote:
Beowulf03809 wrote:
FireKnife wrote:
...still taking a risk on the Evil behalf and could end up with a dead Evil model, no combat and the enemy is just sat out of combat unscathed as the spear and throwing weapon model killed his mate.
Just a side note but when I play Evil I often enjoy shooting into combat...just because I can. I am amazed how deadly accurate an Orc bow is when it hits your own models. My Uruk Scouts regularly put a '6' into a heavily armored and shielded fighting Uruk Hai on their own team. Very impressive.
Goblins are incredibly good shots when shooting at their own guys. One time, a group of gob archers shot a group that was in combat. Killed 2 of mine (after hitting 3) for none of his (after hitting 2).
I did one better. During a siege I shot my Mordor siege bow at an elf on the wall. Scored a hit (the first after about 7 turns of missing). Then I rolled a 1 on the Scatter chart and did not realise that my Mordor troll was hammering less than 8cm away on the gate below. Rolled a 6 to wound pinning my own troll to the door. The door should have at least taken damage from the blow! Was quite a hilarious moment I can tell you.
But getting this thread back to the original message regarding spears. If a spearman is not part of the fight for all intents and purposes does this mean that:
- He can be shot at by an enemy model without fear of the shooter 'shooting into combat'
- He can be compelled away from the fight
- A combat does not get the benefit of a banner's re-roll if only the supporting spearman is in range of the banner
- The spearman has to test for courage for force being broken even if he was supporting a warrior in combat at the beginning of his move phase.
- The spearman does not get knocked over by a charging cavalry model if he was only supporting the model being charged
- While supporting a model with his spear, if a banner-bearer in base contact is killed, he can stop supporting the other model, drop all his gear, and pick up the banner.
Also if a spearman is supporting a model but that model then gets transfixed, does the transfixed model still get an extra attack? I have played it that the transfixed model
does get an extra attack because the spear can still poke around him but the transfixed model will not strike blows. Thus the transfixed model would have a better chance of winning the fight with a spear support but would still not strike blows because the spearman's fight stats do not actually come into play - he is merely adding an attack to the supported model.