Sticky Fingersss wrote:
If I had a pound for how many times that has been said...
True, you would probably be able to buy the whole miniature range. Sometimes it's just too damn hard to resist to buy something new that actually looks good. So I could understand people not sticking to their boycott plan/new year's resolution. The biggest deal for me to boycott is the "Hobbit" miniature range when it comes out, more specifically Smaug. If I personally 100% ever complete my backlog, I just might pick up that model at full price despite the finecast.
Draugluin wrote:
If all you do is buy from Ebay, then how will you get the new stuff? If you get the new stuff off of Ebay, then SOMEONE had to buy it first. The only way to really boycott GW is to NOT buy anything made by them. Which I think we all know isn't gonna happen.
I don't necessarily agree with that statement. To be honest I won't personally ever be 100% done with GW, but I refuse to buy lower grade material finecast at their expensive full retail price unless it's a model I very VERY much want as stated above. I would still buy GW products at discount price though when I find the deals. I'm buying second hand as we speak right now.
And that's the thing buying second hand or waiting for a liquidation sale. Of course it will be a gamble to wait on the models you truly want, but hey tons of people have backlogs that just put their really wanted models on the back burner for ages. So the more you wait eventually the models you want will show up somewhere. Buying second hand does hurt GW; like you said Draugluin someone has to get the model at full price first and then sell it off for possibly way cheaper. I'm sure GW would rather prefer selling multiple copies of a miniature to customers paying at a full retail price than have 1 customer buy a miniature then sell it off to another potential GW customer; in the end GW only sold 1 model to 1 customer. When you're buying off of e-bay you're buying second-hand, this is money not going towards GW.
IF the Aussies, Japs & Kiwies can find deals on the internet more power to them and less to GW. Why do you think GW put a prohibition on independent web stores for? They were losing out on money. Can't stop e-bay though.
The question is now with the lower quality in material that finecast is (metal is way better
IMO & many others), lesser quantity in plastic packages with a higher price per model, and higher prices in general; who is going to continue on buying GW products at full price and up to what point? You're either filthy rich or obsessively crazy and/or ignorant when it comes to spending. I don't think that sort of clientel is quite common among the general populations of the world. I also don't think that this hobby that we partake in is quite popular enough in communities with the exception being the UK. AND... out of the "big three" GW miniature ranges, LOTR is the least popular. There's a reason why I see things turning bleak for GW, but then again I'm no business expert, just a keyboard warrior and hater/disgruntled customer.

My Lotr backlog: 305/952
32% completed
Painting Lineup: Mumakil x2, Rohan Heroes x8, Haradrim, SKoDA