Hi all, i'm looking for the following on foot and/or mounted:
Khamûl The Easterling
The Undying
The Knight of Umbar
2x Fell beasts (also looking for a plastic rider with reins if you have one spare from building the witch king)
mini rulebook from MOM
lesser wants:
Spectres (especially the elf one)
Trackers (on or off warg)
Wild wargs with chieftan
Castellans of Dol Guldur
to trade i have several armies that i would be willing to go into including space marines, skaven, empire, wood elves, warriors of chaos, daemons of chaos and have a plethora of other models (CSM, Necrons, Beastmen, etc) ask and you may get lucky

trades only within the UK please, if you could let me know the condition of the models that would be great, i dont mind if the models are built or painted as long as they are not ruined by glue or paint etc
thanks for reading