Rozinante wrote:
Long ago on this forum, I asked if Radagast's "Panic Steed" would work on a Mumakil; all agreed "No...the Mumakil is not a mount." The new Warband rules now specifically state that the Mumakil is the Commander's mount. Bad news for the Mumakil?
again, I say, that the Mumak has always been "classified" as a mount. In ORB its clearly stated, this concept is
not a new addition to SBG. So, if it was declared impossible that Panic Steed did not work then why the change? The Mumak has always been the "commanders mount."
The arguement is if Radagasts Panic Steed spell affects the Mumak by altering its normal movement ...or... his Panic Steed spell does not alter the Mumaks normal movement. The vagueness arises when you have those that read the wording only in black and white and see that it says, basically: The spell is cast and the mount is removed from battle ((as if it literally winks out of existence, without a dust mote to show it was there at all in the first place, and the hapless folks flailing about in midair till gravity remembers its role)).
As for me; I see that the Mumak is happily charging about in all his or hers glorious fury going about its business as usual when some white beard nutter pops up and goes !!!boogity-boogity-boo!!!, ableit very loudly and with a whole lot of bling! Attempting to ...panic... the Mumak which, according to some and me, would cause this hapless beast to go skittering into a 180* about-face and,
panic stricken, rumble off the field of battle. Which to me feels as if the Mumak normal movement has been affected/altered/gone all bats**t bonkers and lost he/her damn fool mind. Which is a mind affecting spell, which seems to fall in the same category as those spells that are written out in the new journeybooks. So, I wholeheartedly disagree with the stance that the Mumk is affected by a Panic Steed spell.