I shall share some wisdom that will hopefully accelerate your learning, having taught many, several of whom have become quite formidable.
First rule of thumb, know your basic rules, such as how moving, shooting, fighting, heroic actions, and the basics of magic. Know these along with the wounding chart. These are the basics, learn them and you are capable. Now, you only need to have the most important parts of the wounding chart memorized, S2-S7 for D4-D8. That will get you through a great many situations.
As a brief rule of thumb on the wound chart, if your strength is 2 higher than the D, it takes a 3 to wound. If the D is 2 higher than S, it takes a 6.
Then, know the profiles of what you like to use most often. Also know other basic profiles, like the average profile for a given race (Warrior of Minas Tirith, Moria Goblin, etc.).
Once you have most of this, then you will have a pretty good grasp on the game. If necessary, make exercises for yourself designed to reinforce a particular point- i.e., fight a battle with yourself where the force you want to improve with consists of entirely heroes, don't play the other side too hard (but hard enough that you have to actually consider what to do), and practice how to use heroic combats. These types of exercises can be quite useful.
As for other things, carry a rulebook, or a rules summary with you when you go to play- there are still some things, like the Mumak, that I don't know all the rules of, but I do know the basics, and have the general idea of what's happening.
Don't be afraid to ask the opponent for the profile of something- this isn't exactly 40k here, and I imagine we are friendly here, yes?

You'll pick it up, though I can understand how you have a little trouble making the shift to SBG after playing WotR several times- I did SBG for several years (updating the mental rulebook many times). But don't be afraid! You'll get it! Keep it up!