whafrog wrote:
So it's likely Gandalf didn't have a "plan" for dealing with the One Ring, just trusted in his heart and insight and having the fortitude to put one foot in front of the other and moving all the required pieces into place. Probably why he wanted to go into Moria in the first place: he knew something important had to be done there, but only when the Balrog appeared did he finally understand that *he* needed to sacrifice himself...and he did it anyway.
So when talking about Frodo's mission to Pippin, he knew it was a fool's hope when looked at objectively, but also knew in his heart what was right. This "heart vs head" theme is pretty strong with Tolkien's works.
He also knew that the hobbits would need to go along, all four not just Frodo and Sam. It was Pippin who got the attention of the goblins and thus Durin's Bane, which led to Gandalf dying/killing DB. If this hadn't happened, then 1. Gandalf wouldn't have become the White, so Theoden would never have gotten ahold of himself, so the War in Rohan, and thus the War at large, would have been lost, 2. DB would have been free to attack Lothlorien, which would have likely been the end of Lorien and then Mirkwood. Merry weakened the WK enough for Eowyn to kill him, which really helped win the Battle of Pelenor Fields. If Gandalf hadn't had a feeling that they should come in place of say Glorfindel, none of that would have happened, with the possible loss of the War, even if the Ring was destroyed.
Elrond didn't know that Tom would fall last as he was first, it was speculation, I also think it was Erestor, not Elrond who said that. (not sure, don't have the book on me right now).
EDIT: It was Glorfindel, not Erestor who said it.
Anyhow, my theory is that Tom was basically a fail-safe for the world. In other words, he either triggers the downfall of Morgoth/Sauron if they were to conquer Middle-Earth, or that he triggers Dagor Dagorath in some way. This would explain why he is unconcerned with anything outside his domain (he would however act if Sauron invaded the Old Forest) and why he had such incredible power. Anyway, Tolkien didn't even know what to make Tom, so it's kinda a moot point.

"Leave Sauron to me."
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