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 Post subject: Women Wargaming Club
PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2012 12:50 am 

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I have been contemplating about starting a wargaming club to attract women wargamers in my area. I must admit that this hobby can be very intimidating and unless she finds a group that is patient and helpful to beginners, she will be more than likely turned off by the hobby. I am trying to create a learning environment that is women friendly where she will feel free to ask any question without being made to feel stupid. On the agenda I have the following:

Lord of the Ring SBG
Napoleonics 1/72nd scale using Napoleonic Principle of War
WWII 28mm using Squad Operation
and later (not painted yet)
Samurai 28mm using either Impetus or Field of Glory
ECW 28mm using either Pike and Shotte or Field of Glory

All she would need to bring would be herself and a positive attitude. What do all of you think?
I am a woman so no I am not doing this to find a date. Hee...hee By the way, the club would meet at Games Plus in Mount Prospect, Illinois, U.S.
Please let me know what you think. Should I just give up the idea because female wargamers are rare?
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 Post subject: Re: Women Wargaming Club
PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2012 9:57 am 

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Down here in Richmond, I see a number of women gaming on our club night. However they are usually playing pathfinder or d&d with some others playing malifaux and magic. One approach may be to ask the girlfriend/wife/sister of the guys at the stores around you. Contact the owner/manager of the store and hang up signs about a girls only option and ask around. I think offering a girls only demo day option, with several games to demo, would also be good.
Good luck

richmondwarmancers we play Lord of The Rings, Battlefleet Gothic, Infinity, some board games, and really whatever tickles our fancy..
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 Post subject: Re: Women Wargaming Club
PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2012 4:37 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Definitely a good idea! This hobby is far too male dominated and I for one would welcome a feminine touch, in gaming terms of course.

The Southern Fiefdoms:
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 Post subject: Re: Women Wargaming Club
PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2012 10:01 am 
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ugh, if only you were in Maryland....

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 Post subject: Re: Women Wargaming Club
PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2012 1:51 pm 

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lorderkenbrand wrote:
Definitely a good idea! This hobby is far too male dominated and I for one would welcome a feminine touch, in gaming terms of course.

How do I construe this statement? Am I lucky enough to find another female wargamer? Or have you been claimed?
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 Post subject: Re: Women Wargaming Club
PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2012 1:56 pm 

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ScarpeIron wrote:
ugh, if only you were in Maryland....

Yeh! We are at least in the same country... didn't help did it? Well, if you are ever in Illinois (Chicagoland area), PM me and we'll have fun.
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 Post subject: Re: Women Wargaming Club
PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2012 2:02 pm 

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Jobu wrote:
Down here in Richmond, I see a number of women gaming on our club night. However they are usually playing pathfinder or d&d with some others playing malifaux and magic. One approach may be to ask the girlfriend/wife/sister of the guys at the stores around you. Contact the owner/manager of the store and hang up signs about a girls only option and ask around. I think offering a girls only demo day option, with several games to demo, would also be good.
Good luck

Thank you for these great idea. I will be stopping in to talk to the store manager on Saturday and make table reservations. On a regular basis, I have seen girlfriend/wife/sister/daughter held hostage -- umm, hanging around, but not wargaming with miniatures. I hope to entice them with "Women Warrior Day"... lame name, but better than "Warrior Princess".
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 Post subject: Re: Women Wargaming Club
PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2012 8:46 am 
Elven Warrior
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Ice Queen wrote:
lorderkenbrand wrote:
Definitely a good idea! This hobby is far too male dominated and I for one would welcome a feminine touch, in gaming terms of course.

How do I construe this statement? Am I lucky enough to find another female wargamer? Or have you been claimed?

Haha well i'm 100% male, the entwives are nowhere to be found in the UK... hopefully the trend will kickstart in the US

The Southern Fiefdoms:
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 Post subject: Re: Women Wargaming Club
PostPosted: Mon May 28, 2012 6:03 pm 

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Due to the litigious nature of certain people, I was recommended to not start a women wargaming club, but rather hold free gaming event(s) for women that must also be open to men as well. Okay, there goes my idea of having a friendly environment where female beginners can feel free to ask questions. Oh well... no club then, but I will still run free gaming events for beginners with priority given to women gamers -- I will check out legs if I have to. :rofl:
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 Post subject: Re: Women Wargaming Club
PostPosted: Tue May 29, 2012 11:50 am 
Elven Elder
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Ice Queen wrote:
I am a woman so no I am not doing this to find a date. Hee...hee

A bit presumpive there, you could be a womwn, and want to date one.

As a male who has grown up in a situation where in most instances it doesn't matter if you are male or female (ie equal), I would sort of applaud you, sort of because, being male, in the UK, it doesn't personally matter, and though there are female gamers in my area, they are few, but I hope you somehow succeed in your endevaer to find more, particularly if your feeling that you are outnumbered.

However, I will say this, if I was to decide, I would set up an all male gaming club, I'd be being sexist, but for you set up an all-female gaming club, it for some reason, is not, so you do have, in my opinion, the better hand, if you use it right.

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 Post subject: Re: Women Wargaming Club
PostPosted: Tue May 29, 2012 4:50 pm 

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GothmogtheWerewolf wrote:
Ice Queen wrote:
I am a woman so no I am not doing this to find a date. Hee...hee

A bit presumpive there, you could be a womwn, and want to date one.

As a male who has grown up in a situation where in most instances it doesn't matter if you are male or female (ie equal), I would sort of applaud you, sort of because, being male, in the UK, it doesn't personally matter, and though there are female gamers in my area, they are few, but I hope you somehow succeed in your endevaer to find more, particularly if your feeling that you are outnumbered.

However, I will say this, if I was to decide, I would set up an all male gaming club, I'd be being sexist, but for you set up an all-female gaming club, it for some reason, is not, so you do have, in my opinion, the better hand, if you use it right.

Very cute GothmogtheWerewolf. I have plenty of interesting flirtatious comebacks swimming in my head, but unfortunately I will have to end some provacative thoughts. Although I think all women are gorgeous, I do not want to date one nor two. Yes, men are equally handsome as well, but I tend to view them as disposable pleasures.

For the record, the Women Wargaming Club was just my way of introducing other women to the wonderful hobby of tabletop miniatures wargaming. I game regularly with various groups of men and have no problems out of the ordinary. I will try to remember to post Women Free Game Day information here once plans are finalized. Just for laughs, I should call it Free Women Game Day.
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 Post subject: Re: Women Wargaming Club
PostPosted: Thu May 31, 2012 6:09 pm 
Elven Elder
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Ice Queen wrote:
Just for laughs, I should call it Free Women Game Day.

That would get a big crowd, but not the kind you want. :-D

I still think you could be onto a good idea. The more the merrier. Except with price.

"I am the Flying Spagetti Monster. Thou shall have no other monsters before me"
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 Post subject: Re: Women Wargaming Club
PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 7:50 pm 

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Update: I discussed my idea with one of the store owner in regards to Women Wargaming Club borrowing gaming table(s) on a monthly basis and pointed out the possible conflicts that may come up. The wonderful gentleman says it is okay by him. We just have to work out a tentative schedule. Yeh! Okay, now I have to think of ways to entice women... Any idea men? Entice women into miniatures wargaming that is. Thank you in advance for helpful advice.
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 Post subject: Re: Women Wargaming Club
PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 11:20 am 
Elven Warrior
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I find chocolates and flowers works best :P

Well I was drawn to the hobby because Games Workshop had some well painted miniatures on display. That was the intriguing thing for me personally. Maybe just appeal to their desires and hang some pictures of Aragorn and Legolas up and Gandalf for the older ladies :-D

The Southern Fiefdoms:
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 Post subject: Re: Women Wargaming Club
PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 8:06 pm 
Elven Elder
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The models on display I agree with. An old friend of mine, (who is female) said she like going into GW to see all "the cute little people". In other words just show some of the really small models in the display, could work, especially a lot of very well painted Elves for some reason.

That and offering free Gift Vouchers for local clothes shops. :wink:

"I am the Flying Spagetti Monster. Thou shall have no other monsters before me"
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 Post subject: Re: Women Wargaming Club
PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 1:59 pm 

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lorderkenbrand wrote:
I find chocolates and flowers works best :P

Well I was drawn to the hobby because Games Workshop had some well painted miniatures on display. That was the intriguing thing for me personally. Maybe just appeal to their desires and hang some pictures of Aragorn and Legolas up and Gandalf for the older ladies :-D

1. I want to entice her to play miniatures wargame not to bat her eyelashes and day dream about me so flowers and chocolates are too sappy.

2. Posters -- they are too fully clothed on the posters.

3. Miniatures -- I don't paint well enough to display them, but a good idea nonetheless.

Thank you for your feedback LordErkenbrand.
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 Post subject: Re: Women Wargaming Club
PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 2:13 pm 

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GothmogtheWerewolf wrote:
The models on display I agree with. An old friend of mine, (who is female) said she like going into GW to see all "the cute little people". In other words just show some of the really small models in the display, could work, especially a lot of very well painted Elves for some reason.

That and offering free Gift Vouchers for local clothes shops. :wink:

1. Humm... so do something model related. I will have to contemplate on this strategy further.

2. Okay, I will have to paint some Elves up and give each figure special attention -- although naked Wood Elves could be a plus. 8)

3. Vouchers for local clothing shop. I disagree with this one because she may end up spending too much time shopping for clothes rather than painting the minis or wargaming. :no:

Thank you GothmogtheWerewolf for your suggestions as well.
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 Post subject: Re: Women Wargaming Club
PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 2:19 pm 
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I think the well painted miniatures strategy may be the best as to me thats what its all about - Having only played a handful of games myself it was the painting and the miniatures themselves that first attracted me to the hobby. Throw in a couple of dry white wines and you could be onto a winner :D

Good luck

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 Post subject: Re: Women Wargaming Club
PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 4:44 pm 
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There is a way, but it could cost you some money.

Get your store owner to have a month long contest. Each day or week represents a event that equals "x" amount of points. At the end of the month whomever has the most points wins a prize.

Each event can be something simple, complex, a day or a few days to complete. Such events can be: Purchase a model and paint it within 2 days/equals 5pts, purchase a game related book and read it and talk to you/store manager about it/8pts, conversion event - purchase a model and convert it (+/- paint it) in 5 days/4pts(painted 8pts), Bring in a female friend/gf/spouse have them play "x" amount of games in 30 days/5pts for each day they play, etc...etc...etc... The limit is your imagination.

You can target a specific game only or leave it open for all of the gaming systems.

Why I say it may cost you some money is that you may have to buy the "prize" or at least go in on it with the store manager. Build up the Event a month or so in advance to get everyone prepping for it. Hopefully the store will be making money and it will bring in some women to play on a regular or semi-regular basis. Its a hit-or-miss kind of thing, just make sure that the emphasis is on "bringing in the female...".

- :puppy:

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 Post subject: Re: Women Wargaming Club
PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 6:06 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Dead Marsh Spectre wrote:
I think the well painted miniatures strategy may be the best as to me thats what its all about - Having only played a handful of games myself it was the painting and the miniatures themselves that first attracted me to the hobby. Throw in a couple of dry white wines and you could be onto a winner :D

Good luck

Ah well, if chocolates and flowers don't work with wooing the ladies to the wagames dungeon then alcohol certainly will lol

The Southern Fiefdoms:
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