Wow, this thread's back!
I've always enjoyed the WWC and have also got comments on how it would be better to use the spider queen, so I'm also glad that the points have been adjusted.
Gotta say that nowhere did I imply that the wargs NEEDED changes, just a house rule to make them work more like we saw in the movies, and more like what the models actually look like. Since even a large dog can knock down a man, I figure that a warg could easily do it ( Talking to a GW employee, he suggested that they were always meant to have the knockdown because they were wargs and the extra attack due to the rider, but that it was simplified for the rules. In any case, it's meant for some fun as a house rule and I really don't mean to imply that I think they should be changed for everyone, play with what's fun I say. We like the changes for the cinematography of it all. And don't mention the size comparison between the great eagles and a person!

GothmogtheWerewolf wrote:
An Mr Simmuskhan, Tolkien's is one of the most realistic fantasies out there.
Hi Gothmog,
If you're interested in realistic fantasies, if you haven't already read David Gemmell's books you might enjoy them. I read "Legend" a LONG time ago (late 80s) and it was so different to the other fantasy novels I had read at the time that I immediately read it for a second time!
I also liked the Belgariad by David Eddings, I remember when I first read them, mid 80s, I wrote a book report for them in school and said something about how realistic the books were as they discussed how horses were treated, how long it took to travel distances etc. I think the first book is "Pawn of Prophecy".
Tad Williams and his Memory, Sorrow and Thorn you might also enjoy. I think the first book is "The Dragonbone Chair".
Some of Lawhead's semi-historical fantasy is pretty realistic too.
Anyway, you might enjoy them too, if you haven't already read them!