Today I had the first game with Dwarfendale
we met on here and played a 2000 point game of SBG on the hold ground scenario, it was alot of fun some of the highlights were his Galadrial (white council vrsion) kept charging m mumak and holding him in place and winning the fight for probably 4-5 turns .. also winning the heroic moves that were both called, finally she ranout of might and priority and was trampled pretty fast lol but she as certainly worth her points in that game!
also Imrahil was charged by 4 kataphracts whilst on foot and managed to kill 3 of them in one turn like a true hero
Gothmog was pretty awesome as well, whilst the white council version of Saruman kept a mordor troll chieftain at bay by immobilising him quite a bit heh
eventually I managed to pull of a win after being broken first but gaining the most victory points as I had more models within 6 inches of the central objective .. so thanks to the One Ring for introducing me to a nice fellow Lotr player! ... also he was decent enough to give some celebrations sweets as a gift which I have been scoffing !! hehe
thanks Dwarfendale