To begin with, yes, mostly love, I know, it just didn't look nice in the sentence when I made the post.
General Elessar wrote:
I like the principle, but personally I think GW should have just created a new stat, called Command (or something similar), for each Hero. The Command value would be how many models each Hero can take in his warband.
i.e., Boromir's Command value could be twenty; he can field twenty models in his warband. However, a minor Hero such as Beregond might only have a Command value of six.
Indeed, that would be awsome, but because it would require a lot of adapting & FAQ'ing, making it quite difficult for a house rule. That's why I went with 2x Pt value
cereal_theif wrote:
Your system 1 actually doesn't allow a goblin captain to lead a troll with many other men which is crazy considering goblins are a horde army.
Sorry, but the current warband system allows a 1000pt force to take 117 Goblins (23 Shields) + 1 Troll spread over 10 Captains, my proposal would allow for 140 (40 Shields) Goblins + 1 Troll spread over 7 Captains.
In addition, I personally am a bigger fan of a system that allows a goblin captain to command one troll as opposed to a system that allows him to command 12.
cereal_theif wrote:
Your system 2 would be clunky. Most missions are defined by the way they force you set up this would remove some risk as I can stack warbands.
Indeed, the current deployment model is risky, which allows for more tension... But personally, I think it's an unnecessary amount of risk
What of an incompetent commander would allow his archer support to go up front, while his shock troops are drinking tea in the back.
BlackMist wrote:
You seem to be trying to fix artillery... but it's always been rubbish, so fixing it from super rubbish only brings it back to rubbish

I partly agree (still have a home for some quick reload ballista's), but the ever present question when it comes to house rules: should it be rubbish?
whafrog wrote:
Like everything else about SBG, I love the current simplicity + effectiveness.
Agreed! But there's something else I personally really like about SBG: out of many, many wargaming systems, it is one of the few that, even though it's simple, maintains a great amount of (Tolkienesque) realism. These rules, are still simple, but don't fit the overal theme & realism of the game (... I'm not only talking about the fact that it's a different designer).
The 'previous rules' where (next to simplicity+effectiveness) mainly about creating & recreating scenes, this is is edging more towards the general 40k/WHF style: pick up minis, a codex & put them onto the table...
Hmm, got a slightly bit OTopic there...