Some new angles of Sam and a list of the colours I used, explaining the concept that I had in mind and looking for some constructive critisism.. (accidentally posted before post was finished pf, editing now

Here's the Sam I had in mind.. Dirty/Dark/Angry Looking Sam going to save frodo..

"That's for frodo!
And for the shire!
And that's for my old gaffer!"
He had 2x swords in this particular scene, but my sculpting skills are pretty much non existent, so I tried to keep it as simple as possible conversion wise..
First mini I've tried to paint in a display standard and second total, after 10 years, so the blending and picking up the colours myself was enough of an experiment and progress for the moment.
(sorry little Sting, i promise I'll try OSL on you)
base: 50-50 mix of fortress gray and codex gray
shadows: codex gray adding chaos black and snot green (though the adding green experiment didn't really work out, I think there's a graygreenish colour somewhere in GW's list I should try to replicate)
highlights: fortress gray, up to almost white (don't know if I overdid it, the overall look still feels pretty dark to me and all the articles I read were "use more contrast, use more contrast

Skin/Face: (from darkest to lightest)
-bestial brown
-50-50 bestial elf flesh
-1 part bestial 2 elf flesh
-almost pure elf flesh (with just a little bestial)
Hair: (from darkest to lightest)
-bestial brown
-snakebite leather (drybrushed)
-bleached bone (drybrushed)
Shirt: (from darkest to lightest)
-graveyard earth
-kommando khaki
-bleached bone
-bleached bone + white
Greenstuff Sculpted Road + PVA glue with dirt from outside my home (time was ticking)
Stuff that need's some touch ups + next project:
-Weathering the Cloak
-Touching up the feet
-Too afraid to add OSL Sting yet, poor plastic Sam is gonna be the guiney pig
-Maybe getting the hair to be a little brighter, but kinda risky they're gonna loose their dirty look
I have a large scale project in my mind of recreating this scene, but it'll take a while to be able to make terrain and use lightsources