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 Post subject: Re: A plea: I want to finally defeat my best friend
PostPosted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 5:38 pm 
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Gondor vs Mordor.png

So we are doing a battle on vassal and things are a little different. I am Gondor and he is Mordor.

House Rules:
Ringwraith has Essence Leech(Basically everytime it kills it gains a point of will back) It also has 2 attacks. It also starts with 2/14/2 might will and fate.
Orcs all have fight skill 2.
Troll has fight skill 4(No might, will, fate)
Uruk-hai captain only fight skill 4.
(Basically this house rules made him able to have A LOT more units, and the ringwraith is pretty beefed up. It only cost 110 to start the match but I think it should been more now)

I have killed a good amount of his orc, yet I am extremely worried about that Ringwraith(It is on a fellbeast) and also he brought a barrow-wright with the army and is using the ringwraith and that together very effectively.... Which I was kinda calling him out on(Not very thematic) but eventually let it go.

In the end he still outnumbers me and I am trying to upload the picture of the battle now. Any advice on what to do? (The Boromir is Captain of the White Tower btw)

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 Post subject: Re: A plea: I want to finally defeat my best friend
PostPosted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 7:18 pm 
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A wraith with those stats should cost 140-150 points.
Looks like a bunch of orcs are in woodland (difficult) terrain on the left side with no heroes around? Since you've dropped their Fight to 2, it might be an opportunity to punish them: if they lose the fight they are automatically trapped and you get 2 chances to wound them. Of course, you're in the same boat, so I wouldn't do this unless a) you can go at least 1:1 and better yet have spear support and b) have someone with Might nearby to make a heroic combat this turn to increase the odds on the remaining fights, and/or a heroic move next turn should you lose priority.

Otherwise, you look pretty close for a bow-army, so either back up and shoot or...send in a ranger to hold off the wraith and keep him from casting spells at Boromir. I can't tell which one is Boromir, but with the change in stats he shouldn't be afraid of anything on the board except being transfixed by a wraith. So feed the wraith a ranger per turn (which also saps his Will) and send Boromir wading into this kiddie pool.
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 Post subject: Re: A plea: I want to finally defeat my best friend
PostPosted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 1:51 am 
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Boromir is off to upper right surrounded by the spearmen. The only thing that worries me with Boromir is my friend (Let's just call him Judy), successfully used sap will on him. So he has no will to resist magic, and that Barrow-wight is right in that huge mess of orcs in the middle. Of course I can't just have him sit there, but I am nervous of charging him in and that Barrow-wight casting paralyze making him automatically lose any fights he is in(Or at least leaving it up to his allies to win)

So wait if you lose a fight in difficult terrain you are considered trapped? I never knew about this. Very useful as I was wining some fights with those Rangers but couldn't make the kill. Yet his orcs did surprisingly well on my flanks, took a good chuck(4 rangers) out of the left and then I think 4 minas tirith with spears on the right.

On the left I have a Captain of Gondor, and he has an Uruk-Hai captain. I also have another Captain of Gondor just right outside the woods.

Alright, well I am gonna take your advice on going of feeding the Wraith units. I have a lot more might then him so I am gonna try and get Boromir in the action and then call some heroic combats to put a dent in his units. Then I want to see if I can get my Captains to take care of that Cave troll and his captain, and help the rangers secure that left flank.(Being that trolls only fight skill 4 for us, they are even as along as they they win. Yet they might)
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 Post subject: Re: A plea: I want to finally defeat my best friend
PostPosted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 2:20 pm 
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RyuAzai wrote:
Alright, well I am gonna take your advice on going of feeding the Wraith units.

This is a standard tactic against big nasty things, right up to the Balrog, and is where elves and other higher courage troops shine. Hornblowers are also very useful. Your average ranger has better courage, but with the wraith he's now "normal". Still, the odds are with you to be able to charge him. The main thing is, it frees Boromir from hiding. I'm curious: has he killed anything yet?
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 Post subject: Re: A plea: I want to finally defeat my best friend
PostPosted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 6:12 pm 
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Boromir? No, not yet. We have literally -just- got to each other and had one round of combat.

Ane Boromir spent it paralyzed by the barrowight, and I had to use two units to 'lift him up.'
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 Post subject: Re: A plea: I want to finally defeat my best friend
PostPosted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 3:33 pm 
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Well, things didn't go so well for me. I was able to win the might battle that happened the round in the previous battle an get a good amount of kills but boromir didn't even get one. Charged him in, barrowight paralyzed him, and then a troll killed him. I didn't send him alone in battle, but Boromir of the White Tower with shield, didn't make one kill ;)

Anyways, I was able to keep his ringrwraith distracted but I literally rolled 1s almost every time when trying to wound his units. I would usually win fights but could never land a blow, and the then he'd swarm.

I had the upper hand a rounds ago, but he really made some devastating kills(Rolled a lot of sixes) and I was only able to kill a couple of his guys(I swear vassal has it out for me.)

We also didn't realize about the trapped in terrain roll, so at his request we didn't use it this battle. We also forgot to do courage the last two rounds as I believe both of our forces are broken.

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 Post subject: Re: A plea: I want to finally defeat my best friend
PostPosted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 5:10 pm 
Elven Elder
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I'm telling you, go with dwarves. They're heros have an average of 8D, meaning even a troll only has a 1/3 chance of wounding him. They're also insanely powerful.

:saruman "Leave Sauron to me."
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 Post subject: Re: A plea: I want to finally defeat my best friend
PostPosted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 6:25 pm 
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I don't think it's a matter of dwarves, but a matter of tactics. It's like in chess or Go you have to sometimes think backwards from your goal. In this case, the goal is "get Boromir in there" and the steps on the way are "neutralize the wraith" and "neutralize the wight". (The trolls aren't really even a threat because with the scenario changes, a Ranger ties them in Fight.) The whole rest of the army has to be involved in those two things, because Boromir, between his horn and his Might can easily chew through the remainder.

That said, it helps to play an army that suits your psychological style better. If you like to fall back and hunker down, dwarves might be your thing. You will still be vulnerable to wights and wraiths but they might run out of Will before you die.
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 Post subject: Re: A plea: I want to finally defeat my best friend
PostPosted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 10:05 pm 
Elven Warrior
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If dwarves were the answer then they might have won a few more GTs than they currently have...
Like whafrog said first of all you need to aim for either the wraith or the wight with boromir chewing through men to get there. (and your men doing the same)

Dwarves are actually a hard army to play as due to lack of spears, lack of being able to move around much. imo
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 Post subject: Re: A plea: I want to finally defeat my best friend
PostPosted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 11:53 pm 
Elven Elder
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The dwarf player in my group has NEVER had any trouble winning without spears. Besides, you can always ally in spears if you want to.

:saruman "Leave Sauron to me."
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 Post subject: Re: A plea: I want to finally defeat my best friend
PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 3:40 am 
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Yeah, I was able to get the ringwraith caught up,

But his wight was behind three lines of spearmen, there was no way I could get to it. So my choices where just leave boromir there and not have him fight in combat(While still in range for paralyze), or try to carve his way to the wright. But anyways I agree with whafrog, it really does not matter the army it matters about the tactics. Thus why I am trying to improve mine ;).

I think it is about time I start to make 'my' army and learn the ins and outs of how to use it. Almost every time we fight we are different armies against each other, so everything I learn on how to use my units I almost never use again cause I have an entirely different army next time we play. I see a lot of people post army lists that they seemed to use over and over, and I think I should do that now.

My play style is I like to hunkered down and shoot. It seems Elves, or Rangers are best for me. Thematically I just don't like to use elves cause I like to be men, the 'underdogs' so to speak. Though I do like how dwarfs stay around, and their heroes are some of my favorite.
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 Post subject: Re: A plea: I want to finally defeat my best friend
PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 12:04 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Drauglin my issue is that you are selling dwarves as a win win army and yet they are clearly not otherwise they would win tournaments. Inside any club you can get great armies which once exposed to the meta fail. In my club there was a guy with grey company who was awesome for ages because no one used the shadow lord (a strong part of the old meta), once i bought the shadow lord his army suffered.

I would advise that you pick a list that you like (and that holds merit in itself, wood elves = good, eagle army = not so good) and read some forums to get ideas of army lists. Then think how you want to play and build an army to fit.
For example at 1000pts I've been play a pure wood elf list.
I decided I wanted Legolas, Thrandril, Rumil and Celeborn, strong bow and some Galadhrim guards (with pikes)
I then added a stormcaller an set about adjusting the warbands. Playing a game seeing what was lacking and adjusting. Sometimes it was tactics that must be addapted and sometimes it load out.
Celeborn and hte stormcaller help be survive ringwraith attacks. Stormcaller was originally natures wrath but later became call winds vs shades and trolls.
I added spears to some of my bowmen to avoid embarressment.
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 Post subject: Re: A plea: I want to finally defeat my best friend
PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 3:08 am 
Elven Elder
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I've beaten him several times, It's just that he ONLY uses dwarves but I like to switch it up a bit. I've found that mumakil are VERY good at killing dwarves, even though they die relatively easily and I definitely don't want to use one in EVERY single game. Elves do pretty well, but that's only because the guy in my group that uses them always has ALOT of forests. I've sometimes had luck with other armies (moria being one), however, when you compare their stats to most other people (aka the ones that I have, cause I'm not the kind of person who has the money to buy the army to that I would prefer), they are slightly overpowered (unless you count an inch of movement as being worth 2 points). Anyway, what I'm saying is that most anyone can use dwarves and be pretty good.

:saruman "Leave Sauron to me."
If you're in the Raleigh, NC area, let me know.

Last edited by Draugluin on Sat Aug 25, 2012 6:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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 Post subject: Re: A plea: I want to finally defeat my best friend
PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 5:24 am 
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I have -plenty- of wood elves

Elvish heroes are :Legolas, Elrond(Battleone), Glorfindel Hero of the West, Haldir, and I am pretty sure that is it. So I think I could build a decent army out of it.

I also have lots of high elf units(Non-metal ones). The thing is everyone in our group, and my best friend, always thought I was gonna go elves. I was kinda the last one to really get into our group(I played with my friend by ourselves but I wasn't really into the hobby that much back then) but whenever I played my style always fit elves very well. They were surprised that when I started collecting I went full rohan.

So maybe I will start putting together a 750pt- 1000pt army of Elves and see where that gets me.
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