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 Post subject: Battles of Westeros
PostPosted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 2:48 pm 

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I'm considering buying the game 'Battle of Westeros'. And ofcourse painting the minitures :D . Are there some people who know the game? What are your experiences with the game? How is the gameplay? And the miniatures, are they decent and paintable?

21/01/2015: still 319 Models to paint or 27,01%
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 Post subject: Re: Battles of Westeros
PostPosted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 4:05 pm 
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I don't know, I saw it once on the net but there wasn't really any info to be got.

Might I suggest using Perry miniatures for the troops and Dark Sword for heroes and get yourself "a proper wargame" (I don't think BoW is)? Rules I am writing myself at the moment, I can post them up if you want me to and tell me how.

"... Telchar wrought it in the deeps of time."
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 Post subject: Re: Battles of Westeros
PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 1:16 am 
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Haha, I was about to create a topic asking who here plays Battles of Westeros, a wargame that is a shade similar to Battlelore, then I stumbled onto this topic.

I just bought the game but hadn't tried it out yet. Only finished gluing the miniatures to their bases. Took quite a while. Once I've played a few several times I'll try my best to post an objective review up on here. But so far I have to say as tiny as the plastic miniatures are, they have pretty good detail to them. If I ever get them painted I'll post pics up in here.

Boardgamegeeks website offers much review and critique on the game already; mostly positive. So if you love the miniature hobby, wargaming, and Game of Thrones like I do, then this game might be worth checking out. Only sad part is that if I end up enjoying this game, Fantasy Flight Games only release expansions very slowly as George R.R. Martin release new books. They only have 3 of the 7 major houses playable and the game has been out since 2010.

My Lotr backlog: 305/952[][][][][][][][][][]32% completed
Painting Lineup: Mumakil x2, Rohan Heroes x8, Haradrim, SKoDA
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 Post subject: Re: Battles of Westeros
PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 9:54 am 
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I have read the books but not watched the tv series (yet). Fantasy Flight make the game and many supplements as you can see here: ... 105&esem=2

Looks like you could spend years fighting over the campaigns.

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 Post subject: Re: Battles of Westeros
PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 10:56 am 
Elven Elder
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You mean there is actually an official game and not just minis?

That wouldmake one awesome game. Anyone who does play know if the Dornishmen are in it and good?

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 Post subject: Re: Battles of Westeros
PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 11:40 am 
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^No Dornish and not sure they'll ever get there with the pace they're going at. They only have three Major houses and a handful of supplements: Stark (Core game + expansion, 2010), Lannister (Core game + expansion, 2010), Baratheon (House Expansion, 2012), Tully (Ally Expansion, 2011), Hill Tribes of the Vale (Ally expansion, 2011), Brothers without Banners (Ally expansion, 2011).

The three major houses have 8 commanders each, ex: Starks: Eddard, Robb, Karstark, Greatjon Umber, Small Jon Umber, Maege Mormont, Galbart Glover, Rodrik Cassel.

The other factions only have three commanders each.

Apparently the game takes 1 - 2 hrs long to play depending on size of the armies fielded. They have a list of battles supplied for the game but don't recall them being strung up together to make a campaign, but I'm sure you can make your own.

My Lotr backlog: 305/952[][][][][][][][][][]32% completed
Painting Lineup: Mumakil x2, Rohan Heroes x8, Haradrim, SKoDA
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 Post subject: Re: Battles of Westeros
PostPosted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 12:02 pm 

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Sacrilege83 wrote:
^No Dornish and not sure they'll ever get there with the pace they're going at. They only have three Major houses and a handful of supplements: Stark (Core game + expansion, 2010), Lannister (Core game + expansion, 2010), Baratheon (House Expansion, 2012), Tully (Ally Expansion, 2011), Hill Tribes of the Vale (Ally expansion, 2011), Brothers without Banners (Ally expansion, 2011).

The three major houses have 8 commanders each, ex: Starks: Eddard, Robb, Karstark, Greatjon Umber, Small Jon Umber, Maege Mormont, Galbart Glover, Rodrik Cassel.

The other factions only have three commanders each.

Apparently the game takes 1 - 2 hrs long to play depending on size of the armies fielded. They have a list of battles supplied for the game but don't recall them being strung up together to make a campaign, but I'm sure you can make your own.

I have the game for some while now. I love it, it's quit fun to play. Not that difficult for newcomers. The only disadvantage is setting the game up. It takes almost as long as playing a game :shock:

21/01/2015: still 319 Models to paint or 27,01%
30/12/2016: Somehow the backlog has risen up to 900+ models :/
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 Post subject: Re: Battles of Westeros
PostPosted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 3:28 pm 
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^Have you tried painting your miniatures?

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 Post subject: Re: Battles of Westeros
PostPosted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 4:49 pm 
Elven Elder
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Shame to hear about the lack of Dornish. ANd the set up time hmm.

On a vaguely related note, Dark Sword Minis will ssoon be realing another wave of ASOIF minis.

Does anyone know if you can get them in the UK? (Both Dark Swords, and Battle of Westeros)

"I am the Flying Spagetti Monster. Thou shall have no other monsters before me"
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 Post subject: Re: Battles of Westeros
PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 1:29 pm 

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Sacrilege83 wrote:
^Have you tried painting your miniatures?

Nope, I have still more than 250 LOTR mini's to paint :P . And my backlog in not shrinking. I don't think I will paint them, not for now at least.

21/01/2015: still 319 Models to paint or 27,01%
30/12/2016: Somehow the backlog has risen up to 900+ models :/
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 Post subject: Re: Battles of Westeros
PostPosted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 8:30 pm 
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@ Gothmog: The internet is your friend. DSM does a post order service (don't even know if there's another way to get them), and I'm sure BoW will be on amazon and ebay.

"... Telchar wrought it in the deeps of time."
-On Andùril, The Lord of the Rings

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 Post subject: Re: Battles of Westeros
PostPosted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 5:53 am 
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Last time I checked for news about this game, its creator quit Fantasy Flight Games. So I think anything new for this game has been shelved.

My Lotr backlog: 305/952[][][][][][][][][][]32% completed
Painting Lineup: Mumakil x2, Rohan Heroes x8, Haradrim, SKoDA
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 Post subject: Re: Battles of Westeros
PostPosted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 9:41 am 

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Sacrilege83 wrote:
Last time I checked for news about this game, its creator quit Fantasy Flight Games. So I think anything new for this game has been shelved.

Damn that's sad news :( . Such a cool game.

21/01/2015: still 319 Models to paint or 27,01%
30/12/2016: Somehow the backlog has risen up to 900+ models :/
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