Monotone_Matt wrote:
They're looking very nice, Shieldmaiden!
Thanks Matt.

Whatevier wrote:
The elves are coming along very nicely..
Also they have to be my favourite miniatures in the Lotr range, they look amazing and the sculp is top quality..
As a suggestion to the paint scheme, here's a picture of one I've painted about 10 years ago (I was 12(?) at that time and I didn't even know that you could dilute paints back then, actually I learned it this year

), so the paintjob is meh, but the scheme I still like.
Anyway, I sure you gonna pull of a great scheme, can't wait to see them finished!
I think I'm gonna go with something similar to that, but its hard to say right now until they're done.
Thanks for the photo though.
Lord Hurin wrote:
Shieldmaiden wrote:
I'm taking it slow with these guys.
That's the best route with them, I think. They are phenomenally detailed minis, perhaps the best in the range. The extra time and effort will pay off in spades with them, I reckon.
I managed to resurrect a 7 year old pot of Tin Bitz with a bit of water, so my job was a little easier!
You've been painting longer than 7 years?!?! I didn't think you were that old. What took you so long to get registered here?!

Slow indeed... I haven't touched them since the last update.

Partly cos I need to get some inks, I guess.
And lol, yes indeedy. I got into the hobby just before RotK came out, so make that around 9 years ago. I was really bad though, check my post in that thread that shows before and afters. I gave it up in around 2007, as I hit the point where alcohol and fashion became more important.

Just finished Uni now, at 21, so I'm getting back into it. And as far as online goes, I hung around the GW forums until they shut, and I'm pretty sure I was on the Palantir and the old TLA, but I lurked more than posted.
Dorthonion wrote:
It is both a happy thing and a humbling thing to see such a skilled and meticulous painter, then discover that she managed a pretty good standard of painting years ago!
I feel very very old today...
But then I have not slept properly for 2 weeks due to a pup that snores louder than a slumbering dragon.
I've seriously only gotten to my current standard as of the past couple of months when I picked up a brush again. I wasn't bad by the end of 2007, but I hadn't mastered highlighting properly. I think the number one reason I've improved is patience. I think to a certain extent, unless you're extremely gifted, there are certain areas that will improve only with age.
Anyways for Dorthonion and Hurin here's a photo to give you an idea. A Ranger of the North circa 2007 when I hung up my brush for five years.