Telchar wrote:
No problem, Gothmog, I don't mean to hound you (but I will anyway

) (there should be an "evil grin" smiley)
Its this:
Anyway, Angmar Part 2...
(now where was I up to...)
Oh yes...
Court of Fallen Kings: To start off part two, I will begin with an elite formation that could be very good, or very bad, (though not nearly as bad as their alternative see below). Barrow-wights are similar to Beserkers and Half Trolls, being resistance 2, Indomitable units. They don't go beserk of course, but they do have Spirit walk, so as long as you can neutralise high courage heroes you should do reasinably well. They also have a more decent defence, and can take as many hits as 2.5 coys of Morannons. Their biggest problem though (apart from high cost) as that these guys are just too slow to creep up behind, and have WSA but with no hero options, so you will need to be absolutely perfect with deployment and unit trapping. Their greatest strength however is Paralysing Touch, makinng cavalry, monsters and super legendary formations easier to kill. Expect them to do well against the 3 Hunters in particilar. This strength however, is rendered almost useful by the fact that the very units the Wights are best at killing, are the hardest things to catch, cavalry in particular is far too fast for them. Thus, I render them a 6, or 6.5. They're decent, but you have to be a good a generalm as Tywin Lannister and Stannis Baratheon combined to earn their pts value back.
Shade: Though not as effective in WotR as it is in SBG, Shades can be pretty useful, thogha gain they have to be used well. they're dreadful in a fight and easy to shoot down so they desperately need protecting. they also move very slowly so you need all your skill (or Gothmog {also could be used for CoFK) to Heroic Move them. Then there is the fact that they knock your own fight value down as well as your enemies, so keep all Monsters and ES heroes away. Non ES heroes however, like Druzhag, a common ally of Angmar, who used to be in the SBG Angmar list, could benefit greatly from a Shade, as the Spirit can protect the Hero from duels whilst the Hero's formation protects the Shade from attack, also very useful when fighting Elves, as the high cost they pay for their high fight value is rendered next to useless with 1 or 2 Shades protecting key areas of the battlefield. I rate these Shades as 6.5.
Werewolf Pack: Though the very name is enough to get me excited, I have only ever once been mad enough to field them. These awesome furry beasts are, quite sadly, dreadful. An incredibly high cost for a really fragile low defence unit whose hitting power, though great, is not enough to save them. If they had been beserk, on top of what they have, and could go up to 3 coys and have heroes, they would be worth it, but alas, one must learn not to dream. A very pretty unit, but hardly more useful than nipples on a breastplate (armour). I rate these guys a 2.5
Buhrdur: The best thing since sliced bread. him, the cheaper Wraiths and Barbarians, are really the only things that make Angmar competitive (that does not mean you have to use 'em, nor that you shouldn't use anything else). For the same pts as an overpowered Wraith you get a Troll, who is also a little undercosted. he has everything a decent monster needs. A lot of speed, plenty of Might, VH2K rather than measly H2K, and some good hitting power. Then he also has Epic Actions and Ambusher, meaning he can pop up where you most need him, move him into position and take out key heroes and units (for eg Balistas / Siege Bows, Wizards / Galadriel). He is not however invinceable, and being a monster, he still needs protection or he will die before you can use him. I give him an 8.5
Gulavhar, the Terror of Arnor: Gully is similar to Burdhur, only he costs much more. He hits harder than Buhrdur, and moves faster, as well as being more capable of attacking enemies in the rear. Unfortunately, he is even more fragile (though still VH2K, his defence is so measley), and lacks Ambushing, as well as having to work harder to earn his cost. Though if used well, he can destroy over 300pts of troops. His free Heroic Fights are probably the best thing about him, as it allows him to take out twice asmany enemies in a single turn, though if used at the wrong times, can end up killing him faster. He is best employed taking out small formations of shieldmenin the rear, or archers, if they are decent ones. Pretty much always go second, when fielding Gulavhar, just like with Spectres. You must of course be extremely weary of archers and crossbowmen. I rate him a farly generous 7
Ringwraiths: see Mordor.
And thats the end of Angmar, well not in that way of course