Telchar wrote:
The cheapest would be (I think) to buy the Elrond & Gil-Galad blister and scour Ebay for some more High Elves and a captain or stormcaller.
The local GW store manager is saying something similar. What would the captain and stormcaller do since the blister puts me to 478? (just learning the game.)
He's been a big help and is trying to get LOTR started at the store.
Telchar wrote:
I think he doesn't mean the Fellowship of the Ring (ie Frodo & co), but the box set with 16 High Elves, 8 Numenoreans and 24 Goblins (IRC), which has been loooooong out of production, but can still be found on Ebay incidentally.
Yep. Snagged it for $25 bucks. Though I can see where it's confusing. The original Fellowship Of The Ring box has none of
the fellowship in it, yet the Good army in Mines of Moria is nothing but the Fellowship.
And I didn't care which army, Good or Bad, as long as turned my good fortune into a solid fighting force.