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 Post subject: Re: 5 Facts About You!
PostPosted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 11:06 am 
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This is a fascinating thread, thanks Shieldmaiden. If I had any Gold Coins to give out they'd be coming your way.

Oh yeah, five more facts:

1) I have chronic back ache that often keeps me awake at night.
2) I have two dogs - a dalmatian and a beagle.
3) I just finished making a Ringwraith costume for my youngest son to wear to a school costume parade on Friday.
4) I've been married for nearly 25 years.
5) My sister was a dancer in the Australian Ballet Company

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 Post subject: Re: 5 Facts About You!
PostPosted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 1:06 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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Dagorlad wrote:
This is a fascinating thread, thanks Shieldmaiden. If I had any Gold Coins to give out they'd be coming your way.

I'll hold you to that :P

1. I've got a really sore throat right now and can hardly speak.
2. I've got an officially tested IQ of 159.
3. I recently got into geocaching but I'm struggling for time and decent weather to really get into it.
4. I have a pretty huge Spyro the Dragon plushie.
5. I'm currently reading the second SoIaF book.

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 Post subject: Re: 5 Facts About You!
PostPosted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 1:46 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior

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Oh this is fun.:D

- I'm a fanatic when it comes to listening to music and buying cd's. I'm usually into metal and hardrock, with the occasional jumps to RUN-DMC or more tribal/primoradial things.:p 80's hardrock and metal I love most though. Those guitarists make it seem like they are having [insert thoughts about ponies or flowers or something] with their guitars and the result is the heighest form of fun!

- I love Zack Snyder movies and the Marvel films that've come out and will come out in years to come. Especially Tom Hiddleston as Loki in Thor/The Avengers. Now let me make this clear, I'm as straight as straight can be, but Mr. Hiddleston makes me doubt sometimes. ;)

- I'm BA'ing in Philosophy at the moment.

- I'm really starting to like horror-games. They scare me to death and I shout when I get scared, but there is something about playing them that feels awesome. (Mind you I NEVER watch horror movies.)

- I probably spend too much time on the internet. (Facebook sucks me in and doesn't let go of me sometimes.)

This was actually pretty hard to do.:p

"Mickey, my friend!"
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 Post subject: Re: 5 Facts About You!
PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 10:13 pm 
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1) I’m in love with the works of Anne Lombard-Jourdan.

2) I would love to know where exactly saint Crescentia was buried. It would solve a few mysteries.

3) Every year I’m remembering 9/11.

4) I kept on putting off seeing the Fellowship in the cinema in January 2002 because I knew where it would lead to.

5) It didn’t work.

Ab hac die aut deserta tene aut in mare demerge
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 Post subject: Re: 5 Facts About You!
PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 3:06 am 
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1) For me there is only one Star Wars movie and it was called 'Star Wars'.
2) I am working my way through the entire series of Lost on DVD.
3) I fell in love with Venice all over again when I visited there last year.
4) My second attempt at a university degree was as an architect.
5) I collect wargame rule books but almost never actually play a game.

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 Post subject: Re: 5 Facts About You!
PostPosted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 9:53 pm 
Elven Warrior
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1) I love ultimate frisbee
2) I've been taking Irish dance lessons for the past seven or eight years
3) My middle name is Curry
4) I love to play airsoft with my friends
5) My favorite genre of music is Hip-Hop/Rap


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 Post subject: Re: 5 Facts About You!
PostPosted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 9:47 pm 
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1) I gave up all my other hobbies last year to "get boss at painting toy soldiers"
2) My dog has a thing for dirty underpants.
3) I read lotr for the first time aged 22 years old.
4) I used to be obsessed with Fight Club and still to this day I have a very perfunctory collection of clothes. Not quite as limited as two white shirts and one pair black pants but as few items as I consider necessary to maintain the illusion of being a functioning member of society.
5) I have no regrets.

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@opponenttheory on instagram
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 Post subject: Re: 5 Facts About You!
PostPosted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 7:17 am 
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Hobby related:
1. I'm still mad at Games Workshop since their finecast-commandboxes, so my collecting-hobby has come to an end since last year. I've always wondered what could ever stop me from buying more, more and more LOTR-stuff... and they have given me the answer themselves. Now I'm addicted to other miniatures...
2. I'm usually too fanatic when I see new (non-GW) miniatures, I can't resist to buy things I like, usually once it's in my head, I get so focussed on it that only buying them makes me sleep peacefully again. The problem is, once I have them in my hands, I get on the ground again and they end up with the rest in the backlogdungeons...
3. I feel guilty when I can't be as active as I wish on One-Ring
4. I feel guilty when I have lots of time to do something and waste it on taking miniatures out of the box, and putting them back again untill hours later I finally decide what to paint and realize I have no time left...
5. I am now trying to copy master-painters' styles to lift up my painting skills and was pleased to have learned a few new tricks and techniques over the last few months.

1. I don't drink as much beer as some of you think
2. for 98% of my time, number one is true, the other 2% of my time you can treat the above number one as a lie (that is when I'm with certain friends...).
3. I have a fear of driving my car when I'm on unknown terrain. Until now, there's always been someone next to me in the car when I hit a road to a new destination. The thought of going there all by myself gives me stress. But when I know the road well enough, I alway feel like the slowest snail on the roads drives in front of me.
4. I'm usually pretty gentle in the traffic, but when I'm driving at max allowed speed (or more) and someone tries to bump me or hurry me by pushing in my back, I turn into an [whatever I say, it'll become a "deleted word"] by slowing down using the acceleration, so without brake-lights...
5. I have just bought a plot of ground and we're planning the structure now. I look forward to next year to start building. This is finally a step forward in my life.

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 Post subject: Re: 5 Facts About You!
PostPosted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 10:13 am 
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Where to begin? Random thoughts -

I have a famously sweet tooth (Cadbury's Creme Egg eating champion) but that does not impair my enjoyment of savoury food.
I buy far too many minis - LotR, WH40K, 15mm WW2, 1:300 scale modern, with incoming Sedition Wars and Dreadball.
I like dogs, especially Staffordshire Bull Terriers - we have 2 at present, aged almost 8 years and not quite 4 months (like having 2 Tasmanian devils in the house as the pup has led the older one back to The Dark Side). I also like Doberman Pinschers.
My brother and I were the first people to fly the Skull and Crossbones at the top of Jbel Toubkal (arrrrr!) - that freaked out a lot of the locals and other climbers (Baz00ka not in attendance).
For many years of Men I have roamed the Wild (and the not so Wild) in search of good photographs of landscapes, animals and historic/prehistoric structures I managed a few... tens of thousands.

Published ebooks:
Instrument of the Empire
A Note of Defiance
Phantom Ships, Ghost Flotilla
More to come!

Last edited by Dorthonion on Tue Nov 13, 2012 4:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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 Post subject: Re: 5 Facts About You!
PostPosted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 3:09 pm 
Elven Elder
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Here goes my second go, sorry for the delay;

1. The Hobbit part 1 will be the best film in 2012 in my opion :D
2. I didn't get into manchester Uni because I was predicted a B, though I actually ended up with an A* and am now at Bolton Uni.
3. I haven't gotten very far with that second version of a fantasy novel.
4.I have a 2 year old German shepherd/Alaskan malamute cross named Loki. And he was named before any of the marvel films and almighty johnsons. I got the idea from 'Runemarks' by joanne harris
5. I recently bought an oversized novel from GW called 'The Sundering'.

"I am the Flying Spagetti Monster. Thou shall have no other monsters before me"
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 Post subject: Re: 5 Facts About You!
PostPosted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 3:29 pm 
Elven Warrior
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1. I currently have pretty bad insomnia. I can't seem to get much sleep. I feel pretty dead at the moment as a result.
2. I love the colour red - I have far too many red dresses, red heels... even my glasses are red.
3. I should really write my novel - I've been told I'm stupid for not writing it, as apparently the plot is cracking. I'm lazy and uninspired. :P
4. I'm currently watching Battlestar Galactica, and it's frakking awesome. I'm on team Starbuck. :D
5. I baked cookies today.

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 Post subject: Re: 5 Facts About You!
PostPosted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 4:38 pm 
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This seems like a great idea, some really interesting facts about you all.

Here are a couple of things about me.

1. I'm addicted to Gothic architecture and can easily stay in one cathedral for a couple of days.
2. I want to immigrate to Scotland within a couple of years.
3. I've a huge hole in my memory.
4. I've done two secondary school years in one year and I'm currently doing 6 years of latin courses in two years.
5. I've never had to do some sort of detention, but I've been kicked of school, because I got ill. :roll: (a lovely cocktail of Chronic fatigue syndrome and constant Migraine attacks)

“People often claim to hunger for truth, but seldom like the taste when it's served up.”
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 Post subject: Re: 5 Facts About You!
PostPosted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 4:57 pm 
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1.I was extremely grumpy yesterday and went to bed at 6pm - didn't get up until 11 next day.
2.I'm still grumpy today :(
3.I got paid for a commission today and spent it all on a coat for my wife (not the reason I'm grumpy)
4.Since having an operation on her ears my baby daughter has started talking - she knows in excess of 100 words now :D
5.I didn't know what a furby was until it exploded all over the One Ring :dmf: (and now..... I hate them :-D )

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 Post subject: Re: 5 Facts About You!
PostPosted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 5:16 pm 
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Five more facts.

I think I may be a Cylon. Well I am always hacking mainframe code so it's a distinct possibility.
I do have some Cunning Plans for Dragons (yes, plural).
In my final school year, I was saluted at a science fair by a military chief-of-staff who thought I was some visiting military dignity (I was wearing an officers uniform instead of the official school uniform) and was brought crashing down to earth by a small child who asked me if I was the St.John's Ambulance..... :roll:
I like driving in snow.
I like walking in snow.

Published ebooks:
Instrument of the Empire
A Note of Defiance
Phantom Ships, Ghost Flotilla
More to come!
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 Post subject: Re: 5 Facts About You!
PostPosted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 11:36 pm 
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1) My favourite sport is snow skiing
2) I love cooking
3) I used to be able to draw with photo-realistic accuracy
4) My eyesight is getting poorer each year and so I stopped drawing
5) My floorboards creak.

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 Post subject: Re: 5 Facts About You!
PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 4:36 pm 
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@ DMS: here's a :flower: and a :dmf: to cheer you up.

Oh and five more facts.

1. I ate bread with ragout for lunch :yum: .
2. I want to cycle from Newcastle, along the Hadrians wall route, to the Irish sea, through the lake district and then back to Newcastle, next summer.
3. I try to get a kitchen up and running at school.
4. The only two sports I was any good at where horse-riding and wheelchair basketball (or actually, it's local brother). (got a problem with my eyes, so I generally don't see the ball in the right place, but I don't have a lot of trouble with that when everyone is sitting.)
5. I can't smell a lot, because I've broken my nose at least four times. (even once in my sleep :? :lol: )

“People often claim to hunger for truth, but seldom like the taste when it's served up.”
My wip
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 Post subject: Re: 5 Facts About You!
PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 4:44 pm 
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1. I am studying for a degree at 14yrs (nearing 15) old
2. i really like GW's flesh wash
3. i am currently reading the lord of the rings for the 2nd time
4. these are my favourite smileys: :P :lol: :Smackdown: :dmf: :dizzy: :D :yum: :shout:
5. i really like looking at castles and why they were built like they were

'Though my memory's fading, I remember two things very clearly: I am a great sinner and Christ is a great Savior'
-John Newton
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 Post subject: Re: 5 Facts About You!
PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 11:31 am 
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1. I'm currently working about 12 hours a day on my thesis to get my industrial design degree. :x
2. I really want to get back to painting my models.
3. I'm glad I red the Hobbit a long time ago and remember little of it.
4. I'm wondering what I'm gonna do after I graduate. :roll:
5. I've been planning to get back in the gym for about a year now. :P

Operation future in full swing.
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 Post subject: Re: 5 Facts About You!
PostPosted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 6:07 pm 
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1. My real name is Will Smith (ive heard all the jokes) 2. Been a massive Tolkien fan since I read the hobbitwhen I was 8 3. I love cooking, which is a challenge as im lactose intolerant 4. As well as lotr im a big 40k fan 5. Love metal music
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 Post subject: Re: 5 Facts About You!
PostPosted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 1:00 am 
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1. Im a geography teacher.
2. Im a compulsive reader and its not unusual to read a whole novel in a single night.
3. I hate people who talk too much with a passion.
4. I bought the original FotR box on Toys R Us thinking it would be a boardgame like Risk or something.
5. I once received a speeding ticket as a birthday present.

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