Update time.
I am in the process of getting a new game table so I am trying to finish full companies to showcase upon - So think of everything you see part of one massive WIP (The great battle of our time or something).
Firstly, in order to do my WoTR showcase, I need some trays for the hordes of evil and armies of good and let's face it - the GW ones are rediculously expensive. So after I'd finished creating the bases for scenery, i used the rest of the 'board to create some trays. The 4' x 2' board cost £5 - how many movement trays can I make on that dya reckon?!
Well, heres the sample tray (ignore the minis on them):

I only cut out 3 to see how they look - Once they are painted up I think they'll look more than acceptable.
Here's the finished Captain of the Dead - the shield being the final touch!

In an attempt to fill a company of 8 galadhrim w/ bows, I have got some plastics to add to the metal 3.
Here be the first one, his cloak is coming along needs a few tweaks. The gold needs a few more layers - it looks way too thin:

Onto the forces of Rohan, got some new troops in the form of a company or bowmen and a company of hand weapon troops.
Here are the latter:

Cloak and shield are pretty much done!

sorry this last one is out of focus! Trying to highlight the leather but it looks poor so far - needs loads of attention - the flash doesnt help though

The hair needs more layers and skin needs to be done. Tried a little NMM on the centre of the shield, looks lame I know may go over it in a yellowish tint (the white looks nothing short of odd lol)
Finally - The Dark Lord Sauron! Armour, metals, the One Ring and mace done. Next update will show the finished model with the cloak and base done (and hopefully a varnish coat too).

Hopefully this second picture can pick up the gold of the OR better. If not, it shows more armour and a different angle anyway in addition to a few highlights on the cloak I started:

C&C welcome - I'm aware of some problems such as the horrid mould line on the warrior of rohan which i missed completely

and the leather highlights on the same mini. Go easy