LordElrond wrote:
I can't see anything on your Facebook page that you gave the link to
Pictures 9-22 are from the cabinet.
Fëanor, the mighty elf wrote:
Nice! Thanks for posting.

As a side note: have you ever seen any unreleased miniatures (other than the known ones like PJ Hobbit) that were never released (like the new Aragorn/Thorongil model)? This might give us some clues about the new Aragorn.
No worries. When I was last there, the 'thorongil' model wasnt on display. They have the 4th mordor uruk and 2H uruk scout on display though. Next time I am there I will take a closer look.
On a related note, they do have the 9 named wraiths mounted on fellbeasts which were converted by Nick which look amazing and could probably pass as a kit model. Dont have a decent picture though.
Bartelomeus wrote:
So are these the models they use in rulebooks and for catalog pics on the site?
Can't say I'm impressed, there are some guys on this forum that got armies that look just as good.
P.S. The banner of the mounted Galadhrim is bend ;P
Yup, stuff is always missing because they are photographing it for WD or something similar.