ok so im new to this whole thing so bare with me

im from USA and plan on only shipping to USA unless one of you guys is in dire need

anyways on to the good stuff
-king of the dead(metal)
-8 warriors of the dead(metal
-elrond with armour
-gil galad
-glorfindel foot and mounted
-armoured glorfindel
-high elf command
-12 swordsman
-12 bows
-8 high elf spears
-ugluk and vrasku
-isengard commanders
-uruk-hai command
-uruk-hai shaman
-uruk crossbows x8
-uruk scouts 1 box
-wargs x1 box
-uruk warriors x2 boxes
-isengard troll
-Frodo holding the ring on the chain infront of him
-Frodo and Sam in orc armour
-farmer maggot
-rivendell gandalf
-khazud dum gandalf
-fallen realms book
-khandish king in chariot and foot
-war priest
-easterling commanders
-easterling kataphrakts
-easterling warriors
-anything rohan
im not sure if im allowed to sell anything other then lotr so let me know and il take this little paragraph out buuuuuut i have a small necron force 2 old battalion boxes 2 hq and 1 monolith 2500 points of WoC and WE and 3000 points of TK i have the games day demon sorcerer also for warriors of chaos and also a very old necromancer for fantasy maybe from the 80s early 90s he came with a little familiar who holds a bunch of scrolls