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 Post subject: Clarification on Banners and Shields
PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 6:04 pm 

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In the LotR:SBG rules it clearly stated a model with a banner cannot carry any other equipment, including a shield. In The Hobbit:SBG rulebook I cannot find any such restriction. The section on banners simply says the model gets -1 on fight rolls.

To further support this assertion, the newly released Rivendell Knights are pictured on GWs site with one model having a banner a shield.

I have to assume that all models that are allowed a banner are also allowed to carry and use a shield, if these are available options for that type of model. Can someone please confirm this, one way or the other as if will affect how I assemble some of my older kits?

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 Post subject: Re: Clarification on Banners and Shields
PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 7:22 pm 
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The Arkenstone wrote:
In the LotR:SBG rules it clearly stated a model with a banner cannot carry any other equipment, including a shield. In The Hobbit:SBG rulebook I cannot find any such restriction. The section on banners simply says the model gets -1 on fight rolls.

To further support this assertion, the newly released Rivendell Knights are pictured on GWs site with one model having a banner a shield.

I have to assume that all models that are allowed a banner are also allowed to carry and use a shield, if these are available options for that type of model. Can someone please confirm this, one way or the other as if will affect how I assemble some of my older kits?


As far as the rules go, you can now have any (I think) equipment and a banner. You can have a shield for sure. Whether this will be FAQ'ed or not, we don't know.
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 Post subject: Re: Clarification on Banners and Shields
PostPosted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 4:14 am 
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There are no restrictions as you say and you never use previous editions as precdent for the current edition ;) Also, there are othe rmodels that have a shield and other item (E.G. The Warriors of Minas Tirith has a horn and shield.).
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 Post subject: Re: Clarification on Banners and Shields
PostPosted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 4:34 pm 
Elven Elder
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But there was never any rule saying you cannot take a war horn and a shield, but there did used to be one for banners.

Morgul Knights, Galadhrim Knights, SKoDA and Easterling Kataphrakts are more examples of shield armed banner bearers.

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 Post subject: Re: Clarification on Banners and Shields
PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 1:44 am 
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Gothmog - as said, never use a previous incarnation of the rules as precedent for the current set. Unless it states (which has been pointed out that it doesn't), you can use a banner and shield.
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 Post subject: Re: Clarification on Banners and Shields
PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 5:33 am 
Elven Elder
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Hmm, I guess that means that Boromir an take both a shield and his banner. Interesting.

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 Post subject: Re: Clarification on Banners and Shields
PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 10:07 am 
Elven Elder
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Hashut's Blessing wrote:
Gothmog - as said, never use a previous incarnation of the rules as precedent for the current set. Unless it states (which has been pointed out that it doesn't), you can use a banner and shield.

I know, I was just saying that war horns were never restricted before and they still aren't now. banners were before but they aren't any more. Correcting you, so to speak.

"I am the Flying Spagetti Monster. Thou shall have no other monsters before me"
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 Post subject: Re: Clarification on Banners and Shields
PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 3:05 pm 
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Great news - I really must get around the reading the whole new rules lol

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 Post subject: Re: Clarification on Banners and Shields
PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 8:02 pm 
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Not correcting so much as elaborating. I was using current rules as precedent for it ;)
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 Post subject: Re: Clarification on Banners and Shields
PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 10:01 pm 

Joined: Sat Feb 02, 2013 1:12 am
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The reference to the "previous edition" is a valid one as it was very clearly stated there that shields and banner are not allowed one on model. I wanted to make sure that The Hobbit SBG rulebook didn't omit this by restriction by mistake. It wouldn't be the first (or likely last) time GW has put out a rulebook, codex, or army book with errors and omissions.

From what I can tell, the prescendent for including shields and banners on the same model began with War of the Ring where all models in a unit are equipped the same way. Thus, GW started producing kits like Galadrim Knights and Morgul Knights where you could put a shield on a banner bearing model.
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 Post subject: Re: Clarification on Banners and Shields
PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 7:08 pm 
Elven Elder
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What is the general consensus on giving Boromir both his banner and a shield? I know it says in his rule that that's a no-no, but that is more of a reminder than anything.

:saruman "Leave Sauron to me."
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 Post subject: Re: Clarification on Banners and Shields
PostPosted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 8:27 am 
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If it says it in his rules, you flat out can't.

By all means houserule, but remember it's a houserule so don't try it a tournament ;P
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