This is all true but I never said that he was good value for his points, a good bargain or the best choice, simply that he was good.
The simple fact is that certain special rules are worth more if held by a character. Boromir's banner for example (granted for another 50 points) is more valuable than a WOMT holding a banner as Boromir is harder to kill, never mind the special rule bonuses it has.
It's one of the reasons Erkenbrand is so good, not just that there's a +2 courage war horn, but that it's held by a 3 Might, D7, 2W, 1F hero who is hard to take down (when compared to a WOR).
Giving Boromir the war horn rule would be a frustrating way of giving the entire Gondor army +1 courage in a model that is hard to take down (again compared to a WOMT).
I guess what I'm saying is that heroes get better value for their points the more special rules/stat increases they gain, If Aragorn counted as a banner and a war horn it would be 'worth' more than the 45 points you would spend giving those items to normal warriors.
Anyway, this doesn't matter, it was a throwaway comment, not a serious complaint/analysis, I guess I've been hurt more by Boromir than Imrahil over the years

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