It's ok Steve, it happens!
I'm happy to say though, thanks to the stud that is Hashut, our first gaming night went ahead!
Firstly, what a great dude. A top teacher... he was patient, explained everything well... and even brought party supplies!
Really nice to meet him, we gamed until about midnight which isn't bad considering much of that was getting to know each other and the rules...
My first ever SBG game experience... I had a brill time! Much of this was due to my opponent and I'd like to think we had a lot of fun. (And look forward to the next time!)
I'll put a basic battle report and the pics up tomorrow, which include some historic moments such as our meeting, the first ever board, my first ever kill and the victory shot! Mostly due to a number of factors that definitely loaded the dice against Hashut (scenario was reconnotoire, he was dwarves, table had about an extra foot to consider, he was giving me great advice and I was a shooty grey company) the Dunedain pulled through with the victory.
I certainly learned the shoot phase, let's put it that way! Picking off the more squishy dwarves (that's right, the ones that still require a 6 to wound!) until he was broken (which occured 1 movement turn from him engaging me in combat)
Considering it took hours before Hashut got a chance to do anything, this guy is a great sport and his enthusiasm persisted which was great for me as someone new to the hobby! Tonight was definitely about learning the game and meeting a new pal and enjoyed very much, thanks! (PS Hashut, forgot to exchange number so PM me when you get a chance

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