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 Post subject: Re: What made you join lotr sbg/wotr
PostPosted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 5:08 pm 
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I can' keep saying over and over again that your stories are amazing (which they are) but thank you everyone who has psoted and lets see if we can gety a few administartors to post their stories. :-D
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 Post subject: Re: What made you join lotr sbg/wotr
PostPosted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 5:09 pm 
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wow my spelling was bad in the last post. :shock:
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 Post subject: Re: What made you join lotr sbg/wotr
PostPosted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 7:15 pm 
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Just go to "edit", i have to all the time!

Harfoots-The first of the Hobbit people to cross over the Misty Mountains and enter Eriador.
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 Post subject: Re: What made you join lotr sbg/wotr
PostPosted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 8:36 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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Hmm back in 2001, I was in the beginning of 12th grade and a girl mentioned LotR. It arose my curiosity so I went with my dad in a mall and bought the Fellowship of the Ring. It was the one with the cover by John Howe. Well, the introduction about the hobbits hardly fascinated me but I managed to read up until chapter 3. I got bored by the book and left it aside. A few weeks later I gave it another chance. By that summer I had read most of Tolkien's work on Middle Earth and Roverandom.
When BGiME was released, (I can't remember if it was 2004 or 2005) I saw an advertisement on TV and started buying the publication, and initially I had a small Gondor army. I stopped buying it at issue 49 (a decision which I have since deeply regretted). After a hiatus of some years I started playing again with my bro. But this time it was Dwarves. I still remember ordering from GW a box of 24 warriors, a blister of Iron Guards, and the old Balin+Khazad Guard box. :)
Again a brief break followed, but for the last 1,5 year we have been going full throttle. We are not planning to stop playing again.
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 Post subject: Re: What made you join lotr sbg/wotr
PostPosted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 9:11 pm 
Elven Elder
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When the battle games in middle earth was launched nearly 10 years ago I thought wow. My wife then thought i was a child which is part the reason she is now ex - my new and forever wife Likes the fact i do this.
I've always loved modelling and this gave me the chance to start it up again. I've never been able to put the time in that I would like, but then again do you ever ?
This is like a grown up version of my old air fix kits.

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 Post subject: Re: What made you join lotr sbg/wotr
PostPosted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 8:10 am 
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I joined around late 2005 or early 2006. I always really loved LOTR and board games and so SBG pretty much combined 2 things I really liked.
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 Post subject: Re: What made you join lotr sbg/wotr
PostPosted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 3:28 pm 
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Mid 2001 I bought lotr and ready a few chapters then put it away. I had painted a few night goblins and orcs at the time and collected white dwarf. I saw a preview for lotr sbg in white dwarf and saw a movie was being made

From that moment on I was hooked on all things lotr. My first purchases were the original fellowship, and warriors of middle earth which had high elves, men of gondor and moria goblins.

I collected a number of miniatures from 2001-2004 but painted very few and fell out of the hobby. For some reason towards the end of 2011 I started getting back into it and here I am, buying nearly everything and painting very slowly. Was good to read others tales of the hobby :)

CMON Gallery
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 Post subject: Re: What made you join lotr sbg/wotr
PostPosted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 3:38 pm 
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For me it was receiving a the old Fellowship of the Ring box set for Christmas, just after the Two Towers came out. I was already hooked to LotR and was just absolutely astounded by these small, wonderful figures. I'd had a love for collecting miniatures already y'see: Britains especially. So here I was with these collectable metal miniatures, that I could paint and play with! Awesome! :D

Then came a trip to GW, getting White Dwarf and reading the incredible battle reports and painting guides, and picking up the Two Towers Starter Set. Hooked even more...

From there it was a steady decline, my addiction growing further and further.

I slipped away from the hobby around my late high school years, but here I am and enjoying it more than ever :)

Soon the Dark Lord Knighty shall have all he needs to cover the lands in an eevee-related darkness...
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 Post subject: Re: What made you join lotr sbg/wotr
PostPosted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 5:52 pm 
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(I forgive this longwinded story in advance!)

My own LOTR/sbg journey starts with discovering the Middle-earth universe long ago. Growing up, I'd always been fascinated with mythology and legends, fables and tales. From stories of Norse Gods, to legends of Arthur and his Knights, to Medusa in her Gorgon's lair (which petrified me literally from the ages of three to six... I was convinced she was after me!) I was hooked!

As avid reader, even when I was a child, Lord of the Rings seemed a natural recommendation from others to me, but I must admit, I was slow in getting into it. Funnily enough, the book was almost like a legend in itself to me. I'd heard of it, but never really knew where I'd heard of it. It just existed. In fact, when I eventually read Lord of the Rings, I read it much how it was written... like the waves coming up the beach. Going up that little bit further, before going back to the beginning again... over years and years and years.

It was only when the Fellowship movie came out and someone on our street got a very very poor pirate copy on video tape that my interest stirred again, but even then it was still overtaken by my love of history, rather than fantasy...

Then about 11 years ago there was gameshow which appeared on British television called time commanders. Contestants would battle an AI in a historical battle and try to defeat it using orders... And I was addicted, watching these great battles like Cannae and Leuctra played out like a computer game on the screen in front of me.

Wouldn't it be amazing if I could play a computer game like this? I searched and searched and searched and finally found that the engine for this game was the forthcoming Rome Total War! And it was then that I joined my first ever online forum. Because there was a community of people waiting for the game just like I was. But not content to just wait, members would frequent these forums daily, speculating about the game as well as debating key strategic arguments, such as "Phalanx vs Legion". Ever a chess player, I delved right in.

And it was during this I met a very cool collection of people who were not content to sit around and wait for this game to be built. Not content to be disappointed that the game didn't live up to what they expected a strategy game to be...

Before long, we had set up our own forum and various members began designing our first ever forumgame. Which was to be Lord of the Rings...!

I was asked to play the game as Arnor, but I had no idea whom they were. "I've never read it," I protested... but apparently, that didn't matter and the game began. And so I began emersing myself in Tolkien's world and found the appendices, which became an obsession before even I had completed the Lord of the Rings proper! Here was a new mythology! A new world, undiscovered but vivid and bright and recognisable. My thirst for it was never quenched and as we continued to develop this game over years, resulting in a second, third and now fourth edition, my knowledge and love for the world grew.

In the second game, I united Arnor as Rhudaur without spilling so much as a drop of blood and in the third was the scurge of Gondor as Umbar, trapping and destroying their fleet, stranding their army in Harondor and raiding their coasts at my leisure. This culminated in a famous capture of Pelagir. After some time away from the forum, I returned as the Dyrians and was enjoying a strategic chess match against the northmen before the game was ended.

After much time away, I returned, promising to create a new game system which significantly reduced admin time. As with all games, you need player so I began searching the web for communities of people who were interested in lord of the rings, strategy games or both!

And in doing so, found you guys!

Yet whilst all your passion was infectious, I wasn't really keen on getting involved in "Warhammer." But reading through everyone's posts on here was incredibly addictive, from strategic discussions, to army building... and then when I saw some of the models, the temptation set in. This clearly wasn't warhammer, but instead a strategic game representing the world of Tolkien... two things I have come to love!

And since my first raid on ebay, in two months I have accumulated two 500pt forces, have painted many of my first models and posted pics on the WIPS. I've met people and played my first sbg game and have pretty much started a gaming club in the area with a small group of people. I'm looking into entering tournaments, I'm actively contributing advice and opinions to the forums.

And have found a new home online! Here's to the One Ring!

Subscribe to the GBHL YouTube for daily SBG content
*5th in 2014 GBHL
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 Post subject: Re: What made you join lotr sbg/wotr
PostPosted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 6:06 pm 
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Thermo wrote: Medusa in her Gorgon's lair (which petrified me literally from the ages of three to six...

Was that an intentional pun? :rofl: :lol:

great story though 8)

'Though my memory's fading, I remember two things very clearly: I am a great sinner and Christ is a great Savior'
-John Newton
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 Post subject: Re: What made you join lotr sbg/wotr
PostPosted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 1:31 am 

Joined: Wed Apr 04, 2012 11:33 pm
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I probably got into it during the spring of 2004. I was just a kid then, but after playing it once with my friend i immediately grapsed it and loved it. i got dwarves (being young and not concerned with having all the models being metal and more expensive than everything else) and still play those dwarves for fun to this day. Looots of khazad guard.
actually, i got into the game before I watched the movies, but when i watched the movies they were amazing, still probably my favorite movies today. I only wished that dwarves had a bigger part, but now, almost 10 years later they finally do with the hobbit
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 Post subject: Re: What made you join lotr sbg/wotr
PostPosted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 6:50 am 
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When I was about 9 my father gave me a book with historical battles and rules for Wargaming and I began building an English army for the 100 years war, it wasn't long after that that other interests took over and I left the world of wargaming (despite the fact I no longer wargamed I've always been fascinated by history and anthropology and continued to read up on ancient peoples and new findings) until about 4 years ago when I started to look into Warhammer and Warhammer 40k as I had friends who played those systems. I never really latched onto them but when I read the rules for LOTR SBG I found I liked the way that it played out so I began to collect them just about seven months ago. I've been a fan of Tolkien sense I read the hobbit at back in 5th grade and all the pieces fell into place.

I know its a boring story but hey you asked. :razz:
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 Post subject: Re: What made you join lotr sbg/wotr
PostPosted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 8:14 am 
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I found Middle-earth in 1974. Then I found minis in 1983. The rest is just madness...

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A Note of Defiance
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 Post subject: Re: What made you join lotr sbg/wotr
PostPosted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 4:29 pm 
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Thanks to a geeky uncle, I've been involved in gaming in some form or another since I was 5 or 6 (admittedly those early days must have been like babysitting with D20's for my poor uncle, who somewhat accidentally introduced his 10 nieces and nephews to DnD at the time), so when The Fellowship of the Ring came out I was already an established Warhammer player and thought it looked like fun. My brother and I split the Fellowship boxed game and I've been keeping up with SBG ever since. Never caught on with WotR, but I think that's partly because I prefer to collect a bit of everything and partly because for such large battles I'd prefer smaller-scale figures.

Well, that's my 2 cents.
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 Post subject: Re: What made you join lotr sbg/wotr
PostPosted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 1:46 pm 
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I read the Hobbit when I was 8 and LOTR when I was 10 and got into Warhammer via that around 1993, played for the best part of 10 years before losing interest when I went to uni in 2002. As such, some of the last things I got were the original Fellowship releases with a plan to getting into LOTR that never materialised.

Real life then took over, moving out had a big impact on my painting & gaming space/time and I dropped out of the hobby for about 8 years. But then something happened that the One Ring Rulebook did not intend, it was picked up by the most unlikely creature imaginable - my wife. Whilst browsing the sale section of Hobbycraft she found the rulebook on sale for half price and uttered something like "Is this those figures you used to paint" and it brought back all the memories for me as I fondly flicked through its pages. Little did she know what she was letting herself in for, I bought the book and started reading ferociously on the journey home.

Next up came a trip to my parents' house where I dug around in dusty cupboards and under beds and was able to find the original Fellowship starter set, The original metal Fellowship, the Ambush at Amon Hen box set and the Mouth of Sauron, more than enough to be getting on with.

Fast forward 2 and a bit years and I'm more into it than I ever was as a teen, I've painted about 270 LOTR models in the last 2 years and have managed to accrue at least another 200 to work my way through. I've just returned from my second LOTR event at Warhammer World, have converted loads of friends into wargamers and am absolutely thrilled to have reconnected with the hobby I love so much.

But whenever I pick up a model or play a game, I stop and remind myself, it's all because of the Hobbycraft sale :-)

Finished 2nd in the 2014 GBHL. My Wife's so proud

Free SBG fanzine: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=29569
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 Post subject: Re: What made you join lotr sbg/wotr
PostPosted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 4:58 pm 
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" But then something happened that the One Ring Rulebook did not intend, it was picked up by the most unlikely creature imaginable - my wife."

That was awesome. 8) I am happily blessed with a wife that not only supports but encourages the hobby as well. They are better than a free point of Will per turn. :)

Wait ye the finish! The fight is not yours.
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 Post subject: Re: What made you join lotr sbg/wotr
PostPosted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 1:30 am 

Joined: Fri Jan 14, 2011 10:26 am
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What got me into SBG?

A love for all things Tolkien and the bargain introductory cost (24 minis for just 14.95€, the full metal Fellowship for just 34.95€, back in '02) - incidentally the same reasons for refusing to buy any of the new(er) stuff, the majority of which neither fits my own imagination of Tolkien's world aesthetically nor my notion of adequate pricing. 30€ for two and a half (!) hideous low-quality hobbit-sized minis? Riiiight... *pukes*

Long (wall of text incoming, ye be warned):
I first heard of Tolkien when I was in 5th grade in the mid-90s but didn't get to read LotR until 2000 when I stayed in the US for a year. I got it from the High School library two months after getting there. English not being my mother tongue, I just couldn't cope with its complexity and gave up before Bilbo even got to give his speech. :shock: Well, ten months and a lot of conversational experience later, I gave it another try and read the entire thing from cover to cover in four days. And then I started over. Then read the Hobbit. Then the Silmarillion. Then the Hobbit again. And since then I've read LotR and the Silmarillion at least once a year - it just never gets old!

Well, as you all know, about the time I started really getting into the matter, the first movie came along, and I LOVED it. Plot changes were tolerable and since Bombadil always struck me as odd, I didn't mind his exclusion all that much. :oops: Got both the regular and extended DVD on their respective release day.

Then, about a month or two before TTT hit the screens, I was shopping when I, by sheer concidence, noticed a large SBG poster pointing toward the local GW store. I knew about tabletops alright, but had never been into them before, but I decided to take a look. Long story short, I walked out that day with a pre-order of the TT starter box, a WD and the Fellowship and some hobby supplies. :-D

Value for money was stunning: loads of great minis, a full rule book with all the trimmings and even a limited Grima (which did turn out to get a regular release a few months later, but whatever... ^^) thrown in for good measure. Again, by sheer coincidence, I stumbled over BGiME and that was pure gold also. It all went from there really.

Unfortunately, things took a notable downturn later on: I actually despised the TT film for its stupid plot shenanigans (Elves at Helm's Deep, Éomer gets shafted, Faramir's a pr*ck, etc.) and was disappointed with RotK (ridiculous AotD cop-out at the Pelennor, 'Sauron the lighthouse', no Scouring, etc.), and while GW couldn't be blamed for that, it did have a notable negative impact on my motivation, having to face players who had no qualms about fielding forces that would make Tolkien spin in his grave!

Things were ok, though. Until the reboxing that is. That pretty much killed all business GW might have had from me dead then and there. One huge incentive to keep collecting, the great value for money, already diminished over the years by steep price hikes, was just gone. Now, with the Hobbit and its ludicrous introductory cost, the number of new players in my area has reached ZERO, which means I play a lot less than I used to: it gets old playing the same old, same old, again and again. It really makes me sad. Ah well, enough rambling. :-D

Rohan - as it should have been. A house rule project.
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 Post subject: Re: What made you join lotr sbg/wotr
PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 8:41 pm 
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Goodness, I remember being DRAGGED (literally) to go see FotR on the big screen. I despise fantasy (warhammer miniatures still make me cringe to this very day) but LOTR was in a completely different ballpark.

It was gritty, dark, rich with relatable characters, very little use of magic, epic battles, real emotion… I was hooked.

I found out about SBG when a GW store opened up about half hour away.

Seriously, who didn't walk out of that place with a MoM box-set?

“There's a savage beast in every man, and when you hand that man a sword or spear and send him forth to war, the beast stirs.”
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 Post subject: Re: What made you join lotr sbg/wotr
PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 8:53 pm 
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Armandhammer wrote:
I despise fantasy (warhammer miniatures still make me cringe to this very day) but LOTR was in a completely different ballpark.

I agree with you completely. The characters are so wierd and a bit silly IMO. Orcs with guns?

Anyway, who would take a sword when you could have a plasma gun??????!!!!

I really don't get Fantasy or 40K. A Modern Warfare game would be good, as would pretty much anything as long as it's kinda realistic. At least most of the LOTR characters are Humanoids and have weapons from the same era as each other in a game.

Sorry about that, any Fantasy or 40K lovers. Had to let it out sooneror later anyway.

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