SouthernDunedain wrote:
Getting better, what was the final result? Certainly a vast improvement on 8 hours haha. Proud of you

Thanks Southy!
Knighty brought 3 trolls, shadow lord and dwimmerlaik mounted and was allied to Ste's Uruk army borrowed from his son (can't remember exact numbers but Vrasku and crossbows, Lurtz and berserkers and a captain with shield Uruks supported by pikes.
I had standard 500pt grey company with arathorn and Halbarad and was allied with Hashut's 500 points of shield dwarves, led by Dain, Balin and Gimli.
It was lords of battle and I have to say I started the game quite worried!
But in the end quite a big victory for Pete and I, our main casualties being 4 of the RotN which of course we deployed piecemeal first (very very useful) as well Arathorn (who was black darted dead and the end of the game after an attempt to sap his will plus having to spend double might) A couple of dwarves got it too.
But with the main bulk of Uruks spending most of the game chasing down 2 rangers of the north and the trolls having to come a long way across the board, we were able to decimate all the beserkers before they reached our lines and much of the cross bowmen before balin's counter that finished them off. The death of these two warbands meant the enemy were broken. All the trolls suffered a few wounds once they were close, again because by now they were the only targets, even with the 6 to hit because of shadow lord. We managed to take one down after his unsuccessful hurling of a dwarf into a ranger which didn't kill them.
With the enemy broken, we rolled for the game to continue which it did for 3 turns at which point we agreed a final turn.
Another great night of sbg fun with some top lads!
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