Hey everyone, as I painted my MOM Gimli I decided to make him standing on a rock giving him a very striking pose imo (though he is still not finished)
However afterwards I realized that by doing so it has caused some problems....
So here is my question- When trying to hide behind a stone wall (as in the picture) should I ignore the base and just use the models normal height, because in real life he wouldn't drag the boulder around with him. For instance Gimli and goblins normally can use the stone wall as cover to prevent enemies from shooting at them (the warrior of Rohan cannot unless he lays down), but since I added the rock to Gimli's base he is visible to enemy archers.
Also would I use his elevated Line Of Sight when targeting enemies. I ask this because imo someone could easily elevate every archer in his army and therefore legally fire at enemies in front of allies because their allies are no longer blocking their LOS.
Sorry if that was confusing..... hopefully the pics will help explain my first question
The goblin is beneath the arrow
Gimli is standing exactly where the goblin was but is now visible to enemy archers and spellcasters