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 Post subject: Re: Green Dragon Games
PostPosted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 1:18 pm 
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Wahoooo, fame!

Would appreciate one ringer feedback so if you haven't already, get signed up for green dragon's newsletter, give the article a read and let me know what you think :oops:

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 Post subject: Re: Green Dragon Games
PostPosted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 1:26 pm 
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Sorry to everyone about the duff version going out before the real one, that was our scribble pad where we jot down ideas - somehow emailed out! The shiney real version is out there now and I started a new thread under the news forum on here just as a sort of press release and invitation for everyone's thoughts and comments :)

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 Post subject: Re: Green Dragon Games
PostPosted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 6:22 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior

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I have send GW an email about the miniatures that were suddenly direct only. They have send me an email back:

Thanks for the email, we apologise for the extended time it has taken for us to answer your email, we have have seen a increase in the number of calls and emails over the Tau release period and are currently working through our emails.

Which retailer were you ordering from? Our retails also have access to our direct range so they should be able to order the product for you, if they speak to their trade representative they should be able to help them with their direct through trade account. Alternatively we do ship to the Netherlands ourselves, as such you should be able to order the item through the Games Workshop website.

We hope this helps and look forward to hearing back from you.
Kyle Workman

They replied really late, almost a week after my email.
I haven't replied to them yet. But they said that it is possible for you to order direct only miniatures.

Anyway, I received my package today, the envelop was damaged, but the contents where fine.
I highly recommend GDG.
I am saving some more money for a next order!
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 Post subject: Re: Green Dragon Games
PostPosted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 6:27 pm 
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Sorry to hear about the damaged package Imrail, Royal Mail standards have been slipping lately, I assume it was from them! Price rises and slipping standard - sounds familiar huh?

Anyway, I'm shocked that GW are hinting at trying to put the blame back on me, they make a huge fuss when we try to order anything that is "direct only", repeatedly removing it from our orders to the extent that I've had to set up a PERSONAL account on GW website and order as if I was an average customer rather than a retailer. This is the process I've had to go through to acquire direct only items. As such it is much easier for you to order it yourself from their site. Why do they make things direct only? I'm really not sure but we'll do our best to serve you the products that they do leave on the order sheets.

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 Post subject: Re: Green Dragon Games
PostPosted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 7:49 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior

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I don't blame you for it, I know how weird GW can be.
So far the service from you was excellent :)
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 Post subject: Re: Green Dragon Games
PostPosted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 6:59 am 
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Thank you, really appreciate it! It keeps the food on the table and its the best job in the world :)

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 Post subject: Re: Green Dragon Games
PostPosted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 9:18 am 
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Eagles and Trolls arrived safely and promptly on Tuesday, very impressed again to get delivery in 4 working days whilst using the free shipping code - great service as always GD!

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 Post subject: Re: Green Dragon Games
PostPosted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 6:23 pm 
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Thank you for your feedback, I'm always happy to hear a satisfied customer. Also.. I have news to share with the forum! (Good and Bad)

BAD NEWS: Unfortunately, due to Royal Mail and our chosen couriers raising their prices, it is no longer viable to do free shipping over £40. As of this Sunday (28th April 2013) we are forced to raise our free shipping barrier to £50 minimum spend. We apologize that this is the case and will honor all orders between now and Sunday at the old free shipping level.

GOOD NEWS: Green Dragon Games turns one at the end of May! Look out for the May newsletter in the coming week for full details. We are planning a few awesome stunts and celebrations that customers will love. We'll be rewarding our most loyal customers too.

Pre-Orders for the new stuff will be up late Friday night with 10-20% off RRP as usual :)

I'm working on May's newsletter now, if you have anything you'd like to submit and share with the world fire away A.S.A.P. This weekend I'll be putting it all in place. We have over a hundred subscribers now so its a keen audience of avid readers.

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 Post subject: Re: Green Dragon Games
PostPosted: Sat Apr 27, 2013 2:50 pm 
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We love our customers, thanks to continued support we've decided to do an about face on the free shipping limit and it will now remain at free U.K shipping over £40. Thanks everyone for supporting Green Dragon Games.

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 Post subject: May Newsletter (ft. Arkenstone & Thermo)
PostPosted: Sun May 05, 2013 2:37 pm 
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Hello Forum,

Now that we've nailed down the format and ironed out the problems. I'm proud to announce the release of the Green Dragon May 2013 Newsletter. Just briefly i'll bullet point the articles to look out for;

- Arkenstone reviews The Rivendell Knights & The Three Trolls (very good read, I recommend it)
- A look back at our first year in business, how did we cope with such a rocky and unstable industry?
- Thermo does part 2 of his article Hobby: An Unexpected Journey (just waiting for that one so watch this thread and i'll update everyone - well worth a read)
- Article, "Why do we love wargaming?" from last year
- Project Log: Hobbit Escape Goblin Town
- News on Warhammer High Elves
- For the keen eyed readers there are FOUR special offers in there to celebrate our first year.


I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the one-ring community. You guys have been very kind and supportive and yes, I am a hobbyist and a retailer and it can be a difficult balance to achieve. I mentioned the forum in the newsletter and I fully support it as much as I can. You guys have restored my faith in the hobby when times were bad and your painting challenge and all-round helpfulness has helped spur me on and focus on the task at hand. I only hope that I can continue to support you back by producing good reads like this newsletter and by doing what I can to help with sourcing those products.

Thank you one-ring and enjoy the newsletter! I'm very sure that Arkenstone and Thermo would be incredibly greatful for feedback comments on this thread and I thank them for taking the time to write the pieces that they do for us. Very handy.

EDIT: Not sure which forum this belongs in, please feel free to move it if its a problem. Thank you :)

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 Post subject: Re: Green Dragon Games
PostPosted: Tue May 07, 2013 9:53 pm 
Elven Elder
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Thank thou so much for taking an interest in middle-earth unlike WD. I will endeavour to read your newsletters when I can 8)

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 Post subject: Re: Green Dragon Games
PostPosted: Wed May 08, 2013 5:04 pm 
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Thank you Gothmog, the feedback helps :) I know it isn't exactly a huge 400 page physical magazine but its something. How WD can have "The Hobbit" written on their front cover I have no idea...

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 Post subject: Re: Green Dragon Games
PostPosted: Fri May 10, 2013 4:53 pm 
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Part Two of The Hobby: An Unexpected Journey is up. Keeping in theme with the rest of the newsletter, you lot all got a mention and its a VERY good read! I am inspired to crack out my old High Elves from their 2 year stasis this weekend and give 'em a dust of paint.


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 Post subject: Re: Green Dragon Games
PostPosted: Thu May 16, 2013 1:56 pm 
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Did we get any feedback for the article this time around? :)

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 Post subject: Re: Green Dragon Games
PostPosted: Thu May 16, 2013 5:07 pm 
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I've only had 1 email in so far, not much feedback but 118 times read which is quite good. More feedback from the forum would be very much appreciated! The messages as follows (name redacted at reqeust)

"Thats an awesome read, thank you for that :) please pass on my compliments to the chef its inspired me to pick up the brush once more"

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 Post subject: Re: Green Dragon Games
PostPosted: Sat May 25, 2013 4:55 pm 
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Just pasting over the blurb from our home page regarding the new releases :-)

NEW! JUNE 2013 PRE-ORDERS - Brand new Eldar, Space Marine, Necron and Chaos Space Marine Models, plus Black Library new releases
Check out the huge range of brand new Eldar releases this month! Also on offer are new bike squads from Space Marines and Chaos Space Marines, and Necron Destroyers. Why not add a great new force to your army, or begin anew in the galaxy with the fearsome Eldar? In addition to all of this, lose yourself in the new Black Library releases - plenty for Science-Fiction and Fantasy lovers alike.


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 Post subject: Re: Green Dragon Games
PostPosted: Sat May 25, 2013 5:13 pm 
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You stocking Vallejo game colour yet Steve?

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 Post subject: Re: Green Dragon Games
PostPosted: Sun May 26, 2013 10:31 am 
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Currently limited access, working on what is available and hope to have an update when our Flames of War range goes live - at the moment the only one I have access to is this paint set ... oryID=2485 which are Vallejo rebranded (not quite the vallejo range I know) - workin on it!

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 Post subject: Re: Green Dragon Games
PostPosted: Sun May 26, 2013 10:37 am 
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I've found a set of all 95 Vallejo game colour paints for £189.00 and am considering buying them. What are your thoughts ? is the price fair?

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 Post subject: Re: Green Dragon Games
PostPosted: Sun May 26, 2013 2:06 pm 
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That certainly seems fair, if I were in a position to beat that you know I would! :) Unfortunately, I cannot.. Also on a side note "no commission slots at this time" !! Congrats DMS keep up the good work :)

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