I don't want to be too harsh or demoralize you...but this isn't NMM! I know it's your first attempt, but this technique ist incredibly difficult and you have to be able to paint perfect blendings with loads of contrast. From the cloth and the skin, you are not able to do this at this moment. I would suggest to focus on painting perfect transitions first which is the clue for the effect to work, otherwise it looks more like brown/yellow/grey.
There are many great examples on CMOn where you also can find tutorials on this topic. Print out some of these pictures and try to copy the effect as closely as possible. After some miniatures you will start to understand how to put highlights and shadows, finding the right amount of contrast and enough smoothness for it to work!
Again, I really don't want to hurt your feelings or anything...but give you realistic feedback. I hope you understand this

I also tried NMM for quite some time, but I was never happy with my results, as it never looked very convincing compared to the pro painter's miniatures. Therefore I stick to 'true-metallic' which is hard enough to paint in a good way

If you are motivated and comitted and want to spend hours and hours of blending on a piece of armor or a sword you can master this technique. Keep it up!