Gah, long time since an update, suffice to say I have not been prolific...
Firstly, thanks as always for all the kind comments, glad you guys seem to like the stuff I'm working on.
@BillFerny - Thanks, it's not quite as pink as it looks in those pics but I wanted to paint the skin slightly differently on my elites. All my bog-standard warriors just get a Dark Flesh highlight, the Beserkers get a bright red highlight that's meant to look vaguely bloody and the Ferals get this slightly pinky tone. I think it helps differentiate them on the table whilst maintaining a cohseive appearance to the army. Only frustrating thing is that it's a mix of Dwarf Flesh and Dark Flesh so when you're painting a big batch like this you have to keep mixing up more paint!
@Grungehog - In that picture it is an all metal army, I've got plenty of plastic Warg Riders, warriors and scouts but everything I took to that tournament was metal - I must say I thought It looked nice on the table.
Anyhoo, onto the promised crossbowmen, well, they've taken me 3 weeks in total but they're finally done

They certainly took longer than I'd hoped (at my normal rate a batch like this would take me about 2 weeks) but I can only put that down to things. 1) The weather's been so magnificent here in Blighty that it's hard to justify sitting inside painting when you could be out enjoying the sun 2) I got absolutely no enjoyment whatsoever out of painting these figures

I needed them done to give me the maximum choice at 1000 points but, having painted 11 crossbowmen already, I found this an utterly dull and depressing set of figures to work through. It was definitely an obligation to backlog clearing rather than a desire to get them finished. Ultimately I'm happy with them, they look perfectly fine for bog-standard troops but I'm very much relieved to get them done.
I've started on my next batch already, much more excited about these, in light of this month's 'White' painting challenge I jumped over my final batch of Ferals/Beserkers and got this eclectic group cleaned up:

I must admit, the White challenge was just a nice incentive to skip the elites as after the last few weeks I wasn't keen to slog through more troops, these four should be a much more enjoyable experience. I potentially need Saruman on horse for a tournament at the end of August and Sharky was added in as another potential entry for this month's painting competition. I had Ugluk lying around and, whilst I painted up a version of him about 2 years ago, my Uruk painting style has come on a long way since then and I think I can do better. I'm hoping to paint him to the same style/quality as my new Lurtz above. Finally, the Rider of Rohan has been lying around undercoated for ages, I won him in an ebay bundle deal a while back and he was cleaned up to be painted alongside Eomer back in June but I ran out of time. This just seemed like a good chance to slip him in and get him done, I also think it's handy to have a couple of similar models on the go so you can let the paint dry on 1 whilst moving onto the next so he's also there to help painting Saruman's horse.
I'm genuinely excited to be painting these guys which is a very nice feeling after the last few weeks. However, I'm going on holiday in about a week's time so I doubt I'll get them finished before then, I'll post a WIP pic before I go to show my progress but probably won't have them finished until mid-August, ah well, until then my friends!
P.S. If anyone was interested in seeing how my army got on at the East Grinstead tourney my report is over here:
Finished 2nd in the 2014 GBHL. My Wife's so proud
Free SBG fanzine: